Friday, 2008-06-13

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rejongreg-g: what about this one?
rejonas you can tell, this is why I'm also into open source, amongst other things....serious OCD issues01:47
* greg-g looks02:01
greg-goo, greasemonkey is back in FF3!!02:01
rejonyah, noticed and gears too02:04
greg-grejon: that bike looks good too, I would put on a front brake for you since you haven't ridden a fixie before (right?) and it take a bit getting used to02:04 there anything too the material of the bike? like chromalloy vs aluminum alloy vs peugot steel frame?02:05
paulproteusSteel is heavier, I should think.02:06
greg-gso, my current ranking is 1) Orange bike 2) Windsor, just because the orange is used and less likely to be stolen02:06
* greg-g nods02:06
paulproteusSo why a fixie, exactly?02:06
paulproteusAlso it's such Bad News that I'm awake right now.02:06
greg-gfixie == simplicity02:07
greg-gand, in my opinion, more fun to ride.  Even though at first it is much harder02:07
rejoncool...yah, i want to have good bike...02:08
greg-g"much harder" meaning you have to learn not to try and coast and build up your leg muscles a little more02:08
rejonyah, that orange bike I'm sure is purchased now02:08
rejonyah, that sounds good02:08
greg-gthe orange one was posted yesterday, that quick in SF?02:09
greg-gbut, either way, both look good02:09
rejonman, I now know wayyyy tooo much about fixies02:10
rejonyah, for that type of bike02:10
greg-gwell done :) way to dive in02:12
greg-gwoah, I've never seen a ghost cog before (from the wikipedia article)02:14
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greg-grejon: chromalloy v. aluminum :
greg-gshort, sweet, and simple02:18
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rejoncan't find on that page02:20
rejonorange one is still available...big drive though...02:20
rejonnearly to google02:20
greg-glame, that sites' article changes randomly, if you want, reload unstil the title is "framing materials"02:23
greg-g"The Chromalloy steel material offers very good durability and a compliant ride characteristic."02:24
greg-g"Aluminum is stiffer than Chromalloy, and therefore it will crack before Chromalloy. Of course, this depends on how you ride and how much abuse you give the frame.  The advantages of aluminum is that the frame is very light and very stiff through over sizing or butting."02:24
rejonwhoa, these bikes are hot:
greg-gyeah, there is some good bike porn out there02:37
greg-gok, sleep02:42
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isforinsectspaulproteus, when you get in, could you link me to your Flickr Scaping scripts?07:55
paulproteusisforinsects, Okay, just a sec.07:55
isforinsects... isn't it like 5AM in your tz?07:56
paulproteus(1) it's 6 AM07:56
paulproteus(2) I'm actually hanging out my parents' house in Rochester, NY, right now, so it's 9 anyway.07:56
paulproteus(3) Bonus points if you consider that me being awake at 9 is actually a remarkable thing in any time zone...07:57
paulproteusAnyway. (-:07:57
paulproteussvn co
paulproteusIf you read Python, you'd do well to read the code as well as the READMEs and then come back to me, or alternately when you can't figure out "What is this SUPPOSED to do?!" feel free to ask.07:58
paulproteusisforinsects, I suppose the world would love you if you write about some of this hacking on top of our code somewhere.08:02
isforinsectsThat I can do08:03
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isforinsectspaulproteus, you're in NY!!!?08:57
isforinsectspaulproteus, : Sj, mel I and others are going to be in NY this weekend for an event.  Any chance you might be able to come?08:58
paulproteusisforinsects, Er,,ny+to:ny,ny09:00
paulproteusAlso, no, sadly I'll be driving the opposite direction to Ohio for a cousin's high school graduation party.09:00
isforinsectspaulproteus, ha! my geography is very very bad for the east coast.09:01
isforinsectsI've never had occasion to come out here before09:01
paulproteusWhere are you normally?09:03
paulproteusSomehow I thought you were in Boston/Cambridge.09:03
isforinsectsNo no, I'm normally in seattle-ish area09:40
isforinsectsI'm in Boston/Cambridge this summer09:40
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paulproteusisforinsects, Ah, but of course.09:46
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e_s_pGood morning!10:12
e_s_pHey, is there a problem with
e_s_pSeems like the server is refusing connections10:14
e_s_pIt might just be from my network location... lemme check10:14
e_s_pHmmm.... seems like a transitory hiccup10:17
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e_s_pI'm now getting hits again10:17
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paulproteuse_s_p, Howdy.10:43
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paulproteuse_s_p, Glad it's up.10:43
e_s_ppaulproteus: me too10:44
e_s_pnathany: thanks for reassuring me that I'm not insane10:45
nathanye_s_p: sure10:46
nathanybelieve me, we're all about sanity here ;)10:46
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e_s_pIt would be pretty fascinating to see some statistics on the i. server. I wonder if it's the most popular "badge" server in the world.10:48
paulproteusnathany, We're all about *promoting* sanity, at least.10:49
paulproteusWhether or not we have it is a separate question.10:49
paulproteusHAH! re: "most popular 'badge' server"10:49
nathanypromoting a non-decreasing amount of sanity?10:49
* paulproteus nods.10:50
e_s_ppaulproteus: do you think that's untrue?10:50
e_s_pI don't think there's another popular badge where users aren't encouraged to download to their own servers10:51
paulproteusI'm not saying it's untrue - I would just be really impressed with ourselves!10:51
paulproteusIt's like we colonized some 1998 ideal.10:51
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paulproteusMornin', west coast.11:10
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nkinkadenathany: I'm going to run to Central Computers.  I forgot about the fact that I'd need to convert the old Molex style power connector to the new SATA variety.12:17
nathanynkinkade: sounds good12:17
paulproteusnkinkade, d'oh12:18
nkinkadeIs that something that could handled with petty cash?12:18
nathanyi think so -- ask ani/jenn?12:18
nkinkadeDoh is exactly what I said when I went to install the disk.12:18
nkinkadeActually is was more like "F**K me!" but with the same meaning.12:19
bovinityajbrooks: ping12:26
paulproteusnkinkade, FWIW the drive ordering did change since Linux didn't create an "empty" /dev/sdX for the thing you took out.12:27
paulproteusNo big deal at all; switching to UUIDs now anyway.12:27
bovinityajbrooks: paulproteus: to!12:27
paulproteusAll of a sudden, I feel staged!12:28
ajbrookslooks good12:28
paulproteusbovinity, You have the legend backwards BTW.12:28
bovinitythis is why we need legends after all..12:29
ajbrooksI think we should have hamburgers and pizza slices instead of green and purple pins12:29
paulproteusI should have hamburgers and pizza slices.  It's past lunchtime around here!12:29
paulproteusbovinity, Feel free to pass &center= to the mvs.html iframe if you like.12:30
bovinitywould you prefer &?12:30
paulproteus(though I think it's fine as-is)12:30
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paulproteusOh, I didn't notice you weren't properly escaping the arguments in your iframe tag!12:31
paulproteusAt least, not XML-style proper escaping.12:31
paulproteusShould be "&" inside an attribute.12:31
paulproteusWhich gets de-escaped into "&" before being used to create a URL that is requested.12:31
paulproteus(compare that to my index.html)12:31
bovinityah. yes yes. my muscle memory hates change.12:32
paulproteusDoes mean the former MS guy quit?12:32
paulproteusI love how OE search has no icon.12:32
paulproteus'Cause, like, if you need an icon, you can go look for it yourself, thank you very much.12:32
bovinity<jedi>these aren't the staging files you're looking for</jedi>12:33
ajbrooksmind tricks12:33
* paulproteus allows these men to go about their business12:33
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nkinkadenathany: Can you think of any good reason to not just leave the domain hosted at the registrar?13:22
nathanyassuming we have the username/password to change it on demand, no reason i can think of13:22
nkinkadeYeah, we have the user/password, and leaving it there will also allow the SC folk to add subdomains whenever they like instead of having to request it through one of us.13:23
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rejonelite squad:
paulproteus"Unless you want to learn Brazilian"...14:34
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rejon tonite16:02
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nkinkadepaulproteus: Are you getting your files from the backup machine?16:34
paulproteusnkinkade, Hi16:34
paulproteusI am right now.16:34
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paulproteusEr, it abruptly stopped.16:35
nkinkadeHow confident are you that that network card is good?16:35
paulproteusUh-oh. (-:16:35
paulproteus330 pages pagetables16:35
paulproteusOut of Memory: Kill process 2441 (sshd) score 4021 and children.16:35
paulproteusOut of memory: Killed process 2443 (rsync).16:35
paulproteusI guess I'll do this over NFS then.16:35
paulproteusI have no particular reason to distrust it, but it's not the newest thing in the world.  Why do you ask?16:36
nkinkadeIt's been working today, but sometime between when I setup the box and when I added the card yesterday it quit working.16:36
paulproteusWhat sort of "quit working"?16:36
nkinkadeOh, there's not much swap space on that machine.16:37
nkinkadeGuess I should fix that up.16:37
paulproteusAt the point where I'm using up that much swap I'd do better to just do the RAM-intensive stuff on my machine anyway.16:37
nkinkadeIt appeared that the NIC stopped working.  The machine was on, but I couldn't reach it via the network, but a reboot cured it.16:37
paulproteusShould be a one-time thing.16:37
paulproteus...curious re: NIC16:37
paulproteusMaybe syslog had something to say.16:37
paulproteusMaybe I stole its IP or something.16:37
nkinkadeWhat were you doing that ate up all the memory and cause the machine to start killing processes?16:38
paulproteusrsync -aH to copy my backups off.16:38
paulproteusTracking duplicate files via hard-links in rsync or cp is hugely RAM intensive.16:38
paulproteusThe manuals even say so.16:39
nkinkadeThat's disappointing.  I wonder if dirvish will have problems.16:39
paulproteusIt won't - this is a different thing.16:39
nkinkadeThe -H.16:40
paulproteusDoing what dirvish does is cheap.16:40
nkinkadeWell the machine only has 250M of memory.16:40
paulproteusI don't think it passes -H across the network.16:40
paulproteus(Does it?)16:40
nkinkadeI don't know.16:40
paulproteusI think it doesn't - you can check. (-;16:40
paulproteusIts calculation is easier than a real hard-link check because when copying any file, it only has to check if the remote earlier version has the same hash.16:40
paulproteusIt doesn't have to track all the inodes for all the files it can possibly ever see.16:41
nkinkadeI guess the machine will only be useful for backups and for low-resource-consuming things.16:41
nkinkadeOh, paulproteus, quick question about the git submodules for mediawiki.16:44
paulproteusBTW hurry, I'm leaving for OH soon!16:44
nkinkadeI added the submodules to the cc_skeleton branch, but did you say at some point that they should be added to master and then init'd in the cc_skeleton?16:45
* paulproteus blinks16:45
paulproteusNo, you're doing it right.16:45
paulproteusIf you get confused feel free to go through the GitSubmoduleTutorial.16:45
nkinkadeOkay, good.  I don't know why I thought you had said that.16:45
paulproteusI wasn't being super clear about what init means.16:46
nkinkadeI've looked through a few tutorials.16:46
nkinkadeI think I understand what init means now.16:46
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nkinkadenathany: Perhaps the scarcity of RAM on the backup machine will hamper crawling for Nutch?  Just mentioning it here so that it doesn't take you by surprise, but maybe it's not RAM intensive anyway.16:49
nathanygood point16:50
nathanyi haven't really thought it through yet16:50
nkinkadeIn any case there's over 100G free to play around with on /dev/hda116:50
nkinkadeI mention it because paulproteus wasn't on logged into that machine for more than a few minutes before he got down to overwhelming it. :)16:51
nkinkadeWere you using NFS? :-)17:00
paulproteusDid you reboot or something?17:00
nkinkadeI though I had purged it all yesterday, and there it was suddenly installed and running again.17:00
paulproteusNo, to overwhelm it I was using rsync.17:01
paulproteusYes I just reinstalled it.17:01
paulproteusNFS is working right now it seems.17:01
paulproteusI'm going to leave for Ohio.17:01
paulproteusI hope you let my rsync finish, and then I'll leave your machine alone. (-:17:01
paulproteusI don't *intend* to totally destroy every machine I touch.17:02
nkinkadeWhat are you using NFS for?17:02
paulproteusTo copy the data over.17:02
nkinkadeI was just kidding.17:02
paulproteusSince rsync on the machine doesn't have enough RAM to succeed.17:02
* paulproteus nods17:02
nkinkadeFeel free to use the machine to backup some critical stuff from your desktop if you like.17:03
paulproteusThanks. (-:17:05
paulproteusOkay off to Ohio!17:05
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ajbrooksdoes wordpress have an extension to output blog entries to twitter?17:34
rejonguess the source: "What Bob Marley puts in his Open Access pipe - Smoke this, publishing industry!"17:40
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ajbrooks"feasting on knowledge like manna"17:48
rejonguess the source though!17:48
ajbrooksI cheated, I googled it17:48
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Sterenarf nathany you quit... I had some nice results for you :)18:14
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Sterennkinkade: no tech meeting today ?18:41
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nkinkadeSteren: Not today.  nathany already left.18:49
nkinkadeBut we can talk if there is something you wanted to go over.18:49
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NeoRiddlehola! he estado intentando dejar una obra bajo esta licencia y pero no se he terminado el proceso ¿alguien podria ayudarme? ¡saludos!19:15
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NeoRiddlehola! he estado intentando dejar una obra bajo esta licencia y pero no se he terminado el proceso ¿alguien podria ayudarme? ¡saludos!19:33
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nkinkadeHola NeoRiddle.20:24
nkinkadeNo creo que entienda su pregunta el 100%.20:25
NeoRiddlehola nkinkade!20:25
NeoRiddlesi mira, te explico!20:25
nkinkadeHas visitado este enlace:
NeoRiddleok mi problema es el siguiente, estoy haciendo un aplicacion web, la cual pienso liberar bajo una licencia CC, ahi en la pagina de CC dice que hay que agregar un poco de codigo para que dentro de la pagina se incluya los datos de la licencia, pero no se si con poner ese codigo ya esta concluido el proceso de registrar el trabajo.20:27
nkinkadeAntes que nada, sabías que no recomendamos que se utilicen las licencias CC con software?20:29
NeoRiddlemmm, no, ¿porque la recomentacion?20:29
nkinkadeEs que ya hay un montón de licencias escritas especificamente por software.20:29
nkinkadePor ejemplo el GPL, MIT, BSD, etc.20:30
NeoRiddleok, bueno imaginemos que no es software!20:30
NeoRiddlesuggpongamos que quiero registrar un texto: mi proyecto de tesis por ejemplo!20:30
nkinkadeNo creemos que las licencias CC sean adecuadas para software.20:30
nkinkadeTexto si.20:30
NeoRiddleimaginemos que es el texto20:30
nkinkadeTengo un FAQ respecto a software pero no creo se haya traducido a español.20:31
nkinkadeNo es decir que no puedas usar una licencia CC para software, solo que no lo recomendamos.20:31
NeoRiddlesi quiero registrar mi texto de proyecto de tesis y ya elegi que licencia a usar, donde registro mi trabajo?20:32
nkinkadeAh.  Lo que pasa es que no hay registrar una obra.  Solo hay que seleccionar una licencia y despues marcar su obra de alguna manera.20:34
NeoRiddleok, y eso garantiza que ya esta mi obra protegida por la licencia CC?20:35
nkinkadeSi vas a publicar tu obra en el Internet puedes utilizar esta herramienta:
nkinkadeDespues de llenar ese formulario se te presentará un poco de HTML que puedes introducir en la pagina donde se encuentre la obra.20:36
nkinkadeNo mantenemos ningun tipo de registro.20:36
NeoRiddley con eso basta para que mi obra este protegida por la licencia CC?20:36
NeoRiddle¿que pasa y otra persona trata de reclamar mi obra alegando la autoria de este? ¿como me protege CC ene sos casos?20:37
nkinkadeSí.  Es que siendo el autor de la obra ya tienes todos los derechos con ella y puedes librarlo si quieres.20:37
nkinkadeBueno, en este caso solo puedes hacer lo mismo si no hubieras puesto la obra bajo una licencia CC: 1) comunicarte con la persona y tratar de solucionar el problema de forma agradable 2) Hablar con un abogado20:39
nkinkadeSí me explico?20:40
nkinkadeDe donde eres?20:40
NeoRiddlede mexico20:43
NeoRiddlesi entiendo20:43
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nkinkadeCC Mexico tiene un sitio ... lo has visto?20:44
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NeoRiddlesi de ehcho si, solo que me nacio la duda que si se tenia que realizar un registro como lo que pasa con las licencias de musica o letras por ejemplo y que habia una institucion para llegar ese registro20:47
nkinkadeEntre los que usan las licencias CC y CC no hay vinculo alguno .. por ejemplo puedes leer la casilla en la parte inferior de esta licencia:
NeoRiddleok gracias20:48
NeoRiddlerevisare mas, muchas gracias20:48
nkinkadeDe nada.  Gracias por el interes en CC.20:48
NeoRiddlea ti gracias por el soporte!20:48
nkinkadeDurante la semana casi siempre estoy en #cc durante el dia (PDT)20:49
NeoRiddleok gracias21:06
NeoRiddletu de donde eres?21:06
NeoRiddlepor eso de los husos horario!21:07
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nkinkadeNeoRiddle: Soy de los EEUU.   Nací en Atlanta, GA, pero ya vivo en San Franciso.21:14
NeoRiddleahh ok, entonces ya que a que horas para ti "es de dia" :D21:14
nkinkadeSon las 7:15PM.21:16
NeoRiddleaqui 2 horas mas tarde21:16
nkinkadeNormalmente no estoy aqui a estas horas, pero estamos colgando unas fotos para que se vea bonita la oficina. :-)21:17
NeoRiddleok de cualquier manrea gracias, y suerte alla en la oficina!21:18
nkinkadeOk.  Igual.  Que tenga un buen fin de semana.21:18
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