Monday, 2008-04-14

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sonjonhi, im want to use a cc-by like license for a software library, any recommendations?08:18
sonjonbut i don't like a copyleft, like GPL has08:19
rejoncc licenses are for content and not software sonjon :)08:21
sonjonyes, and thats what it sais in the faq08:21
sonjonbut my problems remains :/08:21
sonjonis there no cc-by-like copyleft-free software license?08:25
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jonsohnhello again, i got disconnected08:31
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coskundcc pliss13:37
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tvolhi nathany_14:14
tvolbovinity around?14:16
nkinkadetvol: Bovinity is around, but nathany is travelling14:18
nkinkadeThough he may still be available here at times.14:19
tvolnkinkade: thanks14:19
tvolhey Bovinity: cameron is doing blog post on flickr video--wanted to throw up nathan's short "search" screencast on the cc flickr page, but flickr doesn't seem to allow .ogg uploads. you know if we have the video in another (read: proprietary) format that will work with flickr (yes, i realize this is ridiculous)14:22
Bovinityi have one that will work, yes14:26
Bovinityand yes, it is rediculous14:26
Bovinityis the cast <90 seconds? i forget14:27
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tvolBovinity: yeah 69 sec14:31
tvoli think14:31
tvolcool can you upload?14:31
Bovinityto cc acct?14:31
Bovinitysure, after lunch.14:31
tvolsweet thanks14:32
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Bovinityprcessing.. processing..16:18
tvolBovinity: thanks much, will ping cameron16:19
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