Sunday, 2007-06-03

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criminyI found a CSS template that has Creative Common Metadata. one thing that the metadata requires is "attribution".03:50
criminyWhere would I place that? On the site, in the comments of the html, etc?03:50
criminyis gives as a reference, and attribution is listed as "credit must be given to copyright holder and/or author"03:51
Jedi_the best way is write it down clearly.03:54
Jedi_such as "This site uses CSS template by [AUTHOR]."03:54
Jedi_(make hyperlink as possible)03:54
criminythe templates actually had links to websites like creative commons and a seemingly random one that was just a different web address for the site I got the template from03:55
criminythank you03:55
Jedi_it's two part thing, first keep those in CSS or HTML comment, second let any reader know that obviously03:56
criminyyeah, it also has 'notice' so I understood I had to keep those lines intact03:58
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LamerCHello.  Where can I get 'printer friendly' or 'text only' versions of the creative commons license/legal code/deeds16:55
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