Tuesday, 2007-06-12

paulproteusrejon, ping?00:03
paulproteusI want to kind of ask a favor...00:04
paulproteusI lost my battery charger for my camera, and I wanted to know if you could find it in your heart/schedule to grab one for me and bring it to the iSummit.00:04
paulproteusIf you maybe can, I can do my best to find you a maximally-convenient store for you to grab one from.00:04
paulproteusObviously if you'll be too busy with work and life and packing I'd understand!00:04
paulproteus(I'm in Florence right now, otherwise I'd just drive to CompUSA and get one myself.)00:05
paulproteus(Pre-summit touristing, only it's sadder when cameraless.)00:05
paulproteus(Feel free to move to private message)00:06
rejonwhat kind of camera? etc00:08
rejonI'll stop by compusa on the way home00:08
paulproteushttp://www.compusa.com/products/product_info.asp?pfp=SEARCH&Ntt=canon+charger&N=0&Dx=mode+matchall&Nty=1&D=canon+charger&Ntk=All&product_code=338249&Pn=Digital_Concepts_AC_DC_Universal_Charger_for_Select_Canon_Digital_Camera_Batteries would charge it00:08
paulproteusThe battery is a Canon NB-3L (it powers my Canon SD110 camera).00:09
rejonok, email me that too00:09
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e-starrejon: yt?00:13
rejonwhat up00:14
e-starhad some q's about the rss metadata stuff00:14
e-starare you in hr?00:14
rejonnot yet00:18
rejonwhy don't we talk about there00:18
rejoni'm trying to rock out some things here...my focus is waning ;)00:18
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paulproteus_rejon, FYI my IRC proxy just died so I have missed anything said since e-star joined.00:35
rejoni didn't say anything00:36
e-starrejon: i was trying to finish this before croatia ;)00:36
paulproteus_Awesome. (-:00:36
paulproteus_Time for me to hit the ack...00:36
paulproteus_sack rather00:37
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RadSurferthat wasn't nice Dr Z09:59
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ssssssHi I'm looking for info on license subsuming... that is, if I have something CC-BY.... and I make a derived work, can I make that work CC-BY-SA or CC-BY-SA-NC? So can I add the other options to it?11:26
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paulproteusss.. oh well, but yes - the CC-BY license lets you add restrictions.13:16
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