Tuesday, 2008-07-29

brianroweFood before DK?00:05
greg-ganyone.. anyone..00:08
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rejonnight time sf :)02:27
mecredis(sampling license sf, et. al)02:32
mlinksvaCC+ is NOT a license02:32
rejonok, who can make the comment02:36
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rejonhahaha, converted lessig and Joiito to identica...hahaha :)02:38
mecredishow is identi.ca / twitter?02:38
mecredislost track02:38
BobChaorejon, is there any client for identica?02:38
rejonthat is my mission this week: to finally dig into http://autonomo.us and do something useful02:38
rejonjust your chat client02:39
rejonit is drop in replacement for twitter02:39
rejonhas twitter compatible api02:39
BobChaowould like to have one like twitterfox or twitux02:39
rejonadd us: http://identi.ca/rejon mlinksva joi lessig rmack elliotbledsoe02:39
rejon@bobchao: yes, the work with and there are patches or updates to them that work with identi.ca02:39
cchelpbot`rejon: Error: "bobchao:" is not a valid command.02:39
rejonbobchao: yes, the work with and there are patches or updates to them that work with identi.ca02:40
BobChaomine: http://identi.ca/bobchao02:40
* mecredis is http://identi.ca/mecredis02:40
BobChaoanother question: is there a legalday channel?02:40
rejonthis one02:40
BobChaook, thanks :)02:40
rejonthen you can use http://twitterfeed.com and/or http://ping.fm to post to twitter and other sites when you identicate02:41
mlinksvaa list can be EMPTY!02:41
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mecrediswill identica post to ping or vice veresa?02:42
mecredisrejon, get 'er done02:44
BobChaoCool, just install a patched version of twitux from mako02:50
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mecredis*this is amazing*02:54
mecrediswhat about drew roberts?02:54
rejonthis is so funny data02:57
mecredisthis is amazing02:58
mecredisI want cc-community02:58
mlinksvawhich list is this and what time period? cc-lcienses?02:58
mecredisthis is cc-licenses02:59
mlinksvagoing to have to dent that slide03:00
mecredisdo they?03:03
rejonartifacts outside the list...wiki!03:09
rejonthe wiki!!!03:09
rejonnip that in the bud before massive time waste happens03:10
mecredisI'm kind of dumbfounded by his research here03:10
mecredisI had no idea03:10
rejoncc community is a collection pool for ___ people.03:12
* JoiIto pedals03:12
* mecredis wheels fall off03:13
JoiItodid we forget to put that in the licenses?03:14
mecredisthat's in there03:14
mecredisit says something like "something similar to these terms"03:15
mlinksvawe have a wiki, please use it! :)03:15
rejonyes, totally03:17
mecrediswearing a hazmat suit03:17
rejonno one is going to make a tool that does this...at the end of the day, if into higher quality discussion, then contribute it!03:17
rejonpick up the shovel!03:17
mecredisand a hazmat suit03:17
mlinksvaflickr uploading is incredibly slow or not working from here03:21
BobChaomlinksva: I can't even connect to gmail last night (in Grand hotel), though it works this morning.03:26
JoiItobug tracker! ;-)03:42
JoiItoI met someone at OSCON who had his whole life on a bug tracker03:42
JoiItothey did license drafting with a bug tracker03:42
JoiItobtw, openID is bugging out for me when trying to log into the wiki03:46
* ankitg toys with the idea of changing the name of his GSoC project to "cc-traffic" ...03:49
rejonkeep it clear03:59
rejonand in line ;)03:59
rejonyah, I want whole cities to have bug trackers...joiito03:59
mlinksvause of word "problematicize" is a strong signal03:59
rejonNYC has a ticket tracker for the city, which is closest...there should be ways for anyone to help fix bugs too for city and then get credits for fixing...provide path for homeless and others to rise out of hole04:00
rejoncredits for fixing bugs, maybe tax credits04:00
ankitgrejon: my project is metrics from the logs at the moment ... so I called it "cc-logger" ... but I was told it sounds like I an app to record the logs O_o ... cc-traffic on the other hand is neat ... as I am actually analyzing the network traffic to the CC sites ... anyways, it may be too late to change the name now ... loggy it is.04:03
rejonloggy is cool04:04
ankitgAlso, bug-tracker for license drafting seems like a "legit" use ... I mean, you are trying to iron out the "bugs" from the drafts ...04:04
rejonlike clippy04:04
mlinksvaoh my04:05
mlinksvalicense vs contract04:05
mlinksvai hope lessig jumps on it04:05
mlinksvafor entertainment value04:05
mlinksvareplay of last year04:05
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isforinsectspaulproteus, ping04:26
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paulproteusisforinsects, pong05:06
paulproteusrej... drat05:06
paulproteusmlinksva... hmm.05:06
isforinsectspaulproteus, I need to scrape and migrate a flickr set into the OLPC account.05:06
isforinsectsThey're all cc-by-sa-nc05:07
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paulproteusShould be "easy" if you write custom code against the Flickr API.05:07
isforinsectsI was hoping that you had already done so :D05:08
paulproteusgreg-g, SYN05:15
paulproteusisforinsects, I'm afraid not.05:17
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greg-gpaulproteus: ack06:06
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BobChaoI'm late! Should I get connected via FON_AP or WR540APS-AP2? (just helping people in 1st floor to "origami" and forgot the time.)06:12
rejon1on the front white board:MyPlace06:15
BobChaorejon1:  thanks, it's really hard to recognize but I'll try :)06:17
paulproteusgreg-g, NAK (-:06:17
paulproteusRST rather06:17
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greg-gpaulproteus: uhh, syn again? ;)06:28
paulproteusgreg-g, Howdy.06:31
paulproteusWhat's up, duck?06:31
greg-gdid you get home alright on the bike?06:31
paulproteusWas pretty neat.06:32
greg-ggood deal06:32
paulproteusIt's like a unicycle.06:32
paulproteusIt just has two wheels instead of one.06:32
greg-ggood way to think of it06:32
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paulproteusHowdy JoiIto.06:44
paulproteusThanks, fixies are kinda nifty. (-:06:44
paulproteusI was just telling greg-g that it's like a unicycle, only with two wheels.06:44
mecredisyay for fixies07:03
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davidmccabe_paulproteus: hey, I forgot to get on IRC yesterday. Sorry about that :(08:14
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JoiItohmm...Diane's slides look like FBI warnings ;-)08:43
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nkinkadenathany: How do you start the metadata scraper for staging on a7?17:14
nathanycd /var/www/staging.creativecommons.org/metadata_scraper17:15
nathany./bin/zdaemon -C scraper-zd.conf start17:15
nkinkadeAh, sorry.  I should have known that.17:15
greg-gum 503 on cc.org?17:23
greg-gthere we go, it is back17:24
greg-ga varnish error I hadn't seen before (503 with a "guru meditation XID:#")17:25
* greg-g hasn't seen varnish errors before, so, they are all new to him17:25
Bovinitythat happened last week too.17:25
greg-ginteresting, well, it is back now, so back to blogging17:26
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tim_hwangcurrybot list18:40
tim_hwanggah, whoops18:40
tim_hwanghey -- are stamps stashed anywhere in the office? need to mail some schwag to people...18:41
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paulproteusnathany, http://packages.debian.org/search?keywords=librasqal0-dev fwiw18:48
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Bovinitytim_hwang: ask ani when she gets in, she knows where tehy are18:49
tim_hwangbovinity thanks18:50
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paulproteusNo curry for me today.19:12
paulproteusnathany, labs.creativecommons/herder/ sound okay to you?19:15
nathanypaulproteus: yes19:15
paulproteusWe could do labs.creativecommons/translate/19:16
paulproteusI think I'll do that instead unless you give reason to do otherwise.19:16
paulproteusnkinkade, Should I expect git fetch from a6 == code.creativecommons.org to work?19:20
paulproteusI find that my keys are rejected, and I don't currently know why.19:21
nkinkadepaulproteus: No.19:21
nkinkadeBut you should expect it work on a7.19:21
nkinkadea6 was actually reprovisioned to amd64 last night.19:21
paulproteusI wonder why I'm pulling from a6.19:21
nkinkadeSo at the moment it's just an empty install19:21
paulproteusI checked; nothing there related.19:22
paulproteusBut DNS is fine.19:22
paulproteusSo maybe I git cloned from a6 manually once.19:22
paulproteusSilly me.19:22
paulproteusYup, that's what I did.19:24
paulproteusThe drawing is a little busy.19:38
paulproteusBut I guess, so is the life of a 21st century pirate.19:38
Bovinitybusy for a shirt, yes. but very rad for an illustration.19:38
Bovinitythe true winner this week is http://threadless.com/product/1361/Animals_with_Eyepatches_Yes19:40
paulproteusMaybe Jen or Melissa can knit Herbert an eyepatch.19:41
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paulproteusdavidmccabe, Howdy.19:43
davidmccabeSorry I forgot to come on yesterday. :(19:43
paulproteusAt least you left a note saying you were sorry.19:43
davidmccabeI hope you didn't have to wait around.19:44
davidmccabeDo people really come on here asking for credit-card numbers?19:44
paulproteusNo, I watched the new Batman movie on IMAX instead.19:44
paulproteusYup, they sure do.19:44
paulproteusIt's #cc, for Christ's sake.19:44
paulproteusHash credit card.19:44
paulproteusYou have some time to handle that now?19:47
davidmccabeI think I'm jsut going to commit what I have as one commit instead of giving you the history.19:47
davidmccabeI see no reason you'd want a bunch of intemediate commits anyways.19:48
davidmccabeyour RSA host key has changed?19:48
paulproteusIntermediate commits rule!19:49
davidmccabeI'm getting f3:a1:9e:6e:8d:fc:33:5c:b7:0c:ee:8a:f9:88:c2:ab for the fingerprint. This is because of switching to 64bit?19:49
paulproteusI think so. Double-check with nkinkade.19:49
paulproteusI think in <5m you can give us the intermediate commits.19:50
paulproteusFor example, by "git rebase --onto".19:50
davidmccabeThat will associate my copy with a different remote copy?19:51
* davidmccabe isn't sure what the proper word is instead of 'copy'.19:51
paulproteusNo, what you should do is:19:51
paulproteus* add a remote that points to our repository19:51
paulproteusCall that remote, let's say, "cc".19:52
paulproteusThen "just" do:19:52
paulproteusgit rebase --onto cc/master19:52
davidmccabecc/master or cc/rdfa?19:52
nkinkadedavidmccabe:  That is the correct key fingerprint.19:52
davidmccabenkinkade: thanks.19:52
paulproteusOh, cc/rdfa probably.19:52
paulproteusnathany, translate-staging.creativecommons.org instead is what I'll use.19:53
paulproteusSince there's some fiddly bits going on with paths.19:53
nathanyuh, ok19:53
davidmccabeso I would say 'git remote add cc git@code.creativecommons.org:semanticmediawiki'?19:53
paulproteusdavidmccabe, I think so - just make sure you have "cc" and the git repo URL in the right order.19:54
paulproteus(I always forget)19:54
davidmccabeI do.19:54
davidmccabeRight now I'm only tracking the files I've actually changed. Should I add in the rest of SMW?19:55
paulproteusIf that's true, though, you're better off using cherry-pick I guess.19:55
paulproteusThat way you don't have to add the other SMW files to your own repo.19:56
paulproteusgit checkout cc/rdfa19:56
paulproteusgitk --all &19:56
paulproteusThen git cherry-pick each revision you want.19:56
davidmccabeI already added it.19:56
paulproteusThe reason I prefer cherry-pick is that you didn't add it to the past, probably, only to the present.19:57
davidmccabegit branch -a is not showing the remote19:57
paulproteusSo I still suggest you do the cherry-pick way (which is fine).19:57
paulproteusYou should do "git fetch".19:57
paulproteusgit fetch cc, even.19:57
* davidmccabe wonders how he's ever going to learn git.19:57
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davidmccabeok, trying cherrypick19:58
davidmccabethis was designed by kernel hackers.20:00
davidmccabeI can see the commits I want, but how do I cherry-pick them?20:00
davidmccabe(or do anything with them for that matter)20:00
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davidmccabethe GUI is just to see them, gotcha.20:00
paulproteusdavidmccabe, Making sense now?20:02
paulproteusnathany, Actually the errors were worse than I thought; there's some dependency version nonsense breaking the tests.20:02
davidmccabeNow, I don't want to cherry-pick the commit in which I started tracking everything, just now, right?20:10
davidmccabeAlso, once I have done this, the cc/rdfa branch is up-to-date and I'm done, right?20:10
davidmccabeI should also git push or something?20:10
* paulproteus blinks20:13
paulproteusYou want to cherry pick all the commits you, like, want.20:13
paulproteusI don't understand what your question is.20:13
paulproteusAs for the "the cc/rdfa branch is up-to-date" - no, git only commits to local branches.20:14
paulproteusSo you have to create a local branch based off cc/rdfa in order to do the commit.20:14
paulproteusI moronically told you to "git checkout cc/rdfa", which was utterly wrong.20:14
paulproteusYou should have done:20:14
davidmccabeSeeing as I did do that, how do I recover?20:14
davidmccabedamn, I thought I had a pretty good handle on git before this project :P20:15
paulproteusgit checkout -b my_fun_time20:15
paulproteusThat checks the current state into a new branch called "my_fun_time".20:15
paulproteusTake a look at gitk, and see that it looks like what you want.20:15
paulproteusWhich should be linear history on top of cc/rdfa.20:15
paulproteusIf so, do "git push cc my_fun_time:rdfa".20:15
paulproteusWow, super rad.20:18
davidmccabethanks for your help.20:18
paulproteusSure thing.20:19
davidmccabepaulproteus: I have a really slick flickr thing.20:19
davidmccabewhich, for the time being, I'm actually hooking up to the flickr API.20:19
paulproteusAs regard what we were talking about?20:19
paulproteusTell me more!20:19
davidmccabepaulproteus: How would tag searches and other searches work with a distributed system?20:20
paulproteusYou'd e.g. ping a central indexer.20:20
paulproteusKind of like how Technorati and other pingback-based blog searchers work.20:20
paulproteusPresumably anyone could ask to have pings relayed to it, just like blog pingback services.20:20
* davidmccabe hasn't used technorati, but makes sense.20:21
davidmccabepaulproteus: When I give the SMW-list instructions, are these correct?20:22
davidmccabegit clone git://code.creativecommons.org/semanticmediawiki.git20:23
davidmccabecd semanticmediawiki20:23
davidmccabegit checkout -b origin/rdfa20:23
paulproteusBetter is:20:23
ftobianathany: what was that command to package a python egg?20:23
paulproteusgit branch --track rdfa origin/rdfa20:23
paulproteusgit checkout rdfa20:24
nathanyftobia: python setup.py bdist_egg20:24
paulproteusdavidmccabe, The semantics of "git checkout -b" suck, in my opinion, and no one should use it.20:24
paulproteusI just use it sometimes out of habit.20:24
davidmccabegit fetch to update?20:25
paulproteusMay as well tell them, "git pull".20:25
paulproteusThey may also want to see a diff against SMW svn trunk.20:25
paulproteusIn fact, you may want to merge the latest SMW svn trunk work.20:26
paulproteusBefore sending this to upstream.20:26
paulproteusYou could say, "This is based on r36380 of SMW for now; I will be merging in more recent SMW revisions shortly".20:27
davidmccabeDoes CC necessarily want their SMW branch being clobbered?20:27
paulproteusMore verbosity.20:27
davidmccabedavidmccabe -vv20:28
davidmccabeIs it true that our git repository is synced with their svn repository automatically?20:28
paulproteusIt is true that the branch called "master" at http://code.creativecommons.org/viewgit?url=semanticmediawiki.git/&h=rdfa does frequent automatic imports from SMW svn.20:30
paulproteusSo in git, you might do:20:30
paulproteusgit merge cc/master20:31
paulproteusgit push cc my_local_fun:rdfa20:31
paulproteusAnd then you'd be up to date against SMW svn.20:31
* davidmccabe feels a bit dense when it comes to this.20:31
paulproteusThe concepts aren't crazy hard, I think they're just very different from Subversion.20:31
paulproteusIf you felt tricky, you could use git rebase instead of git merge.20:31
paulproteusIt would make for cleaner history.20:32
davidmccabeI probably just need to read up on the theory instead of just howto info.20:33
paulproteusThat's why I like "Git from the bottom up".20:33
davidmccabeso from now on, since I have this local branch going, I can just commit to it and then 'git push cc foo:rdfa' to send it?20:34
davidmccabeand 'git merge cc/master' from time to time to get the upstream changes?20:34
davidmccabeand everything should be happy?20:34
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paulproteusdavidmccabe, Yup.20:35
davidmccabesuper duper!20:36
paulproteusYou may have merge conflicts; if you do, you'll want to clean them up.20:36
paulproteusThere's one downside to this method.20:36
paulproteusIf the goal is to get upstream inclusion, then they'll be sad that the history isn't linear.20:36
davidmccabegit rebase would fix that?20:36
paulproteusYup.  It's just that then you'll need to tell people to not "git pull" but "git pull --rebase".20:37
paulproteusOTOH, if the changes to SMW are small enough, you could use the easy git merge-based workflow, and when the time comes, just send them one huge diff.20:38
paulproteusAnd we can always cherry-pick and whatever else to clean up the history later anyway.20:38
paulproteusSo probably just stick to merge.20:38
paulproteusWe don't have to worry about having a clean history right now since we can just clean it up later anyway.20:39
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rindolfHi all.20:49
rindolfI cannot login to http://wiki.creativecommons.org/Special:OpenIDFinish/ChooseName20:49
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greg-gnote: the link on the right hand side of the wiki for "Content Directories" is a link to Content_Curators which redirects to Content_Directories.  Umm, yeah.20:57
greg-gnkinkade/Bovinity ^20:58
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nkinkadegreg-g: Do you want to fix the issue you mentioned above?21:28
greg-gnkinkade: sure, is that an included wiki page somewhere?21:29
nkinkadegreg-g: I'm not sure.  I was hoping you'd know just what to do. :-)21:31
greg-gI'm assuming it is in some template somewhere21:31
greg-gtemplate/skin  (I don't know the backend of smw very well)21:32
nkinkadeBut now you've called my on my ignorance, and there's no way to salvage it, but to be honest and say I don't have a clue.21:32
greg-gI would poke around $wiki_root/ looking for the skin/template files and it is probably in there somewhere21:32
nathanyit's in the cc4 theme21:33
nkinkadeBut I can look into it.  I'm not sure which one should be canonical, but I presume it's "Content Directories"21:33
greg-gwhat nathany said :)21:33
nathanywe should probably just kill 3/4 of that block21:33
greg-gnathany: yeah? no quick links?21:33
nathanyi find it difficult to believe anyone sees them over there, although maybe it's just because i'm logged in21:34
nathanyregardless content directories is a joke21:34
nathanyand the salon pages are filled with {{incomplete}}21:34
nathanyso i'd just remove both21:34
* greg-g is working on content directories right now21:34
greg-gnathany: what would need to be changed for you to move Content Directories from the "joke" category to "non_joke"? :)21:35
nathanythe contents of the linked sites :)21:35
nathanyi mean, right now it's just a pile of stuff -- not sure that it's going to be able to be made better, but also not sure that it serves a purpose beyond ego boost21:36
greg-gthat is what you get from user submitted content, sparsness21:36
nkinkadeOkay, the link is now fixed in the sidebar.21:43
greg-gnkinkade: thanks21:43
mlinksvanathany or nkinkade i can't ssh to a3, was going to final check on if i had any data there21:44
mlinksvacan ping it21:44
greg-gI'm gonna leave the "kill 3/4 of that block" until later :)21:44
nathanymlinksva: let me look @ the log21:45
nathany(i can ssh in just fine)21:45
nkinkadea3 is still there, it's just not doing anything (that I know of).21:45
nathanydid you even get to the point of entering your password?21:46
mlinksvaand i can ssh other places just fine21:46
nathanyoh, i think a3 has silly netfilters enabled for security21:46
nathanytry bouncing through a521:46
nathany(ssh into a5, then into a3)21:46
paulproteusthen into the CIA21:47
mlinksvajust thought of that, was trying a7, not working21:47
mlinksvawill try a521:47
nkinkadea3's SSH rate-limiting is the same as on the other machines, but it's seems to be half-broken.21:47
mlinksvai'm in!21:47
mlinksvai have a bunch of crap in my home directory21:48
paulproteusIncluding some stuff that was recently useful to me.21:48
mlinksvai'd like to just move it to another machine rather than look through it now21:48
mlinksvawhat is the best machine to move it to?21:48
nathanynkinkade: ^^21:49
mlinksvai'll copy it to a5 unless that is stupid, please say :)21:49
paulproteusnathany, May I borrow your headphones again?21:49
* paulproteus wonders about the email address he@dphon.es21:49
nkinkademlinksva: better another machine than a5 right now.21:50
nathanymlinksva: that looks fine to me -- tons of space there21:50
nathanyoh, right21:50
nathany7 or 8, mlinksva21:50
nathanynkinkade: paulproteus: ftobia: Steren: stand up?21:50
nkinkademlinksva: It's because the stuff on a5 will get moved yet again to a6 probabaly tomorrow.21:50
Sterennathany: stand up!21:51
ftobianathany: let's do it.21:51
mlinksvaok, but ssh isn't working from a7 or 8 to a3, so i'm going to have to do it via a521:52
mlinksvadoing now21:52
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mlinksvanathany nkinkade ok i'm done with a322:12
nathanymlinksva: great22:24
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paulproteusnathany, I forgot that the debug console is an arbitrary remote code execution vector.  I'll disable it on the public view.22:35
nathanypaulproteus: thanks22:35
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tw2113I had a question regarding a magazine that I wanted to start, that would be licensed under CC22:38
nathanytw2113: shoot22:39
tw2113If I take a contribution of a photo from someone else, and CC it for the issue it is in, does it also have to be CC'd away from the magazine, say on the contributer's website?22:40
tw2113or can he/she have it copyrighted there, while retaining the CC license for in the magazine22:40
paulproteusYou can do it the way you describe, but keep in mind that Eve could scan the photo in from the magazine and republish it on her website under the CC license of the magazine.22:41
tw2113just curious22:42
tw2113i may just make it a habit to explain to each potential contributor that it will get CC'd and do the good think of explaining the benefits22:42
nathanytw2113: A cc license is made to the public22:42
nathanyso you could do what you describe, but it doesn't make much sense22:42
tw2113try to make some fans out of each one :D22:42
nathanygreat :)22:43
tw2113i'd encourage them to license it CC on their own sites, but i can't guarantee that will happen with everyone22:43
nathanythey should just understand that it doesn't matter what they do on the site22:44
tw2113got it22:44
nathanyif you make the image available under a CC license, you're making it available to the public under that license22:44
tw2113it'd likely be by-nd-sa22:45
tw2113the whole magazine22:45
paulproteusnkinkade, Trivial nitpick: /etc.LOL interferes with my tab-completing /et to /etc/ .22:45
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nkinkadepaulproteus: On which machine?  Just delete it.22:47
paulproteusI'll move it to /tmp/ instead, but okay.22:47
paulproteus(a5 right now)22:47
paulproteusBTW I just added translate-staging CNAME a7.22:47
nkinkadepaulproteus: How about herder CNAME a7?22:48
nkinkadeThese staging-* names are somewhat lenghty.22:48
paulproteusI figure the herder name is somewhat internal.22:48
paulproteusBut good point.22:48
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nkinkadeSoon we'll have a *-staging for every site. :-)22:48
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nkinkadestaging-staging.creativecommons.org would be great, that would solve those cases where I didn't want to break staging.22:50
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paulproteusI figured creativecommons.org-staging would be nice for when we want to test DNS changes without possibly breaking the org TLD.22:51
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Sterennathany: ok it's solved, in fact I compared closely the javascripts of the deeds and of the chooser. It was width:250 that had to be width:'250px',22:58
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ftobiapaulproteus: i see you have http://labs.creativecommons.org/~paulproteus/eggs/ as a dependency link in herder. what's the best place for me to put my cc.license egg for cc.api?23:13
paulproteusMan, I'm hungry.23:14
paulproteuslabs/~ftobia/ sounds reasonable.23:14
greg-gSteren: if I check "this is a minor edit" when editing a task on teamspace, does it send an email to all people subscribed to that tast still?23:15
ftobiais there some reason we don't want to submit cc.license to pypi?23:15
greg-gSteren: that might be a good option to have.  The ability to stop it from sending an email for minor edits.23:15
Sterengreg-g: Mmmm I think so, the mail is sent after any edit23:15
greg-gSteren: just a suggestion :)23:15
Sterengreg-g: I like it23:15
Sterengreg-g: I'll have a look soon23:16
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greg-gSteren: cool, no rush of course, I'm not your boss ;)23:16
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ftobiapaulproteus: can you think of a good reason not to upload cc.license to pypi?23:21
paulproteusIf it's in beta, nah, go ahead, I say.23:22
paulproteusEmail NY saying you did that.23:22
paulproteusI think he's shier about publishing stuff there than I am.23:22
paulproteusBut, like, whatevs.23:22
ftobiayeah i looked at it and it seems pretty open to accepting stuff.23:22
greg-gthe opposite of a documentary film is a ______ ?23:23
paulproteusinsensitive clod23:23
ftobiamockumentary film23:23
paulproteusdocumentary cucumber23:23
paulproteusuninformative zucchini23:23
tim_hwangambiguous tuber23:23
greg-greword: if I wanted to give people a choice for classifying a film, one option would be "is it a documentary or a ____" ?23:24
ftobia"chick flick"23:24
paulproteus"feature film"?23:24
tim_hwang"fantasy epic"23:24
greg-gok, one vote for "feature film"... any others?23:25
greg-gthanks for the wonderful help, btw23:25
tim_hwanghahaha, actually, from what i've read of film theory23:25
tim_hwangit's actualy supposed to be "avant garde"23:25
greg-gerrr, I'm vetoing that one23:26
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tw2113i had another somewhat related question23:43
tw2113are any of you members of AIGA?23:43
tw2113i'm curious if they're worth the cost of membership, and CC would be a good place to ask as we'd all be creative types23:43
Bovinityif you're looking for work, or design support with other designers, it can be worth it23:44
BovinityCC hasn't had any involvement with AIGA23:44
tw2113yeah, i figured CC didn't have direct involvement, but i figured that the people who use CC may also be members23:45
tw2113it may be something worth saving some money for23:45
Bovinityare you a student?23:46
tw2113not any more, so i wouldn't get those prices23:47
tw2113i'd be at the associate level for them23:47
Bovinityyeah... student rate is well worth it, especially getting your portfolio out23:47
tw2113should have tried joining my last year or something23:48
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ftobiapaulproteus: cc.license is official: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/cc.license/0.0123:56
greg-gman, there is a lot of grunt work to semantic wiki23:57
greg-gdefining forms, templates, properties, geez23:57

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