Friday, 2007-03-16

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niledmpayton_, what do you mean re: GSoC? is CC doing something for that?01:53
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paulproteusnile, Mmm-hmm!02:02
paulproteusnile, See
nilepaulproteus, delicious!02:03
paulproteusI know!02:03
dmpayton_Yep, CC is one of the orgs I have an idea for02:18
dmpayton_Actually, I had this idea before I found out CC was on the list, but it's perfect for CC. :)02:18
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WillySillyhey paulproteus02:21
paulproteusHey WillySilly.02:21
WillySillyhows it going?02:22
paulproteusPretty well. (-:02:25
paulproteusI went to the Langerado music festival this weekend.02:25
paulproteusThat was fun.02:26
paulproteusThen I met up with someone I first met at CTY (a summer camp) in 2000.02:26
WillySillyLooks cool, although I dont liket he whole slab based interface03:02
nileWillySilly, what's wrong with slab? too vista-y? ;)03:11
WillySillylol, a little03:12
WillySillybut i just dont like when its too big03:12
WillySillywaste of space, etc03:12
paulproteusWhat do you mean slab?03:19
nilepaulproteus, the SuSE-like/Vista-like large menu (integrated search area, various big pretty icons)03:20
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paulproteusYeah, I remember that from the summer.03:49
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* skimmmer^ sell ATM skimmer msg me for deal08:51
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aphidrejon: ping21:48
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cchelpbotNew news from CC Marketplace Info <>23:06
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