Wednesday, 2007-05-23

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rejonstarcraft clone00:57
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WillySillyhi paulproteus04:04
paulproteusWillySilly, Hey!04:04
WillySillypaulproteus: how are things?04:04
paulproteusWillySilly, Not bad, but very busy for now.04:05
WillySillypaulproteus: moving soon?04:05
WillySillyI need to make a contract05:16
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cchelpbotNew news from User:Clickra86 <>16:28
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cchelpbotNew news from OKI <> || Open Knowledge Initiative <> || OKI <>18:32
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cchelpbotNew news from LondonSalonPublicity <>21:45
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cchelpbotNew news from Tin foil hats and electric giraffes <>23:19
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