Package zope :: Package testing :: Module doctest :: Class DocTestFinder
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Class DocTestFinder

A class used to extract the DocTests that are relevant to a given object, from its docstring and the docstrings of its contained objects. Doctests can currently be extracted from the following object types: modules, functions, classes, methods, staticmethods, classmethods, and properties.

Method Summary
  __init__(self, verbose, parser, recurse, _namefilter, exclude_empty)
Create a new doctest finder.
  find(self, obj, name, module, globs, extraglobs)
Return a list of the DocTests that are defined by the given object's docstring, or by any of its contained objects' docstrings.
  _filter(self, obj, prefix, base)
Return true if the given object should not be examined.
  _find(self, tests, obj, name, module, source_lines, globs, seen)
Find tests for the given object and any contained objects, and add them to tests.
  _find_lineno(self, obj, source_lines)
Return a line number of the given object's docstring.
  _from_module(self, module, object)
Return true if the given object is defined in the given module.
  _get_test(self, obj, name, module, globs, source_lines)
Return a DocTest for the given object, if it defines a docstring; otherwise, return None.

Method Details

__init__(self, verbose=False, parser=<zope.testing.doctest.DocTestParser instance at 0xb5f0018c>, recurse=True, _namefilter=None, exclude_empty=True)

Create a new doctest finder.

The optional argument parser specifies a class or function that should be used to create new DocTest objects (or objects that implement the same interface as DocTest). The signature for this factory function should match the signature of the DocTest constructor.

If the optional argument recurse is false, then find will only examine the given object, and not any contained objects.

If the optional argument exclude_empty is false, then find will include tests for objects with empty docstrings.

find(self, obj, name=None, module=None, globs=None, extraglobs=None)

Return a list of the DocTests that are defined by the given object's docstring, or by any of its contained objects' docstrings.

The optional parameter module is the module that contains the given object. If the module is not specified or is None, then the test finder will attempt to automatically determine the correct module. The object's module is used:

  • As a default namespace, if globs is not specified.
  • To prevent the DocTestFinder from extracting DocTests from objects that are imported from other modules.
  • To find the name of the file containing the object.
  • To help find the line number of the object within its file.

Contained objects whose module does not match module are ignored.

If module is False, no attempt to find the module will be made. This is obscure, of use mostly in tests: if module is False, or is None but cannot be found automatically, then all objects are considered to belong to the (non-existent) module, so all contained objects will (recursively) be searched for doctests.

The globals for each DocTest is formed by combining globs and extraglobs (bindings in extraglobs override bindings in globs). A new copy of the globals dictionary is created for each DocTest. If globs is not specified, then it defaults to the module's __dict__, if specified, or {} otherwise. If extraglobs is not specified, then it defaults to {}.

_filter(self, obj, prefix, base)

Return true if the given object should not be examined.

_find(self, tests, obj, name, module, source_lines, globs, seen)

Find tests for the given object and any contained objects, and add them to tests.

_find_lineno(self, obj, source_lines)

Return a line number of the given object's docstring. Note: this method assumes that the object has a docstring.

_from_module(self, module, object)

Return true if the given object is defined in the given module.

_get_test(self, obj, name, module, globs, source_lines)

Return a DocTest for the given object, if it defines a docstring; otherwise, return None.

Generated by Epydoc 2.1 on Fri Jun 24 12:01:19 2005