Wednesday, 2006-10-11

cchelpbotNOTICE: cron Wed Oct 11 00:00:13 UTC 2006: made new cchost snapshots :
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tannewtrejon, any reason mixter files are in cctools subversion?03:59
rejonyeah, becuase they are used for ccmixter04:02
rejonthey don't do anything04:02
rejonok, need to rest my eyes04:02
tannewtsleep well rejon04:03
rejonnot sleep, just rest my eyes04:03
tannewtenjoy that then04:03
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tannewtrejon, still resting your eyes?07:31
rejonyeah, about ready to really rest them (sleep)07:31
rejonI'll get you back in the am07:33
rejonemail me otherwise07:33
tannewtalright cheers07:33
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cchelpbotNOTICE: cron Wed Oct 11 08:00:23 UTC 2006: made new cchost snapshots :
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cchelpbotNew news from Epiphany CC Extension <>09:22
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rejondon't forget your nodes17:23
rejonI went to the doctor and I found I had nodes17:23
rejonYou know what we need more of....17:23
rejonwe need more nodes17:23
rejonI have about 2000 nodes in my todo list17:24
rejonbecause you know, everything is a node17:24
rejonnode = hobbit?17:24
bovinityi dont knode.17:24
rejonwait, I believe in gnode17:24
rejonbut I wanted to make an X version, so xnode17:25
rejongoogle should rename SoC to summer of nodes17:25
rejonman, I'm the biggest screen command convert btw17:28
rejonscreen rules the planet17:28
rejonone of the summer of code projects for X is to make an xscreen app17:29
paulproteusSet your users' shell to screen, then spy on them with "screen -x".17:29
paulproteusOMG for real, rejon!?17:29
paulproteusI've been dreaming of that for ages.17:29
rejontotally smart right17:29
rejonso basically, when you X crashes, your apps are still purring along17:29
paulproteusJust hooking screen to gnome-terminal shouldn't be all that hard.17:29
paulproteusFile -> Save to a Screen (and keep running) in gnome-terminal.17:29
paulproteusAnd then being able to use local widgets for a remote screen.17:29
paulproteusBTW, Google API is giving me HTTP error 502 all over.17:30
rejoncool because you could just move your gui from system to system17:30
paulproteusPrecisely.  Just have the UI do calls to the screen socket over SSH, and then you can get local low-latency scrollbars for remote programs even on high-latency links (since the scrollback data will presumably be cached).17:31
rejondid you guys sort out new host?17:32
rejonI think ibiblio17:32
rejonthey are pretty active17:32
rejonand I'm an dev. on their project17:32
paulproteusDo you know why mlinksva suggests not ibiblio?17:32
rejonmlinksva: ?17:32 needs a new host17:32
paulproteusThat much is clear.17:32
rejonosuosl is booked up on hosting17:32
rejonyeah, FC.o has been offline for 3 days now...gotta get that moved17:33
paulproteusIt's more than 3.17:33
paulproteusBut yeah.17:33
mlinksvathe cc jurisdiction and icommons sites that have or do use ibiblio have had various problems, including the db being down and machines being really slow, but much of it can probably be attributed to the inexperience of the people attempting to maintain the sites17:34
mlinksvafeel free to try them17:34
mlinksvaif i were doing it i'd probably just go with dreamhost or similar super cheap but reliable commercial provider17:35
rejonpaulproteus: I emailed bryce and kees about good ideas for hosting17:35
rejonyeah, are there resources for FC.o?17:35
mlinksvabut maybe zero cost means much lower headaches for FC...17:35
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rejonHi tannewt17:35
tannewthi rejon17:35
tannewtrejon, whats the process for adding ogg theora support including thumbnails?17:36
rejonthere are a couple of procedures17:36
rejonif you want deeper metadata support, this might already be supported by, the php app we use for metadata17:37
rejonhowever, we now have support for non-getid3 file uploading17:37
rejonand recognizing magic bytes of various file types17:37
tannewtcan I write something to process the files?17:37
rejonthis is something we need to add a hook in17:38
rejonso we can check the files, etc17:38
rejonpurify them17:38
tannewtI've got it running off of svn17:38
rejonlooks like the magic for ogg is: OggS17:39
rejonon many systems you can find /etc/mime-magic17:39
rejonor /etc/gnome-vfs-mime-magic17:39
tannewtIdeally it'd process annodex files though17:39
paulproteusrejon, How do you know about the X screen SoC thing?17:39
rejonread about on Google SoC page17:40
paulproteus! monia.wordpress.com17:41
paulproteusThis thing is only for local screens, apparently.17:42
rejontannewt: can you ask on the list about these bigger questions...I'm focusing on some other tasks right...i need to dig through the code for you17:42
rejonoh, still good17:42
rejontannewt: i need to work on something similar17:42
paulproteusmlinksva, I'm trying to test stats on apps right now, but I'm going to wait until Google's API calms down, hopefully later tonight.17:43
tannewtrejon, sure I'll post to the list, I was thinking of using gstreamer for pulling video thumbnails and cmml so I just need bindings17:44
rejonit would be worth checking out in gconf-editor17:45
rejonthe diff. thumbnailing apps that nautilus uses17:45
rejonI think that cchost should support the freedesktop thumbnail spec17:45
rejonI want to get really good abstraction of thumbnails17:45
tannewtrejon, you are thinking about a mass import too right?17:46
rejonthere are scripts for this17:46
rejonman, what would be really helpful is if you would file these on cctools17:47
rejonas feature requests and/or add to the current ones with what you are thinking17:47
rejonwe need to consolidate our thoughts17:47
rejonand then divide and conquer17:47
rejonalso, an email pointing to these would really help17:47
rejoni feel like we are tracking too many things in our heads17:47
rejon(at least I am ;)17:47
tannewtwell, I'm willing to lay down the code, I just need to find the appropriate bindings17:48
tannewtI will post to the list too though17:48
rejondo you have an account with cctools on
tannewtthe list or a sf account?17:49
rejonsf account17:49
rejonWe try to get devs. to contribute one patch and then after we accept, then give a developer full access as a developer to SVN commit, etc17:49
tannewtyeah I have a sf account already17:50
rejonI mean access to our project17:51
tannewtah, full access to svn?17:52
tannewtno I don't17:52
rejonso, whenever you contribute a patch, just ping here or the cc-devel or cctools-cchost list and one of us will review, commit and hook you up with an account...17:52
rejonit doesn't have to be a monster patch17:52
rejonjust some feature17:52
rejonor some fixes17:52
rejonor a translation17:53
rejonjust post to the patch tracker17:53
tannewtalright but where can I find the information on how to add a filter?17:53
tannewtshould I post for advice on the list?17:53
rejonone second...let me look at that code17:53
tannewtis there anyway to add thumbnails or are they flat out not supported yet?17:54
rejonno, they are supported17:55
rejonbut for bitmap images only at this point17:55
tannewtnot jpeg or png?17:55
rejonso, for the filters17:55
paulproteustannewt, bitmap as compared to vector.17:55
rejonin cclib/cc-uploadapi.php17:55
tannewtah alright17:55
rejonin the class CCUploadAPI17:56
rejonthere is both postprocess upload and preprocess17:56
rejonbut cchost is event based17:56
rejonso you can just create a new class17:56
rejonor something17:57
rejonand have it watch the event:17:57
rejonand then have its way when a file is uploaded17:57
tannewtshould the class be specific to the file type?17:57
rejonCCEvents::AddHandler(CC_EVENT_UPLOAD_FILES,   array( 'CLASS_NAME', 'METHOD_NAME_CALLBACK'));17:59
rejonI would make a generic filter class17:59
rejonand then extend it with per file type17:59
rejonI would add the generic in cclib17:59
rejonand the per-file-type in ccextras17:59
rejonI would however emai the list first17:59
tannewthmm, alright17:59
rejonI'm not sure what victor is working on right now17:59
tannewtokay will do17:59
rejonso better to not cross feet18:00
rejonplus, half the time when someone emails, the code might be implemented and sitting on his computer, or he will just do it for you18:00
rejonits pretty easy though with the event mechanism to add18:00
rejonso, I would 1.) add up to cctools, 2.) email the list with the URLs to feature requests 3.) have fun! 4.) submit a patch 5.) I give you dev. level access 6.) we have party18:01
tannewtadd up to cctools?18:06
rejonto the feature requests (RFE)18:06
rejonthey might already exists18:07
rejonso can add comments18:07
tannewtah ok18:07
rejonflesh out18:07
rejonits good to go through IMO...helps to firm up plans18:07
mlinksvapaulproteus, thanks for the stats update18:11
rejonlike my topic in #icommons18:19
rejonso, basically, looks like we need to abstract the cc-renderimage.php, cc-renderflash.php, cc-renderaudio.php in cclib18:20
rejonfor thumbnails tannewt18:20
rejonwe need cc-render.php18:21
rejonthen extend those classes and move over similar methods18:21
tannewtclass time, bye18:22
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rejondude, psychic mode on gaim is so cool18:22
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rejonpaulproteus: gaim 2.0.0 has a mode called psychic that opens up a chat window when someone starts typing or opens your name for you can know the IM is coming...18:36
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paulproteus#joiito mentions
paulproteusCNN's web site - "The FBI has told the BBC that there is no indication that the crash is terrorism-related."19:18
paulproteusEr, s/CNN's web site//19:18
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tannewtrejon, does cchost load exif data?19:50
rejonnot yet19:50
rejonwant to19:50
tannewtrejon, is there a feature request for it?19:52
rejonnot ye19:52
rejonplz file19:52
tannewtokay will do19:52
tannewtrejon, does it do thumbnails for anything yet?19:54
rejonbitmap images19:57
rejoncould you add my thoughts to the RFE19:57
rejonabout cc-render.php abstraction19:57
rejonman, I hope this thing in NYC isn't terrorism19:57
tannewtokay sweet19:59
tannewtrejon, it didn't do a thumbnail,
rejondid you enable thumbnails in the admin menu?20:09
tannewthaha, no20:09
tannewtwhere would I find that option?20:10
tannewtnvm, found it20:10
tannewtthanks rejon, bye20:16
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cchelpbotNew news from Gnome Integration <>23:06
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