Friday, 2007-06-15

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skyfalleris there a channel for iSummit?08:30
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skyfallerrejon: did you send that e-mail about the panel yet?09:08
skyfaller(b/c I didn't get it)09:08
rejonyah, it didn't go out?09:20
rejonheya, just meet at the front of the stage at the end of this panel09:20
rejonman, I'm hungry09:20
skyfallerrejon: yeah, I never got any e-mail, sadly09:21
skyfallerI dunno about the other panelists09:22
skyfallerrejon: I see lots of info here:
skyfallerwould have been nice to see it more than a half-hour before the panel :P09:24
rejonits all freestyle09:25
rejonthe text is the main frame anyway09:25
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paulproteusWow, look at all these people on the same IP!18:11
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bovinitypaulproteus, unfortunate side-effect of the warning message being in bold..  just added extra emphasis for inline links.18:37
bovinitythx for the note18:38
paulproteusbovinity, Right on, thanks. (-:18:38
paulproteusHey, rejon.18:38
paulproteusI hear there's an OLPC at the office.18:38
paulproteusCan I, like, use it for reading email?18:39
bovinityno, it doesn't support WPA18:39
paulproteusThe office uses WPA?18:40
bovinitybut yes, we have a bunch of olpcs18:40
bovinityelaine was enamored by it at lunch18:40
bovinityand also figured out how to open it quicker than anyone else in the office.18:41
paulproteusThey bought me a desktop and I wondered what to use at meetings.18:41
paulproteusThen I joked that I could maybe get an OLPC.18:41
bovinityyou get a laptop 0.1. featuring pen 2.0.18:42
paulproteusDoesn't matter; if I can run alpine I'll be loving it.18:42
paulproteusImagine a 200dpi email system.18:42
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paulproteusOh, say hi to Elaine!19:11
paulproteusThanks to you two for my delicious business cards.19:11
rejonpaulproteus: no olpcs for you, unless you hack some things on it ;)19:34
paulproteusOh, hush!19:34
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