Friday, 2008-05-23

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paulproteusnkinkade, nathany, No stand-up in 10m, right?12:50
nathanypaulproteus: correct12:50
nathanydon't forget we have a staff pow-wow @ lunch today12:50
paulproteusI remember. (-:12:50
paulproteusnathany, For the Validator, have you a preference of Pylons vs. Django?13:00
paulproteusI'm thinking of telling Hugo to go Pylons for consistency's sake, but am I being a joykilling curmudgeon?13:01
nathanypaulproteus: I probably have a slight preference for towards Pylons for that very reason13:01
paulproteusGreat, then at least I'm no more of a curmudgeon than you.13:01
nathanyI think Django's killer feature is the auto-magic admin ui, which the validator won't be making use of13:01
bsekiller feature indeed13:02
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AVRSHello. Does anyone know what license the author of does mean?14:07
AVRSIt says "(CC some rights reserved)" :(14:07
AVRSI think I have asked in their forum a long time ago… but I don't remember if the license was indicated in the pictures even remotely, and the forum seems to have been replaced.14:08
greg-gAVRS: I would email the author (the contact email address on the site most likely)14:10
rejonbroken wiki link nkinkade:
AVRSgreg-g: hmm the e-mail address links to a site that is under "Reconocimiento - No comercial - Sin obras derivadas"14:12
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greg-gthat label is on the website, not the comic itself, still best to email the author just to make sure.14:13
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AVRSsure, already writing14:14
greg-ggood deal, but yeah, assuming it is the same license, but assuming is just that :)14:14
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AVRSWhy is that silly "some rights reserved" banner still suggested by the site? :(14:20
AVRS , for any licence.14:21
AVRS…or maybe that's because of my eo locale…14:25
AVRSit suggests licenses v2.5, and Chile 2.0!14:25
AVRSNo, the US one suggests 3.0 and that banner is still an option. :(14:28
AVRSFortunately, most people don't use it.14:29
AVRSmail sent (to the comic author)14:30
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nkinkadepaulproteus: nathany: regarding the broken wiki link above: ... it seems to have to do with OpenLayers, is this something either one of you would know about?15:23
* paulproteus blinks15:23
nkinkadeSemanticLayers, sorry.15:23
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hdworakhi! ltns15:26
hdworakpaulproteus: well, it's not like that here (summer break)15:28
paulproteusOh, what the timetable like there?15:28
hdworakbut I'm gonna try hard to smooth operate this15:28
hdworakso I'm gonna be like a presidential candidate15:28
hdworakready to serve from day 115:29
paulproteusbrb, gotta call my mom - it's her birthday!15:29
hdworakwell, basically I've finished having classes with students (I do some labs), so I'm left with a few exams in June15:30
hdworaknormally, students end their summer semester June 30th here15:30
hdworakexams usually take place in the last two weeks of June, I'm no exception15:30
hdworakbut it's not such a big deal, since I'm a PhD student15:30
hdworakso I guess it's not gonna be that difficult anymore15:31
hdworakwe celebrate mother's day May 26th, what a coincidence15:31
paulproteusShe's not home yet. (-:15:34
hdworakthe person responsible for SSH git keys authorization: I've pasted the links to my SSH keys before on this channel, but they were generated using a flawed version of SSH15:34
paulproteushdworak, I can add them to the SSH key whitelist, so just paste fresh ones.15:34
hdworakso please delete them - I'm gonna provide you a new key promptly15:34
paulproteushdworak, In general, assume anything you need done will be done by me, unless I say otherwise. (-:15:35
hdworaksure, it's just the last time there was some other guy responsible for that :)15:35
hdworakdo you prefer DSA over RSA?15:36
hdworakor either way?15:36
paulproteusRSA > DSA15:36
hdworakain't DSA hacked or something?15:36
hdworakor DES15:36
hdworakI dunno15:36
paulproteusDES, sure.15:36
paulproteusDSA != DES15:36
hdworakis a passphrase need for such key?15:37
paulproteusThat's up to you.15:37
hdworak'cause I can leave empty15:37
hdworakcool, I'm done15:37
paulproteusIt doesn't affect me; we only get the public key, and the passphrase locks the private key on your machine.15:37
hdworakgonna upload15:37
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hdworakit's a key for my laptop and I'll do 100% of my GSOC work on it15:39
paulproteusOkay.  If you want another key added, it's okay - just email me with a link to it.15:39
hdworaknow I go to
hdworakI use Xubuntu 8.04 BTW15:40
hdworakgot all the git installed and stuff15:40
paulproteusHave you used git at all before?15:41
paulproteus is a long but very helpful article to understand it.15:41
paulproteus is a basic "How to use git" document.15:41
hdworakno, I've used CVS on SourceForge in summer 200415:43
hdworakhas my key been added?15:43
nkinkade __________________________15:48
nkinkade< I love 16 bit SSL keys\! >15:48
nkinkade --------------------------15:48
nkinkade        \   ^__^15:48
nkinkade         \  (oo)\_______15:48
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nkinkade            (__)\       )\/\15:48
nkinkade                ||----w |15:48
nkinkade                ||     ||15:48
hdworakhuh? :D15:48
hdworakall I did was ssh-keygen -t rsa15:49
paulproteushdworak, Almost, got distracted with a random experiment.15:49
paulproteusThat nkinkade is making fun of me for. (-:15:49
paulproteusIt seems 768 bit keys are the shorted OpenSSH will let you use to authenticate.15:50
paulproteus(for RSA)15:50
paulproteus1024 is the default generated by ssh-keygen, which is plenty safe.15:50
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paulproteus768 bit are fairly bad, but not horrendous like the 16 bit keys I was making.15:50
nkinkadehdworak: Sorry.  My cowsay message was in response to something paulproteus said, and and I didn't in any way write it relative to what you wrote.   "ssh-keygen -t rsa" is pretty reasonable, I think.15:52
nkinkadeBut as a side note, aren't DSA key considered to be a little more secure?  I ask that honestly.  I'm not sure, but I think I read that somewhere.15:52
paulproteushdworak, You should probably get reading on that "Git from the bottom up" document.15:53
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paulproteusI think the only reason to use DSA is that back in the day, RSA was patented so we all got used to not being allowd to use basic linear algebra and using DSA instead.15:54
hdworak"So basically key generation is incredibly faster for DSA, which makes sense if you understand the algorithms. Signing is also faster for DSA, but not by as large a factor. RSA’s great strength is verifying which is much faster than DSA."15:54
paulproteusLet's talk about DSA vs. RSA another day. (-:15:56
hdworakok, sorry for off-topic15:57
nathany ______15:57
nathany< OMFG >15:57
nathany ------15:57
nathany        \   ^__^15:57
nathany         \  (oo)\_______15:57
nathany            (__)\       )\/\15:57
nathany                ||----w |15:57
nathany                ||     ||15:57
hdworakI dunno how to enable this authentication anyway15:57
bovinitycowthink is superior15:57
hdworakI do:15:58
hdworakgit clone
hdworakand I'm just getting a prompt for15:58
nkinkadepaulproteus: hdworak: Interesting about RSA vs DSA.  I don't know where I picked up that misconception, but now I've been schooled proper-like.15:58's password15:58
paulproteushdworak, Yes - for now you'll only get access to the "validator" respository.15:58
paulproteusWhich doesn't actually exist yet anyway.15:58
bovinitynathany: "We hope that these upgrades will help make your user experience on a little bit easier and more pleasant."15:59
nathanybovinity: yeah right15:59
paulproteushdworak, You're added, but there's no "validator" repository right now - it will exist once somebody pushes into it.16:00
hdworaknkinkade: I wonder if you could help me setting up an account on techblog16:01
nkinkadenathany: I don't know if you know about this one, but "sudo aptitude install sl" is fun too.16:02
hdworakas for editting a Wikipedia page - do I need just a regular Wiki account or some special priviliges?16:02
hdworakWikipedia= cc Wiki, sorry16:02
nkinkadehdworak: Sure.16:04
nathanyhdworak: you only need to register and confirm your email address16:04
hdworakit's ?16:04
paulproteushdworak, Ya16:04
hdworakor do u have some special wiki?16:04
paulproteusNo secrets here (at least, that we're telling you about!).16:04
nkinkadehdworak: I'll send you a password in an email.  Would you like for you username to be hdworak?16:05
hdworakok, I've got an account - hdworak (on the wiki)16:06
hdworakwell, I prefer to go by a full name "Hugo Dworak", but if that's not possible (Wiki/IRC) then I use the "hdworak" handle16:07
nkinkadehdworak: What email address should I associate with the account?16:07
nkinkadeI can certainly use your full name.16:07
nkinkadeAnd will.16:07
hdworakthe e-mail is: "hugo" as login, and "" as the domain16:07
hdworakwho's in charge of the wiki?16:08
paulproteusnkinkade is, mostly, but it's a group effort.16:09
nkinkadehdworak: You should get an email any moment now about your account at the techblog.16:10
nkinkadepaulproteus: What's the URL for doing read-only clones of our git repositories?16:15
paulproteusgit:// I think.16:15 has it.16:15
paulproteusBut why do it that way, btw?16:15
nkinkadeNo reason, I was just curious.16:15
nkinkadeBut my Mom doesn't have any git repository, that I know of, that sly woman.16:16
paulproteusYeah, well, my mom uses Subversion.16:16
nkinkadeThat's so 20th century of her.16:18
paulproteusAt least it's not CVS.16:18
hdworakok, I'm in at techblog profile16:18
paulproteushdworak, Yay, so go blog about your project. (-:16:18
hdworaknkinkade: thanks for the account16:21
nkinkadeFeel free, of course, to edit your profile to suit.16:21
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hdworakI'm new to WordPress, too, but n/p16:21
hdworakalready did16:21
hdworakplease explain me the role of the techblog and the wiki16:24
hdworakshould I blog on the techblog only once about the project16:24
hdworakand then maintain the up-to-date description on an updated wiki page?16:24
paulproteusThe techblog is for announcements, and the wiki is for continually updated documentation.16:24
paulproteushdworak, The idea is that you'll write on the techblog when you have something interesting to announce, but you'll always keep the wiki page up to date.16:25
hdworakok, so techblog can be used like 1-3 times during GSOC16:25
paulproteusNo, we want you to write about your progress once every ten days!16:25
paulproteusThat is, on the techblog.16:25
paulproteusIf you ran into any peculiar difficulties, or you have good things to say about your tools, you could write about that too.16:25
hdworakshould I expand or start a new page or edit my wiki-user page?16:27
hdworakok, sorry, I misunderstood16:27
paulproteusnathany, Do you think he should scribble his timeline (as events happen and this shift or not) on the "Challenge" page linked above?16:28
paulproteusI lean toward having his project's progress be documented on a separate page that the above links to.16:28
hdworakme 216:28
nathanya sub-page, at most16:28
nathanyi'd keep it all together16:28
nathany(a sub-page is together enough for me)16:28
paulproteusGreat, hdworak, document your timeline and progress at and make sure links there.16:29
hdworakwill do16:29
hdworakokay, guys, thanks for help16:30
hdworakit's gonna be a very exciting project to work on16:30
hdworakbut right now, I'll be going :)16:30
hdworakit's 23:30 and my girlfriend wants to watch a movie16:30
hdworakc'ya tomorrow16:31
paulproteusSee you tomorrow!16:31
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paulproteusWait, tomorrow's Saturday.16:35
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bovinityajbrooks: finally fixed up the proejct icons on learn.cc18:57
rejonnkinkade and/or bov: could you add a link for paging of the blog on the main page19:02
rejonso annoying having to click through to the weblog archives to just see the same entries again :)19:02
bovinitymaybe the archives shouldn't echo what's on the main page19:02
rejonyah, could just be link like 1 page into paging on the archives19:02
rejonis that a quick fix, or file that ish?19:04
rejonshould I *talk to the redirect*19:04
nkinkaderejon: The archives page has more entries than the main page.19:05
nkinkadeMaybe I misunderstood you.19:05
nkinkadeI doubt it would be hard to add paging.19:05
nkinkadeWe even have a fancy plugin to do fancy paging.19:06
bovinitypaging would be inaccurate if the archives page shows more entries.. easier to just not show the latest entries in the archives page19:06
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nkinkadebovinity: How do you implement that?19:07
bovinitypresently category-1.php is just a standard WP posts loop19:09
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rejonyah, I don't see a reason the main page isn't the archives, but whatever :)19:22
rejonat the end of the day, just a link to more posts starting with new posts on archive page makes sense19:22
bovinitybecause wordpress is dumb like that19:23
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