Monday, 2008-08-04

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ftobiacurrybot: list03:23
currybot(1) BHINDI MASALA (Delicacy of fresh okra cooked in onion gravy with sliced onions)03:23
currybot(2) MAKHANWALI TARKARI (Several fresh vegetables cooked in a butter-flavored curry)03:23
currybot(3) KALI MIRCHI KA MURGA (Chicken cubes cooked in curry flavored with black pepper)03:23
currybot(4) FRESH ASPARAGUS MEATBALL (Beef meatballs cooked with fresh asparagus, red onions, and tomato gravy)03:23
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oshanihello, I was wondering whether any of the CC developers has come up with an ontology for CC licensing terms?13:40
oshanipreferably in RDF?13:40
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DanL-ahoy hoy16:22
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greg-gcoming in18:12
Bovinitycurrybot: list18:13
currybot(1) BHINDI MASALA (Delicacy of fresh okra cooked in onion gravy with sliced onions)18:13
currybot(2) MAKHANWALI TARKARI (Several fresh vegetables cooked in a butter-flavored curry)18:13
currybot(3) KALI MIRCHI KA MURGA (Chicken cubes cooked in curry flavored with black pepper)18:13
currybot(4) FRESH ASPARAGUS MEATBALL (Beef meatballs cooked with fresh asparagus, red onions, and tomato gravy)18:13
greg-gcurrybot: 118:13
currybotBHINDI MASALA (Delicacy of fresh okra cooked in onion gravy with sliced onions) Bhindi masala is the most famous dish of Northern India. The base is prepared with garam masala, vine ripened tomatoes, Indian spices, and then the sliced onions are added and stir fried adding fresh okra and cooking them till the oil separates.18:13
Bovinitythat's not right18:13
greg-guh oh18:13
Bovinitythat was fridays menu18:13
* greg-g comes in anyway18:13
Sterennathany: can I create a git repository for my current little app "License Chooser" ?18:30
nathanySteren: sure... not sure what we should name it18:31
nathany(License Chooser isn't great -- too vague/ambiguous)18:31
Sterennathany: yes I don't know18:31
nathanyi mean, it doesn't necessarily impact what we call it externally18:32
SterenLicense Tagger ?18:32
nathanyi'll add the repository to the git definition18:32
nkinkadeMy Openmoko Freerunner just arrived!18:33
Sterennkinkade: great I wantr to see that18:35
Sterennathany: can I "git init" ?18:35
nathanysure :)18:35
nathany(that's local)18:35
nathanyand then you can add the remote and push to
Sterenyeah and then "git remote add origin"18:35
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Bovinityis the network slow for everyone or just me? egad.18:56
Bovinity /171-second-st/300/18:58
oshaniHello Creative-Commoners! I was wondering if somebody has ever tried to tie up their FOAF URIs in order to do attribution in CC?19:06
oshanias in a technical solution, not just specifying "you should mention my FOAF URI if you use my work"19:07
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ftobiacurrybot: list19:08
currybot(1) BHINDI MASALA (Delicacy of fresh okra cooked in onion gravy with sliced onions)19:08
currybot(2) MAKHANWALI TARKARI (Several fresh vegetables cooked in a butter-flavored curry)19:08
currybot(3) KALI MIRCHI KA MURGA (Chicken cubes cooked in curry flavored with black pepper)19:08
currybot(4) FRESH ASPARAGUS MEATBALL (Beef meatballs cooked with fresh asparagus, red onions, and tomato gravy)19:08
greg-goshani: sorry, ignore the currybot, someone will answer if they can19:08
Sterenoshani: I think nathany can anwser you19:09
nathanyoshani: so you want to specify the URI to use for attribution?19:09
nathanywe use cc:attributionURL to describe that relationship19:09
nathanyand cc:attributionName to describe the name you'd like to use19:10
oshaniwell, the reason I ask is because I am interested in doing a project which kinda enforces the CC license terms19:10
oshanicould I have a pointer to this cc ontology please?19:10
nathanyso if you fill in the attribution fields on, you'll see that metadata gets encoded using RDFa19:10
nathany is the XHTML+RDFa version19:10
nathanyan RDF version is linked from there19:11
oshanibut suppose somebody uses my work without the proper attribution. I have no way of knowing that it happened, isn't it?19:12
oshanito ask my question in a different way: are there any methods to do CC license enforcement?19:13
oshanihas anybody tried it?19:14
nathanyoshani: they have been tested in court in Spain and the Netherlands (IIRC)19:15
nathanyand your question isn't really limited to CC licensed work -- it's a general question about use of *any* copyright work on the web19:15
nathany(how do i know if someone uses it without permission)19:15
oshaniI actually meant automatic enforcement, as in when somebody links to your flickr photo which has BY, and fails to give proper attribution, are there any mechanisms which will say send you a notification saying "this particular content at this URI has linked to your photo"?19:18
nathanythere are some commercial services which are building tools to notify you of content re-use19:19
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nathanywhich could conceivably do that sort of thing19:19
oshaninathany, what are some examples of these commercial services?19:19 is the one that comes to mind19:20
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* greg-g is going to get lunch if anyone wants to join (from the office, obviously)19:21
nathanygreg-g: where're you going?19:21
greg-gI was thinking either working women or the snack shack or whatever it is called up the block19:21
Sterenand curry???19:22
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greg-gor curry ;)19:22
nathanyno curry for me today... i'll fend for myself19:22
Bovinitywith a stick and some fire19:22
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ftobiacurrybot: list19:23
currybot(1) CHANNA SAAG (Garbanzo beans cooked with fresh spinach puree)19:23
currybot(2) KADHAI KI BHAJI (Fresh vegetables cooked with red onions, tomatoes, & spices in a heavy iron utensil)19:23
currybot(3) MURG PANCHPORAN (Chicken cubes delicacy cooked with five seeds, ginger, and garlic and fresh spinach leaves.)19:23
currybot(4) MEATBALLS MADIRA (Beef meatballs cooked in curry flavored with rum)19:23
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eth01somebody wants to unbanned from this channel.19:43
eth01WHAT do they have to do?19:43
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eth01i did my best.19:44
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ftobianathany: for license selectors: publicdomain is publicdomain, recombo is any code that contains 'sampling', and standard is everything else?20:34
ftobiawhat about the GPL and the LGPL? there's some rdf in there for them.20:35
nathanyyes, GPL, LGPL, BSD and MIT20:35
nathanymark them as ""20:35
ftobiawoot. thanks.20:35
nathanythat doesn't exist in the current tooling20:35
nathanybut it's where we're going20:35
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Sterennathany: to use liblicense into python, I just have to "import liblicense", then use "" ?20:45
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Sterenthat's cool20:46
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* KjetilK was airing some thoughts about cc:morePermissions yesterday20:57
KjetilKI don't quite feel that the RDF will capture an intention "contact the author for commercial licensing"20:57
KjetilKI think I'd like <> cc:clearanceAgent <> .20:58
nathanyKjetilK: we've thought about that some but decided we didn't have enough experience/information to determine what the "more specific" versions of morePermissions should be20:59
KjetilKnathany: ok, yeah20:59
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KjetilKone obvious thing would be "contact this foaf:Agent for other options"20:59
nathanyi think we'll get there eventually and clearance agent (or representative or something) makes sense20:59
nathanywell you could get 80% of the way there today by just pointing the morePermissions link at a page with embedded metadata describing the agent21:00
KjetilKcc:clearanceAgent rdf:domain foaf:Agent ; rdf:range cc:Work .21:00
KjetilKI suppose21:00
nathanyso that software could determine contact details at least21:00
KjetilKyup, but we're developing systems where the RDF model is the core, so 80% isn't good enough :-)21:01
KjetilKmy next project will involve media terminals for Norwegian libraries, and if we detect a CC license, the user will be able to put a memory stick into a slot and copy the work21:02
KjetilKand it occured to me that this could be an important use too21:02
KjetilKyup, it'll be cool :-)21:03
nathanylet us know when that's up and going21:03
KjetilKwe have a deadline on december 1st21:03
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KjetilKvery cool media kiosks, really futuristic design, touchscreens, running Mac OSX, with RDF and OWL as the core software technology, and this CC license component21:05
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nathanypaulproteus: it would appear (after the briefest of inspection) that herder does not send email notices for new accounts; does that match your recollection?21:23
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Sterennathany: for the "import liblicense", do I need to have the latest liblicense ? (I only installed the .deb of the cc repo, 0.7)22:05
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nathanyyou also need the python bindings package22:05
Sterenok thanks22:06
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nkinkadeBovinity: Are you doing anything with ccLearn on a8 that I might need to be aware of?22:23
Bovinitynot right now, no22:23
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nkinkadenathany: Didn't you say you had removed uLibTidy deps from the scraper?22:23
nathanyno, i'm working on it22:24
nkinkadeIs that something I can implement on a5?  I'm still seeing the segfaults ....22:24
nathany(or was)22:24
nkinkadeAh.  Okay, ignore that for now.22:24
nkinkadeBecause it's used so much less it isn't having as much of a problem as runzope was.22:24
nkinkadeBovinity: nathany: I'm going to go ahead and move ccLearn to a6.22:25
nathanynkinkade: leaving uesearch for the time being?22:25
nkinkadeThe map stuff is already running on a6 and paulproteus checked it over.22:25
nkinkadenathany: Yeah, I'm thinking to just move learn.(cc).org for the moment.22:25
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ftobianathany: any idea how to run git2svn merge, or whatever it's called?22:34
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Sterennathany: is there a real liblicense documentation ? the only I could find is this tutorial ( which may not be up to date.22:48
nathanySteren: no :(22:49
nathanyone of many things that totally sucks about liblicense (for now)22:49
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