Monday, 2008-08-11

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ftobiapaulproteus: ping.01:47
ftobiacurrybot: list01:50
currybot(1) PANEER BHURJI (Today’s Special!!!)01:50
currybot(2) DIWANI HANDI (Fresh vegetables cooked in red onions, ginger, garlic, and tomato curry)01:50
currybot(3) ELAICHI MURGA (Boneless chicken cubes cooked in cardamom flavored curry sauce)01:50
currybot(4) Couldn't parse (NONE)01:50
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paulproteusftobia, hi02:49
paulproteusftobia, What the heck time zone are you in?02:49
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bringatowelhello, would "No Derivative Works" allow shortening a video broadcast to 10 minutes for posting on YouTube?10:40
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luisvbringatowel: no13:39
luisv'no derivative works' means 'no derivative works'13:39
luisvediting/abridging is a derivative13:39
bringatowelits not editorial though, just a sort of file container13:40
bringatowellike if the file were stored on multiple floppy diskettes, it would need to split into an archive, would that really be considered editing or abridging if nothing is changed?13:41
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bringatowelwell thanks for responding13:45
mecredisbringatowel: if the file is distributed in parts -- such that its only usable when accessed in its entirety, then I think its fine13:55
mecredisand its not a derivative (like .r00 - .r99 / .rar files013:55
mecredisbut if you're just chopping up a video13:55
mecredisthen the individual parts are usable / readable and are derivatives13:55
bringatoweltechnically it is possible to extract video data from a single .r## file13:56
mecredisit's also possible to extract video from deep packet inspection13:57
mecredisbut absurd to consider packets derivatives13:57
mecredisanyway, gotta go13:58
bringatowelso where is the line drawn? if a video file is parsed into youtube or into packets, what is the difference13:58
bringatowelok cheers13:58
luisvbringatowel: ah, if you're just splitting it up, rather than abridging... that is a harder question14:01
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bringatowelin my mind its a question of whether judgment goes into the process, not sure if that matters but if uploading is done through the api this can be a fully automated process14:03
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hdworakluisv: I do not know whether there are any lawyers here, but in general we are not entitled to offer legal advisory14:09
hdworaksorry, that was to bringatowel of course14:10
hdworakI'm also sorry that I can't be more helpful in this matter14:10
luisvI am 2/3rds of a lawyer ;)14:10
luisvbut yes, this is definitely not legal advice.14:10
bringatoweloh no worries, its just speculation14:10
hdworakoh, a Columbia student ?14:10
luisvhdworak: yes, just starting my third year of law school.14:10
hdworakhow nice, you're going to be a powerful person indeed14:11
luisvor maybe I'll just end up hanging out with all the IP hippies ;)14:11
bringatoweli emailed the content creator to try and get their explicit permission, but its an interesting questions for CC licensed works14:12
hdworakor running for the office of the President of the United States14:12
luisvwho tend, other than lessig, not to be very powerful ;)14:12
luisvdefinitely not political enough for that :)14:12
* paulproteus waves14:12
hdworakhi, Asheesh14:12
hdworakLaw + Columbia = false modesty (joking, of course)14:13
paulproteusWhat did you say about Eben Moglen?14:13
luisvno comment ;)14:13
luisvbringatowel: anyway, I think it is an interesting question, but if I had to guess there is no good answer- I think that licenses that allow copying but not modification in the way CC does are probably rare, and chopping up in that way for 'shipping' is also rare, so I'd guess there are very few relevant judicial decisions14:23
bringatoweloooh then we can break new ground ;)14:23
luisvwell, only if you get sued ;)14:24
bringatowelthen lets hope so!14:24
bringatowelget someone to sue me for $1 so it can go into court :D14:24
luisvcourts don't like friendly plaintiffs, sadly ;)14:25
paulproteusI'm not friendly!14:32
paulproteushdworak, Lemme know if you need a hand / if you do something neat.15:10
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hdworakI'm working on license parsing at the moment15:23
paulproteus"license parsing" like pulling info out from the license URLs into meaningful "Allows attribution?" etc?15:24
hdworakif the library spots a license (URL or data:), it will download it (I'm thinking of caching, too) and parse to extract the title and permissions, requirements, prohibitions15:24
paulproteusOkay, cool.15:24
hdworakI don't want to do any dummy list of licenses15:24
paulproteusOf course.15:24
hdworak'cause what if cc 4.0 comes by?15:24
paulproteusYour plan is good.15:24
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ftobiacurrybot: list16:17
currybot(1) BENGAN BHARTHA (Tandoori baked mashed jumbo eggplants sautéed with red onions, tomatoes and green peas)16:17
currybot(2) SUBJ-E-PUNJAB (Punjab is the breadbasket of India)16:17
currybot(3) CHICKEN METHIWALA (Chicken cubes cooked in fresh fenugreek herb)16:17
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greg-glong live the autonomous currybot17:02
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tim_hwangcurrybot list17:35
currybot(1) BENGAN BHARTHA (Tandoori baked mashed jumbo eggplants sautéed with red onions, tomatoes and green peas)17:35
currybot(2) SUBJ-E-PUNJAB (Punjab is the breadbasket of India)17:35
currybot(3) CHICKEN METHIWALA (Chicken cubes cooked in fresh fenugreek herb)17:35
tim_hwangcurrybot 217:36
currybotSUBJ-E-PUNJAB (Punjab is the breadbasket of India) Agriculture is a main stage therefore there is a bountiful harvest of fresh vegetable. At Mehfil our chef puts together like cauliflower, carrots, mushrooms, cut corn, blue lake bean, red bell peppers, and red onions simmered in a semi dry masala of the (5C’s) Garam masala, cardamom, celery, cumin, clove, coriander.17:36
Ekusheyhaha interesting17:43
Ekusheywho's bot is this?17:43
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SterenEkushey: it has been developped by the CC tech team (we are curry lovers)17:49
``Cubeguys, what to do e.g. when someone violates the license terms of my work, like says he created it?17:49
greg-gtalk to a lawyer?17:50
greg-gget a stick?17:50
nkinkade``Cube: Even better would to ask them nicely to stop infringing.  Hopefully most things could be settled without involving lawyers.17:51
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* greg-g nods17:51
``Cubenkinkade: yea, that situation didn't happen, but in the case, I already talked to him and he didn't react17:52
``Cubelike the worst-case-scenario17:52
brianroweWhat is the issue?17:52
EkusheySteren, that's cool17:53
nkinkade``Cube: Well, in that case, your other option is about what greg-g said ... talk to a lawyer.17:53
nkinkadeYou're recourse to the law is the same with or without a CC license.17:53
``Cubeimagine I created some little, not really worth billiards artwork, which is cool, but someone steals it. is it worth talking to the lawyer? I mean, I have to pay for that lawyer17:53
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brianrowe"Cube there are local nonprofits like Washington Lawyers for the arts that give free or low cost legal work to artists.17:55
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``Cubedoes anyone know about the situation in germany?17:55
``Cubethen, when I travel to the us (but for a longer time, lets say, one year) who should I talk to: german lawyer or american one?17:56
brianrowe''Cube: just have to see what is available in your local area.  Depends on the lawyer and the facts of the situation. I would try sovling things through none legal means first if possible. Good Luck.17:59
``Cubebrianrowe: alrgiht, thanks!18:00
``Cubeby the way, what's the law's name about licences?18:01
nkinkade``Cube: What do you mean by the law's name?18:07
``Cubelike, private law?18:07
nkinkadenathany: Is there a page in the cc.engine for the CC-BSD license?18:07
nathanya page?18:07
nathanythere's a deed18:07
nkinkadeThere are ones for cc-gpl and cc-lgpl, but I don't see one for BSD.18:07
nkinkadeBut there isn't one for BSD?18:08
nathanyno, nothing like that18:08
nathanynor for MIT18:08
nkinkadeOkay, thanks.18:08
nkinkade``Cube: CC licenses are based on copyright law.  That seems to obvious, thought.18:09
Sterennathany: I re-tried to push my liblicense tagger work to the git license_tagger repo, but it still doesn't work, even using easygit. Could you push something in it, then I'll pull it, add my files, and push.18:14
* paulproteus waves18:16
paulproteusDebconf is an awesome time.18:16
greg-gpaulproteus: i hope too much dirt was not talked about me last night by the ubuntu guys18:17
paulproteusNo, sadly.18:19
paulproteusAnd I may have converted Jorge to alpine.18:19
greg-gpaulproteus: sweet, I still need to give that a chance, I'll wait until school starts though18:23
paulproteusHeh, if you say so.18:24
greg-gwell, right now is not the best time, and then I'm traveling for a couple of weeks, so first week of school sounds about right for a change of email management18:24
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paulproteusOkay, cool.18:25
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paulproteusDebconf handles IRC really well.18:30
nkinkadenathany: paulproteus: gitweb got a little swamped this morning on a7 and make the machine unresponsive.18:32
* paulproteus nods18:32
paulproteuscgit is super fast.  gitweb has some caching extensions that are being worked on.18:33
nkinkadeI was thinking of trying to get that connection limiting module for Apache going.18:33
paulproteusI can try to see why cgit segfaulted.18:33
nkinkadeI saw that.... a GSoC project, right?18:33
nkinkadeBut something else came to mind.  Would it be totally unreasonable to do per IP connection rate limiting to HTTP in general?18:34
nkinkadeI mean, this morning one IP had near 250 open connections.18:34
nathanyto gitweb?18:34
nkinkadeWell, I don't know if it was just to gitweb, but I assume so ...18:34
nkinkadeMy evidence is circumstantial, though.18:35
nkinkadeNetfilter supports connection rate limiting very nicely.18:35
nkinkadeI'm so fed up with these abusive spiders or people, that I had a flash of frustration that just made me want to do a hard connection rate limit per IP address for the whole damn machine.18:36
nkinkadeIs there any reason that anyone needs to have more than say 20 connections in a 5 or 10 second period?18:36
nkinkadeMaybe something to do with git or subversion??18:36
nathanynkinkade: possibly18:37
nathanyi'd say if you're going to do it machine wide it should only try to catch the worst offenders18:37
nathany(ie, given the choice between a 5 and 10 second window, i'd say 5)18:37
nkinkadeI can try that.  But then even if git could possibly use that many concurrent connections, there's a side of me that says "So what?" ... let the person download stuff at a rate that won't stomp the whole machine.18:38
nkinkadeClearly we're hitting some resource limits that our limited hardware just doesn't want to cope with.18:39
nathanydoes rate limiting reject connections or just make them wait in line?18:39
nkinkadeIt won't queue them because it would happen at a low level.18:40
nathanyi don't really think of our hardware as limited at all18:40
nathanyright, so what would happen?18:40
nkinkadeIt can either drop them or send RST.18:40
nathanyRST does...?18:40
nkinkadeRST, says "Connection refused ..." basically.18:40
nkinkadeAnd I don't think that's so bad.  I mean, if a client wants to try to make 100 simultaneous connections, then that software damn well better be prepared to handle a server that says "No way."18:41
nkinkadeSteren:  Do you need sudo privileges on a8?18:42
nathany(he probably at least needs write access to the acawiki deployment)18:42
Sterenyeah I was thinking I had them18:42
nkinkadeBut do you need them?18:42
nkinkadeI can give add you if you want.18:42
Sterenyes, I have to install acawiki stuffs18:42
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paulproteusnathany, svn is mostly one long connection, so shouldn't need more than that one HTTP connection.18:43
nkinkadepaulproteus: Do you have any input on what would be a reason per IP connection rate limit for HTTP?18:43
paulproteusFor git, only gitweb uses HTTP.18:44
paulproteus(We do anonymous svn checkouts over http, right?)18:44
paulproteusnkinkade, Can you do N simultaneous as the constraint?18:44
paulproteusRather than "N per second"?18:44
nkinkadepaulproteus: I think so.18:44
nkinkadeI think it supports saying "allow X connection in T timeslot"18:45
paulproteusIsn't that N per second, not N simultaneous?18:45
paulproteusI'd say 10-20 simultaneous is safe.18:45
nkinkadeIt's is, but I was hoping I could reasonably simulate that functionality.18:46
nathanyhow would you do that?18:46
paulproteusThey're really very different.18:46
nkinkadeBy saying, something like: only allow 20 connections in a 1 second period.18:46
nkinkadeBut that, of course wouldn't stop them from filling up the machine with connections over, say 10 seconds.,18:47
nkinkadeOr more ...18:47
paulproteusRight - any idea what behavior these bots are doing?18:47
nkinkadepaulproteus: How do you mean?18:47
paulproteusI mean, do they make 400 simultaneous connections?18:48
nkinkadeFrom this morning on a7: grep netstat | wc -l18:48
paulproteusDo they start at the same time?18:48
nkinkade("netstat" being a file I made)18:48
paulproteus(Oh, okay)18:48
nkinkadeBut I'm not sure the exact nature of how they connect.  I would imagine that they send in floods of requests one after the other.18:50
greg-gfood stuffs?19:02
nathanycurrybot: 319:06
currybotCHICKEN METHIWALA (Chicken cubes cooked in fresh fenugreek herb) ‘Methi’ (Fenugreek) is the old time favorite herb used in many salted biscuits, pakoras and is used as a vegetable itself. In this dish a powder of fenugreek seeds is made and cooked well in the paste of ginger and garlic and then the chicken cubes soaked in the fenugreek juice and herb are added to the gravy and is well cooked adding onions and tomatoes.19:06
currybot$ 5.0019:06
nathanygreg-g: yes, but i'm probably going to eat at my desk today to keep working19:06
greg-gnathany: k, I just want company for the walk is all ;)19:06
nathanywhere're you headed?19:06
greg-gI haven't had curry in a while (>4 days)19:06
nathanyi'm going to pass on curry today19:06
nathanynot quite sure what i'm doing instead19:07
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tim_hwangcurrybot 119:07
currybotBENGAN BHARTHA (Tandoori baked mashed jumbo eggplants sautéed with red onions, tomatoes and green peas) Eggplants cooked to spicy puree are popular throughout India. The eggplants first are baked in the clay oven and the mashed and are cooked with red onions, tomatoes, ginger, garlic, and green peas.19:07
hdworakpaulproteus: help, help19:10
hdworakor, w8, I'm gonna ask on #python first19:10
hdworakok, issue resolved19:16
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paulproteushdworak, Hi19:41
paulproteusNice, what was the issue?19:41
hdworakI thought that the temporary file created when using urllib.FancyURLopener.retrieve is preserved without binding the urllib.FancyURLopener to a variable19:43
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hdworakhey, did we have a git Web viewer change again? :)20:13
hdworakmy bookmark doesn't work20:13
nathany_lunchhdworak: yes, sorry... we're really trying to stop breaking bookmarks20:14
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hdworaknathany: n/p20:14
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hijothis channel active?20:33
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mecredisno e-maik22:36
Sterennkinkade: you haz freezbi ?22:40
nkinkadeSteren: I don't.22:40
nkinkadeBut there is one on paulproteus's desk.22:40
nkinkadenathany: Do you happen to know anything about the cc_intro_blurb WP option?  Is that really where the first bit of content on the index pages comes from?22:43
nathanyuh, no idea22:44
nathanysounds plausible to me22:44
nkinkadeI'm just trying to figure out how one goes about editing that?22:44
nkinkadeI could do it via mysql client, but that seems brutal considering it's so long and has all that markup.22:45
nathanyi would've guessed there's a plugin configuration page in WP?22:45
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