Thursday, 2007-05-17

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cchelpbotNew news from CcWiki:Terms of Use <>06:17
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K_SozeEvenin all13:21
K_SozeI'm wondering what seller sells? :P13:21
Sellerhi K_Soze13:21
Sellerthat depends...13:21
Sellerwhat you want to buy?13:22
K_SozeWell that's always the question... but it's also a matter of whether people can supply... and people can supply the right quality and quantity?13:22
SellerK_Soze: you will have to be more specific?13:23
K_SozeI thought a channel called cc , talking a guy called seller was specific enough, but maybe not....13:24
Selleryou are not a fed are you?13:24
K_SozeThere's no need to get spooked... I've dealt with people on this chan before who I'm sure will vouch for me13:25
Sellerlets just say I like to help people out13:25
Selleryou got a problem - i got a solution13:25
K_SozeYeah but not everyone is looking for such a high quality solution... the cc bit is generally easy... it's other more... ... "mechanical" things I'm interested in...13:26
Selleri sell by the thousands13:27
Sellertop quality13:27
K_SozeThousands? Well I've spoken to people who sell by the thousands... they ask if I want one or two thousand....13:27
K_Sozebut that's obviously not what' i'm interested in13:27
Selleryou dont want a couple thousand mechanical friends?13:28
Sellerto help out?13:28
K_SozeNo, I want more than a couple...13:28
Sellerhow much more?13:28
K_SozeWell I guess it's not so much the number as the commotion such a bunch of friends could induce...13:29
Sellercan do pings, can do http, can do smtp13:29
K_SozeGeographically dispersed?13:30
Sellervery very effective13:30
Sellerall over the place - china, russia, usa13:30
Selleri can mix them up for ya13:30
K_Sozeby the job or by day / week?13:30
Selleryou rent them per week13:31
Sellerweb interface - very easy13:31
K_Sozeweb? no IRC?13:31
Selleryep web - very easy13:31
K_Sozehrmm interesting.... would be curious to give them a run.... this collection... they attracting much attention?13:32
Sellerbarely used so far13:32
nathanyuh, do you guys realize this channel is for Creative Commons license-related discussion?13:32
Selleroh oops13:33
SellerK_Soze: see ya later13:33
nathanyyeah, oops13:33
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K_Sozecc = Creative commons? laters.13:33
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paulproteusnathany, Aww, why'd you silence them?13:44
paulproteusnathany, I was enjoying the conversation. I presume it was about botnets.13:45
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nathanyyeah, i presume the same...13:45
nathanyi was just like "uh, you guys are morons"13:45
paulproteusInteresting that they were both in Australia.13:45
nathanyi should tell mia that her motherland is the haven for botnets ;)13:46
nathanywhat i don't get is how they confuse #cc with a channel for botnets/spammers...13:47
paulproteusWell, #creditcards is the obvious one.13:47
nathanyunless it's assuming that it refers to the cc: field of an email13:47
paulproteusThat happens all the time.13:47
nathanyand i get how people confuse #cc for the c compiler channel...13:48
nathanyoh well13:48
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paulproteusSo hey, I'm going to the iCommons summit.13:50
paulproteusOh, in other news, I graduated yesterday.13:54
paulproteusAnd in other other news, I'm going to eat breakfast.13:54
nathanypaulproteus: congratulations, esp. on graduating14:27
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cchelpbotNew news from Science Commons, SPARC Announce New Tools for Scholarly Publishing <>18:10
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