Sunday, 2007-02-25

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rejonLuke: right00:53
rejonLuke: I originally built it as an option, but we removed it in favor of the rdfa approach00:54
rejonthe rdf in comments is a hack anyway00:54
Lukerejon: whats rdfa?01:11
Lukerejon: the only reason I ask is because it breaks the epiphany plugin. I agree with you about the rdf though01:12
rejonYah, that needs to be addressed01:13
rejonRDFa = rdf in attributes01:13
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Lukerejon: i would love to fix the epiphany plugin! i've been looking for a reason to hack on epiphany plugings01:15
Lukewhat's that mean in attributes though? the attributes of XML/HTML?01:15
rejonwell, the epiphany plus is just modified mozCC01:17
rejonyou should ask nathan yergler about01:17
rejonhim and mike have a big plan for it01:17
Lukekk thanks01:39
WillySillyHi Luke01:41
WillySillyI got my laptop two weeks ago01:42
Lukewhat kind01:42
WillySillythe only thing that isnt supported in lunix is the bluetooth01:43
WillySillyonly way to turn it on is through ACPI calls01:43
WillySillyI should have it working here soon01:44
WillySillyI reported the problem to the omnibook dev01:44
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