Tuesday, 2006-10-10

cchelpbotNOTICE: cron Tue Oct 10 00:00:13 UTC 2006: made new cchost snapshots : http://mirrors.creativecommons.org/cchost/packages/00:02
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tannewtrejon, do you have any examples of cchost hosting videos?06:43
rejonone sec06:43
tannewtrejon, no pretty thumbnails?06:44
rejonnot yet on video06:45
rejonnot hard, just time06:45
rejonpart of the thumbnailing code that needs to be worked on06:45
rejoni want to have audio thumbnails too06:45
tannewthmm, what language is it written in?06:45
rejonpretty basic06:45
rejoncheck out the cool audio thumbnail06:45
rejonboth visual and aural06:45
tannewtrejon, is there any way to have children of a video?06:47
rejonlike constitute parts that make it up?06:47
rejonthe simplest way to do this is to upload each individual part06:48
rejonand then link to the final production as samples06:48
rejonotherwise you can upload an archive and all those are included in the item06:48
rejoni like the idea of the separate entries though06:48
rejona lofi hack06:48
rejonpaulproteus: btw, I think ibiblio is the best hosting for FC.o now06:49
tannewtwell the idea is utilizing annodexed files which store information about clips in the longer video stream06:49
rejonI'm not too familiar with that process06:49
rejonwhere is the annodexed data stored?06:49
rejonjust more metadata?06:50
paulproteusmlinksva's negative recommendation of them worries me.06:50
rejonman, they generate a lot of email06:50
paulproteusFor now it's bedtime for me, anyway.06:50
rejonok, night06:50
tannewtwell the point is that there are clips that need to link to the parent06:51
rejonin annodexing?06:51
tannewtI can write an importer so you don't need to worry how it works06:51
rejonthat is good06:51
rejonI'm still unclear on this06:51
rejonmaybe my brain is slowing down06:52
tannewtright, say I import an annodex file, it creates a node for the full video, then child nodes for each defined clip06:52
rejonwhat video format and where/what is annodex06:52
rejonok, yeah, that would be cool06:52
tannewtannodex is an addition to ogg06:52
rejondoes the annodex point to URIs of the media?06:52
tannewtthere is a apache module to server particular times already06:53
rejonyeah, it would be great to have an importer for this06:54
tannewtI'm working on a program to facilitate the annodexing(logging) of video06:54
rejonvery cool06:54
tannewtits called keystroke06:54
rejonvery cool06:54
tannewtjust a sec, I have two demo videos06:56
tannewtonly found one video07:00
tannewtalso, can it support low and high quality versions of video ie multiple formats?07:02
rejonlike I said, uploads can be linked07:03
rejoncool...so one can use this for transcripts, time-based metadata, etc07:04
rejonman, that dotsub site is junk IMO07:04
rejonneed an open dotsub07:04
rejonfor real translation07:04
rejonsucks http://dotsub.com/07:09
tannewtah I see07:09
tannewtthats one thing I'm sure, about how to handle translating07:09
rejonyeah, lets hook it up with cchost07:10
rejonthat would be wicked07:10
rejonwould like to see a free version of this07:10
tannewthook keystroke up with it?07:10
rejonthe output07:12
rejonand figure out easy way to get ppl. to translate07:12
rejonthey could then upload their annodex file and attach it to the original ogg07:12
rejonthat would be easy07:13
rejonwhat is the filetype of annodex07:13
tannewtits cmml, its xml07:13
rejonmy_movie-zh_CN.cmml -> my_movie.ogg07:14
tannewtcan cchost pull files already uploaded to the server?07:14
tannewtactually cmml has tracks07:14
rejonyeah, that would be easy07:14
rejonto plug that into gettext to do lang. translation07:14
tannewtso you'd only need one cmml file07:15
tannewtthen this cmml can be put in an ogg container07:15
rejonthen could just extract all the desc statements for gettext to put into .po file07:15
rejonthen anyone can translate with standard gettext tools07:15
tannewtand thus you get an annodex file07:15
rejonis anyone doingt this?07:15
tannewtthat translation?07:15
rejonor made tools for it?07:15
tannewtnope, all of the user desktop apps were written by me and my roommate07:16
tannewtannoamp and keystroke07:16
rejonyeah, that would be a killer app07:16
tannewtto translate?07:16
tannewteventually keystroke could do it07:16
rejonyeah, to basically have this open source /open service translation tool07:17
tannewtfor continuous media?07:17
rejonmaybe a good target would be to set this up on spread.freeculture.org07:19
tannewtah so you mean web based?07:20
rejonwell, leave it up to ppl. to use standard gettext open source translation tools07:20
tannewtbah, I like good old desktop apps07:20
rejonand let them translate however they would like07:21
rejonyeah, I understaand07:21
tannewtso, I need to update my todo list07:22
tannewt8.Setup CCHost for ORT site.07:24
tannewt      1.Install CChost on server.07:24
tannewt      2.Write annodex importer.07:24
tannewt      3.Theme site.07:24
tannewt      4.Get video thumbnailing.07:24
rejonsounds good07:24
rejonyou can work with me to iron out how to do translation of annodex files07:24
tannewtI'm not going to worry about that until the site is up07:25
rejonok, offer stands for later :)07:25
tannewtI just got a nice new RAID setup07:25
* tannewt grins07:25
tannewtthe Annodex Foundation hosts the site07:25
tannewt917 gb07:25
tannewtany tutorials for writing importers?07:26
rejoncheck out the http://wiki.creativecommons.org/cchost site and ask on the list07:27
rejonthere are a bunch of developer docs now07:28
rejonI haven't even gone through them all07:28
rejonvery cool07:28
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tannewtrejon, is it an issue using it with PHP5?07:35
rejonit is well tested with php507:36
tannewtw00t, http://openroadtrip.net/cchost/07:46
tannewtrejon, the rewrite code goes in httpd.conf right?07:49
rejonor you can put in .htaccess07:50
rejonyou might have a separate vhosts file07:50
rejonfor virtual hosts07:50
rejoncool congrats on install07:50
rejoni would put in .htaccess07:50
rejonfor testing07:50
tannewtyay got it07:54
rejonmake sure to jack up your php timeouts and the php fie limits07:55
rejonesp. for video07:55
tannewtimporting or just uploading?07:55
tannewtwell, I wont be using the web interface for uploading07:56
rejonyeah, i want to add a webdav interface07:59
cchelpbotNOTICE: cron Tue Oct 10 08:00:22 UTC 2006: made new cchost snapshots : http://mirrors.creativecommons.org/cchost/packages/08:01
tannewtrejon, so cchost uses the directory ccfiles?08:04
tannewtis there any mass import?08:06
rejondid you use SVN or the last release?08:09
rejonI would use the SVN version08:09
rejonthere are some cool changes to directory layout08:10
rejonshit, wish I would've told you that08:10
rejonwe need to do a release this week08:10
rejonnot a direct mass import08:10
rejonI'm actually working on that for openclipart right now08:10
tannewtack, I've got thousands of photos08:10
tannewtdual ack because I used the latest release08:11
tannewtbut don't worry it'll be a while until all of the video is uploaded08:11
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tannewtnight rejon08:26
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cchelpbotNOTICE: cron Tue Oct 10 16:00:17 UTC 2006: made new cchost snapshots : http://mirrors.creativecommons.org/cchost/packages/16:03
cchelpbotNew news from http://creativecommons.org/weblog/rss: Beatpick Artists Included In Mercedes Benz Mixtape Compilation <http://creativecommons.org/weblog/entry/6097>16:03
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tannewtrejon in what directory does cchost store the files?22:54
tannewtrejon, will it change with the next release?23:02
rejonLike I said, the cchost version in SVN is what I would use23:03
rejonI think with web apps makes much more sense23:03
tannewtany more plans when the release will happen?23:03
rejonthat is what ccmixter.org uses and openclipart.org/cchost23:03
rejontannewt: i just need to cut it off23:04
rejonesp. since its pretty stable all the time23:04
tannewthmm, should I use a nightly build or what?23:04
rejonno, use svn co23:04
rejonjust check out the head23:04
rejonand use that23:04
rejonor trunk23:04
rejon(not head)23:04
tannewtwhats the update process then?23:04
rejonsvn up23:05
tannewtwhat about the database?23:05
rejonback it up before svn up23:05
rejonwe take precautions to make sure the db is updated and things updated23:06
rejonthere are scripts in /bin23:06
rejonthat help you with that process23:06
tannewtokay, whats the svn co full command?23:06
tannewt(subversion view is down on sourceforge)23:07
rejonsvn co https://svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/cctools/cchost/trunk23:07
rejonsvn co https://svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/cctools/cchost/trunk cchost23:07
tannewtrejon, annodex could be used to embed information about the samples used in a remix23:14

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