Tuesday, 2007-03-13

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Wolf2k_MacLabMorning.  Probably not the right place, but...would anyone know where there is a picture repository filled with CC licensed pictures?  I need to replace a picture on a class website.09:10
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cchelpbotNew news from http://creativecommons.org/weblog/rss: Free electronic music compilation available from Simuze <http://creativecommons.org/weblog/entry/7273>16:15
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DaHoodhello all17:16
DaHoodin the web-based cc license selector, no RDF metadata is generated any more. I'd like to know if this type of metadata is being abandoned17:17
DaHoodif yes, please I'd like to know what it will be replaced with.17:18
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DaHoodanyone in here?17:39
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BjornWI belief that rdf is indeed being replaced, I think mlinksva knows more about this19:46
DaHoodBjornW, thanks a lot. Do you happen to know if mlinksva will be online soon or should i leave a memo? Also, if there is a wiki page that deals with this matter I would appreciate it if you directed me there. Thanks in advance.20:02
DaHoodi have looked around at the cc website and wiki, but it was impossible for me due to lack of knowledge to determine what is the answer to my questions.20:04
BjornWDaHood: I'm not sure if he's online could you tell me what your exact question is?20:04
BjornWmlinksva: Mike, are you there?20:04
BjornWDaHood: otherwise your question might be answered on the cc devel list20:05
DaHoodif rdf is being replaced and, if yes, what is the replacement?20:05
BjornWgimme a sec20:05
DaHoodok. i am not in a hurry20:06
BjornWDaHood: mhhm I was checking my mail archive but i can't find the answer, I do however that there was a discussion about this on one of the cc lists20:07
BjornWDaHood: can't find now though20:07
mlinksvaBjornW, DaHood hi20:08
BjornWhi mike20:08
mlinksvaRDF/XML-embedded-in-comments is being replaced20:08
DaHoodmlinksva, hello20:08
mlinksvai'm planning to do a blog post soon about it20:08
DaHoodBjornW, thanks a lot for the information. I will also search the archives20:08
BjornWDaHood: sure, np20:08
DaHoodmlinksva, ahh ok.20:08
BjornWDaHood, mlinksva: I'll be off now talk to you later20:09
DaHoodmlinksva, I would appreciate it though if you could tell me if there will be a replacement, or the license permissions etc could be read by analyzing the licence_url20:09
mlinksvaDaHood, a little of both.  rel="license" is provided w/the HTML you get when you select a license.  The license URLs describe themselves with RDFa, so it is by analyzing the license url20:12
mlinksvamore metadata will be added to works, RDFa and/or microformats, going forward20:12
DaHoodmlinksva, Thanks a lot. So, the current license selector engine at creativecommons.org/license/ is not anything temporary, but the RDF metadata is missing deliberately.20:14
DaHoodthanks a lot for the information all.20:15
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gpmfuchshi, is there anybody here?22:27
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