Wednesday, 2007-05-09

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cchelpbotNew news from Day 11: CC Colombia <>00:39
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cchelpbotNew news from LiveCD <>09:47
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SamRoseHi cc folks. Wanted to ask about the status and future of the devnations license: Is there a way to find out who is using it? And what is it's future?14:29
SamRoseguess I shoud rephrase: is there a way to search for content that is using devnations license?14:29
*** nathany has joined #cc15:19 questions are usually not very popular on this channel :(15:20
rejonarchitecture for humanity is the main one15:32
rejonbut not recommending ppl to use this15:33
SamRoseno? Why is it no trecommended15:37
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cchelpbotNew news from Marking work <>16:29
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cchelpbotNew news from Day 12: CC Sweden <>17:43
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cchelpbotNew news from User:Ceoray <>19:31
cchelpbotNew news from Ceoray <>19:42
cchelpbotNew news from How to piss off the Industry for Fun and Profit <>20:04
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cchelpbotNew news from OLPC <>21:36
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cchelpbotNew news from Media of the week <>21:46
cchelpbotNew news from Media of the Week <>21:56
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