Monday, 2007-04-30

cchelpbotNew news from Talk:DiscussionDraftNonCommercial Guidelines <>00:18
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cchelpbotNew news from Judge Richard Posner in Second Life <> || Alternative Freedom screening in San Francisco tomorrow! <> || Creative Commons Birthday Party <> || How I learned to stop worrying and love Creative Commons <> || CC Swag Photo Contest Weekly Winner <> || What if The Beatles had used Creative Commons Licenses? <> || Tucows pledges $5000 towards CC's Annual Campaign <> || Digital Garage Pledges 30,000 to CC's 2007 Fundraising Goal <> || ccSalons: San Francisco, Beijing, Warsaw, Toronto, New York ... and now - Brisbane! <> || Feature FLOSS <> || Free (format) videos <> || CC Swag Photo Contest Winner #2 <> || CC as a Global Movement <> || Creating a space where Google, Microsoft, and Yahoo! can collaborate <> || Magnatune founder John Buckman joins Creative Commons board <>05:55
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BobChaoQuestion: If I wanna win some $ in a video contest, may I mix something licensed under xx-NC-xx?06:24
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jonssonAny CC webmasters in here? seems to be down at the moment14:03
jonsson"Error establishing a database connection"14:03
jonssonNever mind, it works now14:05
cchelpbotNew news from Day 3: CC Taiwan <> || Sony launches CC-enabled video site <> || Day 2: CC Hungary <> || Creative Commons at Maker Faire <> || Chicago Sun-Times on Flickr <> || Another great Steve Jurvetson photo reused under a CC license <> || Day 1 <> || World IP Day <> || CCi Affiliate Scholarship Campaign launches today <> || You on Make Internet TV <>14:05
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cchelpbotNew news from Marking work <>16:59
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cchelpbotNew news from Day 4: CC Chile <>21:50
cchelpbotNew news from Birthday Party 2006 <>21:56
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cchelpbotNew news from CcHost File Access <>23:28

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