Friday, 2008-08-22

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paulproteusnkinkade, Yo from the couch room.01:22
nkinkadepaulproteus: I figured you were still here.01:23
* paulproteus nods01:24
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zorglu_q. i start seeing software released under CC, before creative common was discouraging this. has this changed ?08:02
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Sirtashi, where could i find something about what is NonCommercial. e.g. if i want to play cc music on an event but it is only for NonCommercial use, is it allowed to play it? e.g. if nobody has to pay for this event? but maybe i sell some drinks to pay the location and stuff? Is this NonCommercial use?08:52
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zorglu_q. i start seeing software released under CC, before creative common was discouraging this. has this changed ?09:47
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zorglu_q. i start seeing software released under CC, before creative common was discouraging this. has this changed ?13:12
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paulproteusnathany, So you're in the office, that email means?16:05
nathanypaulproteus: yup16:05
paulproteusI was slightly afraid that email was you taunting me from a kitchen in Indiana.16:06
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mecredisBovinity: there?17:23
Bovinitymecredis: hai17:23
mecredisremember when I was bugging you or maybe nkinkade about doing category stuff with wp17:23
mecredisI think I killed the file I saved the code in17:24
mecredisits a little php check17:24
mecredisjust fiddling with it agai17:24
mecrediswill bug you if I don't figure it out17:24
paulproteusvar in_string = "<span id=\"cc_js_generated_box\">\n<div id=\"cc_js_lic-menu\">\n\n  <div id=\"cc_js_want_cc_license_at_all\">$17:27
paulproteushtml2dom.getDOM(in_string, 'cc_js_widget_replaceme');17:27
paulproteusvar in_string is the full HTML thingamajig that gets jammed in there.17:27
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LukeFrhi. I have a quick question to ask relating to the use of a CC-licensed photograph in a magazine I write for. I have been through the FAQ. I basically need to know how to attribute it correctly.17:39
LukeFrIs it OK to just say, for example, "Photograph by <name>, CC BY 2.0." or must there be more than that?17:40
BovinityLukeFr: if possible, try to include the url for the image17:46
LukeFrBovinity: Thanks. Is it not imperative to have a link to the license?17:47
BovinityLukeFr: both urls is better, but if space is limited it's more imperative to have a link to the resource. imo.17:48
LukeFrthe designer of the magazine wants as little text as possible. I know generally a link should be included to the license, but I noticed some sites will just say like "CC BY" with no license link.17:49
LukeFrBovinity: thanks for the advice.17:57
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paulproteuspaulproteus@a5:~$ netstat -n |grep tcp | grep -v 127 | awk '{print $5}' | sed 's/:.*//' | sort | uniq > /tmp/uniq18:05
paulproteuspaulproteus@a5:~$ wc -l /tmp/uniq18:05
paulproteus3616 /tmp/uniq18:05
paulproteus3616 unique IPs connected right now.18:05
greg-gdid someone ping me, I don't have all the scrollbacka nd don't want to read the logs18:11
nathanycurrybot: list18:16
greg-goh no18:17
greg-ghi from Minneapolis18:17
paulproteusnathany, I had to kill currybot; it was using up all the disk I/O on a5.18:18
nathanyfair enough18:18
nathany(i think it was checking the menu like every 5 minutes)18:18
paulproteusIt was writing a long, long post about how awesome the baingan bharta was.18:18
paulproteusIt just couldn't stop.18:18
Bovinity /dev/curry0 overflow18:19
paulproteuslp0: curry on fire18:19
Bovinity /proc/sys/naan: Burnt18:19
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paulproteusnkinkade, nathany, Bovinity, What's a good way to test on IE 'round these parts?18:29
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paulproteusnkinkade, Can I X-forward VMWare from your laptop maybe?18:30
Bovinitypaulproteus: PC in the orange room18:30
nathanyor the windoze machine in accounting18:30
nkinkadepaulproteus:  You might be able to, but it requires root privs to run.18:30
paulproteusBovinity, Duh, thanks.18:30
nkinkadeI need to recompile the vmware drivers.18:30
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hdworakhi :)18:32
paulproteusHowdy hdworak.18:33
hdworakwhat's up?18:34
hdworakI'm learning how to use i18n and l10n in Pylons+Genshi (using Babel)18:34
hdworakso far, so good, I'm going through the tutorial18:35
paulproteusOh, hey there ankitg.18:35
paulproteusThis time zone thing must really bother you.18:35
paulproteusI sleep right through your waking hours.18:35
ankitgit would work just fine if the classes weren't on ... school work >.>18:37
* paulproteus nods18:39
nkinkadepaulproteus: What's the status of 3.0 licenses for Croatia in jsWidget?19:21
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zirpuis there a cc-like license for technical inventions?  ie. something that is good for preventing patents, and putting an invention the public domain with a CC-like license?20:01
greg-gzirpu: correct me if I'm wrong (IANAL nor do I know much about the patent process) but doesn't publishing the idea/schematics/whatever under a free license prevent others from patenting in the first place?20:04
greg-gjust publishing it widely under your name means no one can patent it (or if they do you could invalidate the patent through the appropriate process)20:04
greg-gis this correct?20:05
greg-gif so, then any CC license will work.20:05
zirpugreg-g: i'm not sure. that's why i'm asking before doing the research.20:07
zirpui wanted to know if it had already been done.20:07
zirpui do agree that the prior art aspect probably protects it, but i'm no lawyer. :-\20:07
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greg-gnkinkade: I think there is an issue with Jen's blog post:
greg-gnkinkade: it looks fine on the front page20:30
Bovinitylooking at it20:30
Bovinityit's pulling in the wrong content20:31
greg-gthe rss feed pulled in the correct content20:31
Bovinityah, wrong categorisation20:32
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ThedjatclubrockCan I use the GNU content (Logos) under CC-By-SA as long as I attribute them to the FSF?22:48
nkinkadeThedjatclubrock: What license are those logos under?22:50
Thedjatclubrocknkinkade: Not a CC, it is a custom one22:56
nkinkadeThedjatclubrock: I suppose whether or not you could relicense and adaptation them under a BY-SA license would totally depend on that custom license.22:57
Thedjatclubrocknkinkade: Copyright © 2006, 2007, 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.22:58
ThedjatclubrockVerbatim copying and distribution of site content permitted worldwide, without royalty, in22:58
nkinkade(sorry, that was a little confused, but hopefully intelligible)22:58
Thedjatclubrockany medium, provided this notice, and the copyright notice, are preserved.22:58
nkinkadeI would guess that if only verbatim copying is allowed that you cannot re-license them.22:58
* Thedjatclubrock needs to use the logo.22:59
nkinkadeIt seems to me that the only situation that re-licensing even makes sense is for derivative works.22:59
* Thedjatclubrock might need to claim "Fair Use"22:59
Thedjatclubrocknkinkade: I meant to verify that...22:59
nkinkadeFor example, something under a CC BY-ND or BY-NC-ND cannot be re-licensed.22:59
Thedjatclubrocknkinkade: I'd like to add the logos to another document22:59
nkinkade... because they don't allow for derivative works in the first place.23:00
Thedjatclubrocknkinkade: Meh23:00
Thedjatclubrocknkinkade: I think all free software kogos should be -by and GFDL duled23:00
nkinkadeThedjatclubrock: I don't know about this other license, but why is it necessary to re-license those logos?23:01
nkinkadeCan't you just license your original work under a CC license and then specify that those logos are under some other license and attribute them properly?23:01
nkinkadeI don't know about that one, but CC ND licenses make a distinction between a "collection" and an "adaptation"23:02
Thedjatclubrocknkinkade: So I can say in the doc. (C) yr...... Released under .... except .... which is under ....23:03
nkinkadeThedjatclubrock: I'm not saying you can necessarily do that, but you might be able to.23:04
nkinkadeFor example, at the CC site, look at the license information at the bottom of the front page: http://creativecommons.org23:05
Thedjatclubrocknkinkade: Alright, if I need to use the CC Logo, how can I point to it on a piece of paper...23:05
Thedjatclubrocknkinkade: Do I need to ND it if it uses other stuffs23:07
nkinkadeThere are also print-quality images here:
nkinkadeThedjatclubrock: I'm not sure I know what you mean.23:07
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Thedjatclubrocknkinkade: Can I say, "GNU Head logo used under Fair Use. Please note we are not endorsed by the FSF"23:09
nkinkadeThedjatclubrock: I can't give you authorization to do anything like that.23:10
Thedjatclubrocknkinkade: I am aware :/23:11
nkinkadeI would suggest that you try to find some logos that are less encumbered, if possible.23:11
nkinkadeWe can talk about what may or may not be possible, but CC can't give legal advice, and in the end you'll have to be the one to decide if your use is permitted or not.23:12
nkinkadeSorry I can't be more precise.23:12
nkinkadeSpeaking purely hypothetically and knowing nothing about this other license, there is a chance that you could simply attribute those other logos properly and specify that unless otherwise noted the work is under such and such CC license.23:13
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Thedjatclubrocknkinkade: Can I use the CC logo for the poster>23:51
nkinkadeThedjatclubrock: You can use the CC logos and icons as long as you follow our policies:

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