Saturday, 2006-10-21

cchelpbotNOTICE: cron Sat Oct 21 00:00:14 UTC 2006: made new cchost snapshots :
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klepashey rejon01:47
rejonwhat is up02:01
klepasdo you reckon i should get rid of the outline on the new image?02:01
klepasthe new ccMixter icon02:02
rejonwhere can I see it?02:02
rejonits pretty cool02:03
rejonI like it02:03
rejoni like the outline of the guy02:04
rejondid you do that in inkscape?02:04
klepasi just reckon using the outline isn't the best thing to do02:04
rejonI like...looks different02:04
rejonthe bottom of the graphic looks fudged somehow02:05
klepasin the latest link02:05
rejonyour gradient is getting lost02:06
klepasyea, not my fault :P02:06
rejonlooks like that is why its fudged02:06
klepasnot my doing02:06
rejonI would either remove the starburst or just make it half that02:07
rejoncan get VS to do, right?02:07
klepasi didn02:07
klepas*didn't do that page design02:07
klepasof incorporating the image in that02:07
klepasbut yea02:07
tannewtklepas thats neat02:33
klepastannewt: you might be interested to know02:35
* klepas is moving to gentoo :)02:35
tannewtklepas, nice02:36
tannewtthe open road trip site is moving to cchost too02:36
klepaswhoa! that's really cool02:37
klepasubuntu is great, but i want something more customisable - plus it might get me to acquire some more technical knowlege02:37
* tannewt replaces 'might' with 'will'02:38
tannewtexcept cchost needs some new features before that can happen02:39
tannewtand I'm distracted making an rts game02:39
klepasohh, neat02:40
klepasis it anything like starcraft :P02:40
tannewtklepas, yes, it uses stratagus02:40
klepasactually, gentoo has already been installed on my machine by Chris Smart (one of the Kororaa guys, good friend)02:41
tannewtklepas, thats half the learning curve02:41
klepashe precompiled an entire system for me on his macbook because it has the same intel chipset02:41
klepasand just copied it onto my system via a usb hd02:41
tannewtooh thats nice02:42
klepasnow i just need to update it (been a while since I used it) and get all my things the same as they are under ubuntu at the moment02:42
klepascan gentoo run the network manager?02:42
tannewtthe look of the rts is going to be really neat02:43
tannewtnot sure02:43
klepasi feel inclined to ask if you need any graphics :P02:43
klepasbut i have no time presently02:43
tannewtwe actually have people to do it, its not an individual project02:44
tannewtand worse comes to worse I'll draw the graphics02:44
tannewtits meant to look like a doodle02:44
* klepas has a wacom tablet02:44
klepasi want to get it working soon and then hopefully make some more art as apposed to desktop graphics02:44
tannewtmy drawings are not worthy of a tablet02:44
klepashaven't gotten it working under ubuntu02:45
klepasi am hoping that it'll work under gentoo02:45
tannewtI'm skeptical but it could02:45
klepasi know they work02:45
klepasessentially perfect support02:45
klepasjust a matter of poking around and installing the right stuff02:45
klepaswhich is usually technically speaking beyond me02:46
klepasdamnit, why can't it all be as simple as the gimp or inkscape :o)02:46
tannewtklepas, then it'll probably be easier with gentoo02:46
tannewtlook on gentoo-wiki first then the forums02:46
klepasactually, the reason why it's not working under ubuntu is one of two02:47
klepasi installed stuff02:47
klepasafter realising that ubuntu has wacom support built in by default02:47
klepaswhich probably munted something02:47
klepasi tried removing it, but yea02:47
klepasnot working perfectly yet02:47
klepasand secondly, this install was made using alpha5 dapper discs02:47
klepasi've been updating since, but this install was not done from a clean dapper release02:48
klepasi might update to edgy, but i want to eventually move to gentoo02:48
tannewtgentoo has easy upgrades02:49
* klepas just watched the Cactuses movie02:49
klepasit was awesome02:49
klepasgoind to recommend to my englishm department at college :)02:49
tannewtthose guys are great02:51
klepashave you met them?02:51
klepasoh, just wondering whether i could shoot some ideas past you02:51
* tannewt points to the open road trip02:51
klepasfor an english assignment i have to do a creative response to a book on the imprisonment of a bolshevik during Stalin's rule02:52
klepasArthur Koestler's 'Darkness at Noon' - if you've read it02:52
klepasanyhow, my idea was to work on the entire censorship theme02:52
klepasby making album cover, leaflet and album back, including the cd art for a Rage Against the Machine or System of a Down album02:53
klepasthe cover would be a hand holding a scalpel cutting out parts of a newspaper that are deemed 'inappropriate' for the public02:53
tannewthaven't read the book but sounds like a neat idea02:53
tannewtyeah go for it02:54
klepasthe fold-out leaflet would be a like panorama of sorts of this person's desk, where he/she is busy removing, crossing out and deleting things from newspapers pending print02:54
klepasor something like that :P02:54
klepasand then the CD art would be a photo of a pile of the cut out 'inappropriate' pieces02:55
klepasthink that could work?02:55
tannewtyeah, you'll have to show me the end result :-)02:55
klepassince i'll be taking lots of photos for the work, i can only use current newspapers02:56
klepasi want to use the iraq war or something like that02:56
klepascan you think of any political bands other than the mainstream ones?02:56
klepaspreferably critical political ones :)02:56
tannewtFiasco from seattle is a bit02:57
klepasthanks, i'll look into them02:58
klepasgot to do some vacuum cleaning -- be back later :)02:58
tannewtnp, bye02:59
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cchelpbotNOTICE: cron Sat Oct 21 08:00:21 UTC 2006: made new cchost snapshots :
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lazyerhow to use GNU assembler instuctor .fill <repeat>,<size>,<value> ? the content of each REPEAT bytes?14:08
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