Monday, 2007-06-25

cchelpbotNew news from Economy 4G3W <>00:08
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rejonbse and tvol: are we meeting17:03
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cameronparkinsrejon: im looking over your slideshare from pixelodeon and im going to try and adapt it to the WVS - once ive got it pretty much how i think would prob work well, im gonna upload it to slide share - does that sound good?18:48
cameronparkinsjust out of interest, how long did this presentation take you?18:49
cameronparkinsso i know how much we have to cut18:49
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rejoncameronparkins: that was a 45 minute keynote18:54
rejon20 slides in 5-8 minutes is good18:54
cameronparkinsoh wow18:54
cameronparkinsok cool18:54
rejonmaximum impact18:54
cameronparkinshave you checked out the other people on the panel?18:54
cameronparkinsthey are interesting18:55
rejonyah, i know eddie18:59
rejonhe did first cc salon18:59
rejonthe aza raskin guy is interesting18:59
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bovinityah, just the man19:00
bovinityrejon, tvol,
rejoni like that19:00
bovinityi'm getting a quote for 1000 right now19:00
tvollooks rad. we should have a swank resort on ours too19:02
rejonyah, and go there19:02
bovinityhost a launch party there.19:02
bovinityor just a party.19:02
cameronparkinsthat place is ritzy19:10
cameronparkinsat first i thought that was the design for the LiveCD and i was very confused19:11
bovinitylivecd is code named "posh expensive resort", yes19:13
cameronparkinsrejon: you wanna stick with the general idea of remix culture and incorporating CC licenses to make content more attractive to users for this presentation right?19:17
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cameronparkinsrejon, bovinity, rebecaa and i are going to curry if you want in19:26
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themayortannewt: yo19:36
tannewtthemayor, hie19:36
themayoryeah you guys can talk to me19:37
themayorsorry i havent been around most of today19:37
tannewtthemayor, we've been having trouble with revisor, we check only a few things but many things we did not check are pulled into the build19:37
tannewtthemayor, I understand how dependencies work but I believe many are unnecessary19:37
tannewtthemayor, is there a better tool to use?19:38
themayorwell first off, explain to me some of the dep issues youre having in detail19:39
themayorlike what is it pulling in19:39
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tannewtthemayor, well, we had one where we checked gnome with no optional packages, firefox, oowriter, gqview and totem.  Once we said to build the CD it said it was downloading things such as the gimp and evolution.19:41
tannewtthemayor, we load kickstart files into revisor, we can send them to you19:43
themayortannewt: sure, send them, also, have you guys been on the revisor mailing lists19:45
tannewtthemayor, no we're not on the ml19:46
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tvolhey themayor, it's tvol - working with tannewt--i'll send you the file19:47
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tannewtthemayor, I assume you got the file19:58
themayornot yet19:58
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themayorthere is always lag with our email due to filtering and storing though19:58
tannewtthemayor, ah, tvol just sent it19:58
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* jakin notices the online license chooses uses the namespace instead of Tracker won't pick up on this namespace21:04
jakinfor xmp21:04
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rejonjakin: why not?21:54
rejonis that a problem?21:54
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rejonrrr_: are the mockups near done? what is left on that?22:11
rrr_yep uploading them all now22:11
rejonyah, anxious to get onto the marking stuff22:11
rrr_actually, im getting a permissions errr22:11
rrr_Permission error22:12
rrr_From CcWiki22:12
rrr_The action you have requested is limited to users in one of the groups Sysops, confirmed.22:12
bovinitywhich wiki and page?22:13
bovinityoh. that's probably so we dont get spammers uploading porn22:14
bovinityor jsut an upgrade glitch.22:14
rrr_yea, how can i get into that group?22:14
jakinrejon, why are there two namespaces?22:17
rejonyou should email cc-devel@ about that22:18
rejonand cc nathan@22:18
rejonabout that one...I've wondered too22:18
rejonat least the web.... one resolves too22:18
rejonthe cc URI should at least land somewhere explaining too22:19
jakinnathan corrected me once and said to use the one22:19
rejonoh, you should bring that up on the list22:19
rejonwe need something for resolution on that page that explains22:19
rejoncan you do that?22:19
rejonor rather would you?22:20
rrr_rejon: should i start marking stuff since i can't upload?22:21
bovinityadding you now22:22
bovinitywhat;s your username?22:22
rrr_"Rebecca Rojer"22:24
bovinityok, you can upload now22:25
rrr_thanks, lemme try22:27
rrr_The upload directory (/web/wiki2/www/mediawiki-1.10.0/images) is not writable by the webserver.22:27
bovinityterry is updating wiki to the latest version, so i guess some parts are still... wonky.22:28
rejonwho is thierry on here?22:28
bovinitythat upload directory is invalid anyway. uhh.22:28
rrr_should i try uploading to teamspace for now?22:30
bovinityought to work now22:30
rrr_i'm still getting the same error22:31
bovinityyeah, use teamspace for now22:31
rejonjust wait22:32
rejonuntil ready22:32
rejoncoordinate with thierry and put pressure on him22:32
rejonotherwise, marking stuff22:33
rejonand I'll start connecting up the mockups with respective communities and we can work on that in the background22:33
rejonwho is frame?22:33
rejonhi frame22:33
cchelpbotNew news from CcWiki:About <> || Special:Log/rights <>22:35
rrr_rejon: what marking stuff should i be working on?22:40
rejonneed to come up with 1-3 possible media treatments for each of the major media22:41
rejonso, it is more than just visual, but could be audio too22:41
rejonbut the visual will drive22:41
rejonaudio, video, image, text (are the main ones from the website, right bse?)22:42
rrr_okay. are these guidelines, or mockups?22:42
rejonthey should be short too...but need to ascertain minimum amount of info to show license + attribution for a work22:43
rejonwhich might be problematic22:43
rejonsimplest: just notifying the license22:43
rejonmore complex: license marking/notification + attribution22:43
rejonbest to work on simplest for now22:43
rrr_what are the current guidelines?22:46
rejonyou have to make them22:46
rejonI'm giving massive generalizations22:46
rejonthink big and then we'll scale down22:46
rejonand, I'm throwing you curveballs to field onto that wiki page22:47
rrr_wait, which wiki page?22:47
tannewtrejon, dont you mean you want things to mark other mediums with licenses?  just like the cc buttons can already be used on webpages?22:47
rejonRight, here is the large scale idea of Marking project22:48
rejon right now is purely focused on CC licensing content for the web22:49
rrr_okay so i should be posting this stuff to the public wiki?22:49
rejonthis is super-public22:49
rrr_got it22:49
rejondude, cameronparkins, this rkelly album has 75% massive cheese on it22:49
rejonrrr_: so, the idea is that we need these cc official marking media for anyone to use for each of the primary 6 cc licenses22:50
rejonand then, we need a mockup of the cc license page that uses the new licensor alex has created to interface wit these22:51
cameronparkinsrejon, massive cheese?22:51
cameronparkinswhat is massive cheese22:51
cameronparkinslike, massive awesomeness?22:51
cameronparkinsbecause then i agree22:51
cameronparkinsor massive cheese, like, oh man not another line about being in the VIP22:52
bovinityrejon, do you think the icons font should include the category icons,
rejonrrr_: I'm talking about and the new one on labt22:53
rejonbse: man, those are so old22:53
rejonthey don't fit into our design ethos22:53
framegood evening everyone - I'd like to (re-)introduce myself to the team (I got lost a few weeks ago, but found my way back :)22:55
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tvolwhoa looks like from another era22:55
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bovinityold school cc.22:55
cameronparkinsdude, that is vintage - you could start a new trend22:56
cameronparkinsdo you think that will ever happen, like vintage computing stuff22:56
cameronparkinsprobably already has22:56
tvoloh hell yes22:56
bovinitylike the Wii and its virtual console stuff?22:56
tannewtframe, go ahead22:56
cameronparkinskind of22:56
cameronparkinsmore like22:56
bovinityor making C64's rad again22:56
cameronparkinswell they have lways been rad22:57
cameronparkinsim thinking like22:57
cameronparkinsgetting an old pc and getting on the net through prodigy22:57
cameronparkinsdo you guys remember prodigy?22:57
frameI talked to rejon a few weeks back. Basically I got PHP/MySQL/HTML exp. since ~8 years+22:57
cameronparkinsand that being like, the cool thing - dude email me at cameron@prodigy.com22:57
cameronparkinsand people think that is cool - i wonder if that would ever take off22:57
tannewtframe, nice22:58
frameI run my own Biz since 2000, so I do have control over my time. This year I wanted to finally start and return to the OSS community what helped me to get where I am today. and what could be more at the heart of OSS than CC :)22:58
rrr_bse, rejon: how do people feel about the acronyms (CC-BY-SA) at times when icons aren't doable?22:58
bovinitywe had prodigy22:59
bovinitycompuserve.. lol..22:59
frameso, this is were rejon and me left off: I did checkout cctool and am still looking at the source.23:00
tannewtframe, which project?23:01
frameand on a personal note - this very nickname was camped by me for 2 years and today I managed to talk a staffer into releasing it at nickserv :) VERY good day today :)23:01
cameronparkinshahahaha compuserve! thats what im talking about23:01
cameronparkinsanyway, enough of that23:01
tannewtframe, thats exciting23:01
frametannewt: sorry, cchost ofcourse.23:01
tannewtframe, ah23:02
tannewtframe, what do you think so far?23:03
frameI did know ccMixter from a user side before I even knew what ccHost was.23:04
frameread: listening to the playlists. :) no uploading, creating.23:06
tannewtframe, right23:06
framebut I do see the need for a good music collaboration tool. it's important to keep the originals with variants. well for me it is.23:07
tannewtframe, yeah, I agree23:07
frametech wise I can't really say that much yet, except that the code is pretty and readable :)23:09
tannewtframe, good, I looked at it a couple of months ago and was utterly confused because I had never seen event-driven PHP23:12
framehahaha yeah! that detail also made me wonder :)23:13
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framehowever most stuff at cclib/ is straight forward.23:15
tannewtframe, thats good23:15
framedo you know how old the overall project is?23:17
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framewb rejon23:23
framewhat are you working on tannewt? PHP I guess?23:23
tannewtframe, actually, I'm working on liblicense23:23
tannewtC and python23:23
frameah yes! remember I read about it when browsing for details on cchost.23:25
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tannewtrejon, it may be a prime time to start a free culture group at UW, they just sent a notice to all the students warning that the RIAA is coming23:44
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framenite! nice talking to you tannewt. cya :)23:57
tannewtframe, you too, bye23:57
cchelpbotNew news from CC Salon London this Thursday <>23:57

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