Monday, 2007-05-14

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cchelpbotNew news from Seoul Salon <> || User:Oracleadvertisingllc <>02:35
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cchelpbotNew news from CcPublisher System Requirements <> || Web Integration Guide <>11:51
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Nerd42can somebody fix a problem over at ccmixter?19:36
Nerd42(just in case any ccmixter admins are on here)19:36
Nerd42oops, didn't mean to post the link twice, sry19:36
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cchelpbotNew news from Salon Past Events <> || Salon Future Events <> || Salon <>22:39
cchelpbotNew news from London Salon <>22:59
bovinityif i were in  london, i'd check that out.23:03
cchelpbotNew news from LondonSalonTodo <>23:09
cchelpbotNew news from LondonSalonPublicity <>23:19
rejonman, a ton of presenters :)23:20
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