Package zope :: Package i18n :: Package interfaces :: Module locales
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Module zope.i18n.interfaces.locales

Interfaces related to Locales

$Id:,v 1.2 2005/06/24 16:52:33 nyergler Exp $
IAttributeInheritance Provides inheritance properties for attributes
IDictionaryInheritance Provides inheritance properties for dictionary keys
ILocale This class contains all important information about the locale.
ILocaleCalendar There is a massive amount of information contained in the calendar, which made it attractive to be added.
ILocaleCurrency Defines a particular currency.
ILocaleDates This object contains various data about dates, times and time zones.
ILocaleDisplayNames Localized Names of common text strings.
ILocaleFormat Specifies a format for a particular type of data.
ILocaleFormatLength The format length describes a class of formats.
ILocaleIdentity Identity information class for ILocale objects.
ILocaleInheritance Locale inheritance support.
ILocaleNumbers This object contains various data about numbers and currencies.
ILocaleOrientation Information about the orientation of text.
ILocaleProvider This interface is our connection to the Zope 3 service.
ILocaleTimeZone Represents and defines various timezone information.
ILocaleVersion Represents the version of a locale.

Variable Summary
list _orientations = [u'left-to-right', u'right-to-left', u't...

Variable Details


[u'left-to-right', u'right-to-left', u'top-to-bottom', u'bottom-to-top\

Generated by Epydoc 2.1 on Fri Jun 24 12:01:24 2005