Tuesday, 2006-08-29

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tannewthi rejon00:34
bovinityhey jon, did you mention you had a spare cable modem too?00:44
bovinityah, someone else then00:50
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* klepas is considering setting up a CC Salon locally07:58
klepas...and is wondering about what other people think/suggest07:58
rejonsounds good08:04
tannewtklepas, have you done anything with those pictures?08:07
klepastannewt: yea08:15
klepastrying to just fix up a gif image, animated08:15
klepasi'll send you a few banner within the next day or so :)08:15
klepasapologies for the delay08:15
tannewtklepas, no problem, just wanted to see if you had08:18
tannewtklepas, I appreciate your help08:18
* klepas feels annoyed08:18
* klepas has been trying to lend a hand in too many places he feels and gets caught up08:19
tannewtklepas, understood08:19
tannewtklepas, you've got talent thats in demand, pick and choose08:19
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rejonklepas: where do you want to setup a salon?08:47
klepasCanberra, Australia08:48
rejonthere is one "kind of" in sydney08:48
rejonbut it would be great to start another one08:48
klepasprobably as an event in existing places08:49
rejonthat is the way to do it08:49
rejonmake it easy08:49
rejonfor yourself :)08:49
rejonhonestly, that is the best way to make sure it happens regularly08:49
rejoncool...everything you need is at http://creativecommons.org/salon08:49
rejonyou can email me as well for advice08:49
rejonI'm going to bed soon08:49
rejonI'm jon08:49
* klepas is Pascal Klein08:50
rejon<!-- at --> creativecommons.org08:50
rejonhello, nice to meet you08:50
rejonI'm Jon Phillips, from creative commons and rejon.org/bio08:50
rejoncool man..if you sum up what you are thinking and email me, I'll get back to you wth thoughts08:50
rejonbut generally just start a wiki page like08:51
rejonhttp://wiki.creativecomons.org/Canberra Salon08:51
rejonif that is the city you want to do it in08:51
rejonand then fill it out similar to the main salon page and your off and running!08:51
rejoncool, I will read more tomorrow...I need to sleep ...starting to hurt ;)08:52
klepasno guarantee that a wiki page will be up by tomorrow08:52
klepasit's an idea that has been lurking and growing in the back of mine08:52
klepasrejon: impressive credentials08:53
* klepas is out for dinner08:55
rejoncool...talk to you later...I'm going to bed...08:58
cchelpbotNew news from http://wiki.creativecommons.org/wiki/index.php?title=special:recentchanges&feed=rss: Books <http://wiki.creativecommons.org/Books>09:40
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Thanatermesishi all16:07
Thanatermesisi have a question about CC and licensing software16:08
bkhlWe will probably say that you should look to GNU GPL or BSD for software licenses...16:12
Thanatermesisi have look at it...16:13
Thanatermesisbut i search a thing more similar to: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.5/16:13
bkhlhttp://www.gnu.org/philosophy/license-list.html lists a few things like that16:14
bkhlFree Art License maybe - "permits commercial distribution, but any larger work including the copylefted work must be free"16:15
bkhlThough that one doesn't really address software specific issues either, so you'd be just as well off with CC.16:16
Thanatermesisyeah, aparently is only for audio/video/documents :/16:18
bkhlWhich one?16:18
bkhlWell, software is "documents", isn't it?16:18
Thanatermesiswell, what i search aparently is considered "non-free" looking the point 2ยบ of the license to i have look in CC (no comercial interest)16:18
Thanatermesisin some part.. yes16:18
bkhlYeah, the license will be considered "non-free software" if you prohibit uses for particular purposes, like commercial purposes.16:18
bkhlSo it would not be possible to include it in free Linux distributions like Debian, for instance.16:18
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Thanatermesisthe problem of the free licenses for software is to look very for the software... but nothing for the author16:19
Thanatermesisthe author is "nothing" on this world16:19
bkhlYeah, Free Software aims to liberate the users.16:20
Thanatermesisand slave the dev's lol16:20
bkhlDevelopers are users too.16:20
Thanatermesisok.. look a example16:20
bkhlI've probably heard it before...16:21
Thanatermesisi make a software, i work on it since 2 years... and i want to living from the work of this software...16:21
bkhlThen why would you give it away at all?16:21
Thanatermesiswhat happens if a "big company" take it and sell it how "his work".... then my software and me are "nothing", and all my work is lost16:21
bkhlUnless of course you can base a business model on it that doesn't require that you monopolise the source code16:22
bkhlThat's why you use copyleft.16:22
bkhlThat way the company in the story would have to make their changes public too.16:22
bkhl(That's what the "ShareAlike" part of the CC license does, as well as the GNU GPL)16:23
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Thanatermesisbut the GPL has another problems... for example: you are obliged to share it for free (then how you obtain money?), and any another company can obtain it and sell it "how his work"16:37
bkhl2006-08-29 18:22 <bkhl> That way the company in the story would have to make their changes public too.16:38
bkhlAnyway, that's not a problem that's the purpose of the GPL.16:38
Thanatermesisyes, that is the way to work of gpl.. but i don't want this :)16:40
bkhlSo don't do that then...16:40
bkhlNobody is forcing you.16:41
Thanatermesisthen what i need to use ? a privative license ? freeware ? if is a distro this project, how the users look at it ? very bad16:42
Thanatermesisis not posible...16:44
Thanatermesisit simply die's before to exist lol16:44
bkhlWell, if that's the case it's  not a very viable business model to begin with, is it?16:45
ThanatermesisIMHO no16:45
Thanatermesisbut well, i have worked on it since 2 years and i don't know what made now lol16:46
mlinksvaThanatermesis, you might want to look into how the GPL can be part of a business strategy. Look up MySQL's release under GPL in tandem with commercial licensing.  If you have copyright to the entire project you can do things like that.16:51
paulproteusThanatermesis, Also, the GPL does not require you to give it away for free.16:59
paulproteusIt simply says that anyone you give it to can give it away for any price.16:59
paulproteusYou are certainly allowed to charge for it or limit who you give it to, if you want.17:00
Thanatermesisyes, i know how to works mysql, this is a VERY good thinked strategy stuff... and a special case... btw, this mysql stuff shows again "how GPL is not a way of bussines" lol17:01
bkhlIt really doesn't.17:01
bkhlThe overwhelming majority of their user base is due to the GPL.17:02
Thanatermesisthis is what i think after to look after very time about this things... GPL shows me to is not a licence for bussiness... and a good way to look at it is simply to look "how many enterprises works using the GPL licence"... mysql is a very special case and more exactly just the contrary to the GPL comercial possibilites17:05
bkhlNot really.17:06
bkhlThere's a bunch of businesses like that.17:06
bkhlAnyway, what you seem to be forgetting is that by using the GPL, you are not giving away your copyright to anyone.17:07
mlinksvabut what if scandanavia fell off the face of the earth, then what?17:07
Thanatermesistrolltech... remember me this... a wine stuff ?17:07
bkhlYou are still free to sell it under different licenses.17:07
bkhlmlinksva: we'd do fine without you.17:07
mlinksvaheh :)17:07
mlinksva(all the examples mentioned so far are scandanavian)17:08
bkhlAll the talk of Qt reminds *bkhl* that he had planned to try Konqueror out again17:11
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fourstoneshey is jon around?18:06
bkhlHe just left.18:08
fourstonesdoh, thanks ;)18:09
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shaggyoafis there a "print stack" sort of function in C?21:10
shaggyoafI found a function by greping in the source for an error message but I'd really like to know where it goes when it returns21:10
paulproteusshaggyoaf, See topic. (-:21:11
paulproteusshaggyoaf, You could try using a debugger.21:11
rejonshaggyoaf: use gdb21:11
shaggyoafhmmm, this isn't the channel for c programming, is it?21:12
shaggyoafsorry about that21:12
rejonno, but we know about as well :)21:12
shaggyoafa debugger is going to be very hard for me, I'm trying to fix a problem I'm having in redhat's anaconda21:13
shaggyoaf(their installer)21:13
shaggyoafoh, I see my mistake.. I was trying to join ##c and I hit #cc21:14
paulproteusNo prob, bob.21:14
paulproteusshaggyoaf, While you're around, feel free to go to http://mirrors.creativecommons.org/getcreative/ to get a sense of what Creative Commons is about.21:15
paulproteusWe're like Free Software, but for media like film, photo, and text instead.21:15
shaggyoafI know about the creative commons license21:16
shaggyoafI wasn't aware it had much to do with music/media21:17
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cchelpbotNew news from http://creativecommons.org/weblog/rss: 'Organic' for your brain <http://creativecommons.org/weblog/entry/6038>21:52
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