Friday, 2008-08-08

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mecredisindeed, any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced.03:13
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oshaniHello, I was looking at the GSOC project on Flickr Image reuse in Open Office:09:29
oshaniand I was wondering how Mihai has managed to get the attribution details from the Flickr photo?09:30
oshaniis he or his mentor on this room?09:31
oshaniis it by crawling the page the photo is in?09:32
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timtuxCan somone tell me , if i'm legally allowed to include an icon set distirbuted under "CC Attribution-Share Alike 2.5 Generic" in an commercial application?11:25
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paulproteusoshani, Hi!14:52
paulproteusNathan Yergler is his mentor.14:52
paulproteusHe's nathany around here and will probably be back soon.14:52
paulproteusI think the attribution details are gotten using the Flickr API.14:52
paulproteusoshani, I'm sure if you email cc-devel at, we'll all get back to you soon enough.14:52
oshanithanks paulproteus!15:01
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paulproteusHowdy hdworak.15:42
hdworakhi, paulproteus15:42
hdworakhow are you?15:42
paulproteusI'm okay, about to go see some more of Buenos Aires.15:43
paulproteusHow are you?15:43
hdworakI'm fine, thank you :)15:44
hdworakI'm glad you're having a good time15:44
paulproteusAny chance there'll be some more GSoC progress from you?15:44
hdworakI've been committing for the last two days15:45
hdworakand working on the code just now15:45
paulproteusOh, awesome.15:45
hdworakI do want to get the goal acomplished until the deadline15:45
paulproteusNot many days left!15:46
hdworakI know, the clock is ticking in my brain15:46
hdworakI'm used to deadlines though :)15:46
hdworakI'm doing license parsing right now15:46
hdworak= not which objects are licensed under what15:47
hdworakbut = what does the given license mean15:47
hdworakhold on a second...15:48
hdworakhas my e-mail ever appeared on the mailing list?15:48
hdworakI thought there's a delay with logging at ibiblio.org15:48
hdworakbut I can't see the e-mail of ankitg and mine now15:48
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hdworakpaulproteus: have you received my e-mail to the mailing list?15:49
hdworak(a reply to yours)15:49
paulproteushdworak, Oh, I don't think so.15:49
paulproteusLemm see.15:49
paulproteusI don't see it at .15:50
hdworakI can't quite understand what happened15:52
hdworakI'm gonna see the Thunderbird mbox15:52
paulproteusGoing out now; ttyl.15:59
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hdworakpaulproteus: I'm sorry, but to my amazement, it appears that I have never sent the e-mail I'd been writing in reply to your letter16:06
hdworakI'll either discuss its contents with you here or rewrite it and send it to the mailing list asap - as you wish16:07
hdworakbe back in an hour or so16:19
hdworakI'll commit last changes16:19
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ftobiacurrybot:  list16:41
currybot(1) PANEER BHURJI (Today’s Special!!!)16:41
currybot(2) DIWANI HANDI (Fresh vegetables cooked in red onions, ginger, garlic, and tomato curry)16:41
currybot(3) ELAICHI MURGA (Boneless chicken cubes cooked in cardamom flavored curry sauce)16:41
currybot(4) Couldn't parse (NONE)16:41
ftobiammm, couldn't parse.16:41
nathanyi LOVE couldn't parse!16:43
BovinityNONE is my favourite flavour16:44
nathanyit's most rare and delicious16:44
Bovinityexquisite, royal16:44
Bovinitycurrybot: 416:44
currybotTOMATO CINNAMON MEATBALL MASALA Home made Beef meatballs Braised in Fresh garlic, ginger, onions, and Roma Tomatoes Finished in a Masala of roasted Cinnamon Bark. An Excellent infusion With an Indian Flavor. This dish was specially created for the all season.16:44
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Sterenpaulproteus: nathany : ftobia and me can't install the liblicense packages : when installing liblicense3 > ""Error: Dependancy is not satisfiable: libgsf-1-114""16:57
Steren(and we have libgsf-1-114)16:58
nathanySteren: sounds like a problem with mixing unstable and stable16:58
Sterenyeah it seams16:58
nathanyi guess i'd suggest building from source (that's what I ended up doing on my laptop)16:58
Sterenyeah I tried 2 days ago, but had some issues while compiling, I'll try again16:58
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Sterennathany: ok so the compile error comes from the flac.c file, it can't find the FLAC directory. I've run git-submodule so I expected all of the dependancies being here. Do I have to do something manualy with the FLAC lib ?17:09
nathanyyou may have to install libflac-dev17:09
nathany(or something like that)17:09
nathanyto get the headers17:09
Sterenthaks I compiled and installed it17:12
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nathanycurrybot: list18:23
currybot(1) PANEER BHURJI (Today’s Special!!!)18:23
currybot(2) DIWANI HANDI (Fresh vegetables cooked in red onions, ginger, garlic, and tomato curry)18:23
currybot(3) ELAICHI MURGA (Boneless chicken cubes cooked in cardamom flavored curry sauce)18:23
currybot(4) Couldn't parse (NONE)18:23
nathanycurrybot: 118:23
currybotPANEER BHURJI (Today’s Special!!!) (Homemade Cottage Cheese cooked with fresh minced onions, garlic with diced tomato and green peas) Our Chef’s special preparation of the day!!18:23
nathanycurrybot: 218:23
currybotDIWANI HANDI (Fresh vegetables cooked in red onions, ginger, garlic, and tomato curry) This dish comes from Northern India. This vegetarian delight is prepared with cauliflower, eggplant, blue lake beans, potatoes, red bell peppers, mushrooms, and plantains in a heavy wok like Kadhai called Handi. The base is prepared with red onions, garlic, ginger and fenugreek leaves.18:23
nathanycurrybot:  318:23
currybotELAICHI MURGA (Boneless chicken cubes cooked in cardamom flavored curry sauce) This flavorful, boneless chicken curry is prepared by first dry marinating chicken with the powder of cardamoms, dry coriander powder and salt. After a couple of hours we cook the marinated chicken with red onions, garlic and ginger paste with several spices in a heavy vessel, sparingly stirring with mango-wood spoon over a low heat, till the oil separates18:23
currybot$ 5.0018:23
mecredisrejon: you there?18:26
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nathanyBovinity: CILFs?18:34
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hdworakpaulproteus: I've recalled the whole situation with the e-mail now19:18
hdworakpaulproteus: I've sent it from this special account I've set up on GMail long time ago for GSoC (username uninhabitability)19:19
hdworakthis is why I have not had this e-mail in my "Sent" folder in Thunderbird (because I've sent this e-mail via GMail web app)19:21
hdworakthe contents:
hdworak(if anyone thinks I did not sent this e-mail on August 6th, I can handle over a temporary password to this GMail account for him/her to check out)19:22
hdworakpaulproteus: are you there?19:23
Bovinityhe's at debconf, expect delays in reply19:23
hdworakBTW this means that we've got a problem with the mailing list (archives)19:24
hdworakI cannot see ankitg's reply there and my letter didn't make it to the mailing list, too19:24
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nathanyhdworak: are you subscribed? i haven't seen any bounces19:48
hdworaknathany: no, I haven't subscribed19:48
nathanyi don't think the list allows posts from non subscribers19:49
nathany(not 100% sure...)19:49
hdworak1. I've seen that the mailing list has logs available in public19:49
hdworak2. I've read "To post a message to all the list members, send email to"19:49
hdworak3. I've observed the e-mail addresses are obfuscated in a very naive manner (user at, therefore I've sent an e-mail from my dedicated GSoC account19:50
hdworak4. From what I've read, I've seen no reason to subscribe to the mailing list19:50
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hdworakprobably ankitg could think the same19:51
hdworakhave to ask him19:51
hdworaknathany: thanks for clarifying that19:51
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nathanyhdworak: just checked, nothing stuck in moderation...19:52
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nathanyi'm looking @ the config now19:52
hdworakI can subscribe any time with this account, it's no problem19:52
hdworakI just didn't see any benefits of a membership back then (since the logs were public)19:52
nathanyhdworak: yeah, it's set to reject non-member postings19:53
nathanyi think we did that when we had a spam problem19:53
nathanyi'm setting it to reject now so people get an explicit reply (instead of discard)19:53
hdworakok, I shall subscribe then19:54
nathany(and i updated the listinfo page to reflect the membership requirement)19:55
hdworakplease note that the Web site does not support the SSL connection20:03
hdworakso all the mailing list's passwords are being sent plain text20:03
hdworakok, I'm in20:11
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* ankitg was hoping paulproteus would be around ... anyways, he's made progress with the codes ... still to get GeoIP working / installed ... will dump his codes into GIT after more testing in the morning ... sleeps now, 4:20 AM ...20:20
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Sterennathany: I will continue working on the tagger for this afternoon, I think I can acheive something working for the license soon. Starting on my new tasks on Monday20:24
nathanySteren: sounds good20:24
nkinkadeSteren: you've got an account on a8 now ... same password as on a7.20:50
Sterennkinkade: ok it seams to work20:51
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