Monday, 2007-03-19

will-samahi Luke00:27
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MaCaIs there any wpLicence's developers around?02:31
paulproteusMaCa, That's mostly Nathan Yergler, and nathany doesn't seem to be here.02:39
MaCapaulproteus: OK. I got a bug report on wpLicense. I'll just e-mail him it then :)02:40
paulproteus says you should email a mailing list.02:40
MaCapaulproteus: Hum.. Is it a closed list - say, nom members can post to it?02:44
paulproteusI'm not sure; doesn't really say.02:45
MaCapaulproteus: I'll just write a e-mail to the list and CC nathan then...02:48
paulproteusThat would do well I'm sure.02:48
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shahidhi everybody...15:28
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shahidhi anybody here from cc?15:34
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bovinitytwitter is a little slow today, but i think i managed to add myself to the map.18:54
rejonthat is pretty cool18:55
bovinityit's hypnotic18:55
rejongalago has it so that presence is sent to twitter too18:55
rejonyah, its pretty interesting18:55
rejona million "i'm eating" posts18:56
bovinityi wonder if there's an Adium plugin for twitter yet.. go go integration.18:56
rejonadobe apollo....retarded18:56
paulproteusOh, geez, galago + twitter.19:00
paulproteuslol, the map just asked me where the hell Ethan is!19:02
cchelpbotNew news from Special:Log/rights <>19:22
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rejonmlinksva bovinity: fix that labs email spam yet ;)20:31
rejonif not, I'll take stab at20:31
bovinitythe spambots are getting creative.20:31
rejonyeah, quite amazing actually20:31
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cchelpbotNew news from CCPA <> || Main Page <>21:22
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mlinksvarejon, can you migrate too -- it should probably be at /CCPA, with the notes on some date-specific page, no?22:08
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mlinksvaoh and if you don't mind there's also an older meeting
rejonman, that wikispaces makes it easy to edit22:09
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mlinksvai guess we really need to hook up a wysiwyg editor on the wiki, i've seen some mediawiki installs using one22:10
rejonthat one is the easiest to add, but doesn't provide wysiwyg as much as copy/paste support for richtext22:28
rejonoh wait it does provide wysiwg22:29
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mlinksvawell we badly need to upgrade to php5 and then mediawiki to 1.9 before we start throwing in additional extensions (openid is needed too)22:33
rejonthat one is just javascript that can be added to global js through mediawiki interface...anyway...not important22:34
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cchelpbotNew news from CC Publishers Association 02/07 meeting notes <>23:05
mlinksvarejon, you going to blog soc?23:22
rejonif you want too....23:23
rejonI will in a moment...i'm so behind23:24
mlinksvaok, i'll go ahead23:24
mlinksvaand do it23:24
mlinksvai want to link from other posts :)23:24
rejonthx...owe you some web 2.0 stories23:24
mlinksvano, really, that's okaaaay23:24
rejonsome stories from the field23:24
paulproteussvn switch++23:40
rejonwhat forums23:54
cchelpbotNew news from Google Summer of Code 2007! <>23:55
rejonothers in community could make23:55
rejonbut so much resources to maintain23:55

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