Sunday, 2007-07-15

cchelpbotNOTICE: SVN: cctools: [6224] liblicense/trunk/bindings/ruby: Revision: 6224 Author: bse Date: 2007-07-14 17:33:21 -0700 (Sat, 14 Jul 2007) Log Message: ----------- Added object cloning and to_s methods. Implemented ll_licenses, ll_print_module_info, ll_get_*_modules. Modified Paths:00:37
cchelpbotNOTICE: -------------- liblicense/trunk/bindings/ruby/lib/liblicense.rb liblicense/trunk/bindings/ruby/liblicense.c liblicense/trunk/bindings/ruby/test.rb This was sent by the collaborative development platform, the world's largest Open Source development site.00:37
tannewtBovinity, nice! you have ruby bindings?00:48
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Bovinitytannewt, yep01:20
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Bovinityneat, got the ruby binding building/installing via the main build system04:26
Bovinityit's a tad... unorthodox, though.04:26
tannewtBovinity, oh yeah?04:26
Bovinityit needs a bunch of lines like:04:27
Bovinity    RUBY_LDFLAGS=`"$RUBY" -rrbconfig -e 'puts Config::CONFIG[["LDFLAGS"]]'`04:27
Bovinityin the, to specify the required ruby install/build stuff04:27
tannewtah, right04:27
Bovinityand while you're around, what's the third argument in ll_get_attribute for?04:29
tannewtlet me look04:30
tannewtits a boolean to tell the attribute if it should look for locale stuff or not04:31
tannewtin other words, is it localized text or something else04:31
tannewtits a hack I should sort out for 0.304:32
tannewthow has the module system been working?04:32
Bovinitythat's the only method i haven't implemented in the binding04:32
Bovinityit hasn't really04:32
tannewtoh really? jason just rewrote04:32
Bovinitylet me get something more specific...04:33
Bovinityfor some reason, if i do an ll_module_read it returns NULL04:37
Bovinityregular ll_read is fine04:37
Bovinitybut it's fine in python.. so i must have done something weird04:38
Bovinityoh. d'oh.04:38
tannewtBovinity, ever created an rpm for content04:45
tannewtyou figure out the problem?04:47
Bovinityyes, there was no problem04:54
Bovinityi just thought did the same thing that does04:55
Bovinityread too closely for my own tests ;)04:55
Bovinityis there any reason the python test isn't included in the dist build?04:58
tannewtno... I don't think so04:59
tannewtI'm behind on liblicense stuff been doing livecd too much05:09
tannewtI hate fedora05:12
cchelpbotNOTICE: SVN: cctools: [6225] liblicense/trunk: Revision: 6225 Author: bse Date: 2007-07-14 22:13:18 -0700 (Sat, 14 Jul 2007) Log Message: ----------- Integrated ruby bindings into main build system. Hurrah! Modified Paths: -------------- liblicense/trunk/AUTHORS05:18
cchelpbotNOTICE: liblicense/trunk/bindings/ liblicense/trunk/bindings/ruby/test.rb liblicense/trunk/ Added Paths: ----------- liblicense/trunk/bindings/ruby/ This was sent by the collaborative development platform, the world's largest Open Source development site.05:18
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cchelpbotNOTICE: SVN: cctools: [6226] scicom/mta/trunk/scicom/mta_web: Revision: 6226 Author: mtravers Date: 2007-07-14 23:21:41 -0700 (Sat, 14 Jul 2007) Log Message: ----------- finish UBMTA letter Modified Paths: -------------- scicom/mta/trunk/scicom/mta_web/letters/__init__.py06:22
cchelpbotNOTICE: scicom/mta/trunk/scicom/mta_web/letters/ scicom/mta/trunk/scicom/mta_web/letters/ scicom/mta/trunk/scicom/mta_web/static/chooser.js scicom/mta/trunk/scicom/mta_web/static/mta-schema.rdf scicom/mta/trunk/scicom/mta_web/static/mta.js This was sent by the collaborative development platform, the world's largest Open06:22
cchelpbotNOTICE: Source development site.06:22
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cchelpbotNOTICE: SVN: cctools: [6227] scicom/mta/trunk/scicom/mta_web: Revision: 6227 Author: mtravers Date: 2007-07-15 10:31:07 -0700 (Sun, 15 Jul 2007) Log Message: ----------- rough version of SLA letter Modified Paths: -------------- scicom/mta/trunk/scicom/mta_web/app.py17:36
cchelpbotNOTICE: scicom/mta/trunk/scicom/mta_web/letters/ This was sent by the collaborative development platform, the world's largest Open Source development site.17:36
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cchelpbotNOTICE: SVN: cctools: [6228] liblicense/trunk/bindings/ruby/liblicense.c: Revision: 6228 Author: bse Date: 2007-07-15 10:58:21 -0700 (Sun, 15 Jul 2007) Log Message: ----------- Implemented ll_get_attribute and ll_verify_uri. Modified Paths: --------------18:00
cchelpbotNOTICE: liblicense/trunk/bindings/ruby/liblicense.c This was sent by the collaborative development platform, the world's largest Open Source development site.18:00
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cchelpbotNOTICE: SVN: cctools: [6229] ccwordpress/trunk/www/legalcode: Revision: 6229 Author: mlinksva Date: 2007-07-15 11:56:34 -0700 (Sun, 15 Jul 2007) Log Message: ----------- pre-launch fix Modified Paths: -------------- ccwordpress/trunk/www/legalcode/by-nc-nd_3.0_nl.html18:56
cchelpbotNOTICE: ccwordpress/trunk/www/legalcode/by-nc-sa_3.0_nl.html ccwordpress/trunk/www/legalcode/by-nc_3.0_nl.html ccwordpress/trunk/www/legalcode/by-nd_3.0_nl.html ccwordpress/trunk/www/legalcode/by-sa_3.0_nl.html ccwordpress/trunk/www/legalcode/by_3.0_nl.html This was sent by the collaborative development platform, the world's largest Open18:56
cchelpbotNOTICE: Source development site.18:56
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RiggzyTechnical question!19:32
RiggzyBest place to put a CC sticker on an Apple laptop *chuckle*19:33
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cchelpbotNOTICE: SVN: cctools: [6230] liblicense/trunk/bindings/ruby/liblicense.c: Revision: 6230 Author: bse Date: 2007-07-15 13:16:38 -0700 (Sun, 15 Jul 2007) Log Message: ----------- potential memory leak caught. Modified Paths: -------------- liblicense/trunk/bindings/ruby/liblicense.c This20:19
cchelpbotNOTICE: was sent by the collaborative development platform, the world's largest Open Source development site.20:19
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cchelpbotNOTICE: SVN: cctools: [6231] liblicense/trunk: Revision: 6231 Author: jakin44 Date: 2007-07-15 15:33:21 -0700 (Sun, 15 Jul 2007) Log Message: ----------- New module based on Taglib. Reads and writes license claims in vorbis, flac, flac+ogg, and musepack. This duplicates the vorbis and22:35
cchelpbotNOTICE: flac modules, which can be useful if the dependancies for those modules are not available. Taglib has zero external dependancies itself. Also change locale_t to ll_locale_t. locale_t conflicts with locale.h (It seems okay, anyway, when used from C code, but gives compile errors when used with C++) Modified Paths: --------------22:35
cchelpbotNOTICE: liblicense/trunk/bindings/python/liblicense.c liblicense/trunk/bindings/ruby/liblicense.c liblicense/trunk/ liblicense/trunk/liblicense.h liblicense/trunk/modules/io/ Added Paths: ----------- liblicense/trunk/modules/io/taglib.cpp This was sent by the collaborative development platform, the world's largest22:35
cchelpbotNOTICE: Open Source development site.22:35
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