Monday, 2007-07-02

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rejonpaulproteus: whatup?02:59
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cchelpbotNew news from Nutch <>17:00
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cchelpbotNew news from Video <> || LiveContent <> || CcNutch <>17:12
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cchelpbotNew news from Write a custom Creative Commons license-aware search engine <>18:31
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rejontvol: we should start removing the {{incomplete}} and {{stub}} templates on pages that are sufficiently full18:47
tvolrejon: ok18:48
rejontvol: tis about time to schedule a meeting about wikifarming18:48
rejoncan you email mike, nathan, nathan k. and alex to see about that meeting for next week sometime (early) and also who should be involved...18:49
tvolrejon: yes18:57
cchelpbotNew news from Audio <>19:05
paulproteusOoh, farming wikis.19:07
paulproteusI'd love to chat about that too, rejon!19:07
paulproteusHow about Wednesday July 10 first thing? (-;19:07
rejonits handled already :)19:08
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cchelpbotNew news from Template:ContentCurator <>19:27
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gavinbakerpaulproteus: if you're looking for some work ;)19:46
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cchelpbotNew news from Template:Switch <>21:45
cchelpbotNOTICE: test: test21:47
rejonjakin: you ready for call21:56
jakinrejon, sure22:00
rejonok, scott and i callin22:00
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cchelpbotNew news from Tagging <>22:50
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tannewtthemayor, hey this is scott, is jesse on irc?22:54
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jakinrejon, looks like google doesn't require me to give them the copyright.
rejonaha, that is good to knjow23:39
rejonso, add Creative Commons tvol and jakin23:40
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