Wednesday, 2007-03-28

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ksiomelonice thread jon00:32
cchelpbotNew news from CcHostX <> || Business <>00:34
rejon_officewhich one?00:38
rejon_officeok, its coming along:
rejon_officeoh, cool00:53
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cchelpbotNew news from ccLabs Relaunched <>01:12
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WillySillyhi Luke01:45
cchelpbotNew news from Media Hosting Wishlist <>01:55
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BobChaoanyone here?04:39
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BobChaohi rejon04:45
rejon_homeyo yo04:45
rejon_home(still haven't replied to you yet...sorry)04:45
BobChaoI've a question:
BobChao(4) the Uniform Resource Identifier for the work if specified by the author and/or licensor.04:45
BobChaoso URN like isbn:987-654321-1234 is ok?04:46
rejon_homelink to work04:48
rejon_homeURN ->
rejon_homeno need for urn04:49
BobChaobut URI & URL are different, so should it be read as "(4) the URL for the work if specified by the author and/or licensor" ?04:50
rejon_homeURL and URN are subset of URI (but no need to get specific...the idea is that you need a pointer to the original)04:52
BobChaook, so technical speaking, URN is OK, but URL is better?04:54
rejon_homethe idea is to give location to the original work04:56
rejon_homefor attribution04:56
BobChaook, I think I got the idea.04:57
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cchelpbotNew news from Jamendo goes P2P platinum <>05:23
mlinksvaURNs suck, except in very specialized cases, to put it bluntly05:24
rejon_homewhoa, cool on jamendo05:25
rejon_homeman, we gotta get the cc awards moving05:25
mlinksvagood night night ye global network navigators05:28
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huertanixThe RIAA is coming to ASU tomorrow, it seems.05:50
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tarheelcoxnhuertanix: wherefore?06:03
huertanixASU Main - CPCOM building 12006:06
tarheelcoxnhuertanix: what about?06:09
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cchelpbotNew news from Scholars Copyright Integration <>11:57
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cchelpbotNew news from CcSearch integration <>20:24
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mlinksvaksiomelo, so they acknowledged the bug, supposedly are investigating ... will check back tomorrow.  fyi20:48
ksiomelook mike, i hope they fix it until there20:51
ksiomelobut.. even with this bug, can you rank the proposal anyway? (I dont know how mentoring interface is)20:54
mlinksvaksiomelo, no, the ranking interface is on the proposal view page, otherwise i wouldn't care21:05
mlinksvawe'll get it ranked even if google has to manually do it :)21:06
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ksiomelothank you very much, i worked the whole month in this proposal21:18
cchelpbotNew news from Why bloggers should use Creative Commons licenses <>21:47
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cchelpbotNew news from For the myspace generation, Vivaldi lives <>22:07
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cchelpbotNew news from Coding Style <>23:39
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