Thursday, 2006-08-10

paulproteusmlinksva, Well, that was fun.00:05
rejonah, i totally missed...sorry00:09
mlinksvapaulproteus, i assume that's good00:20
paulproteusHe had one complaint about the graphs - apparently the percentage of "sa" licenses should be out of the non-nd licenses not out of the total.00:22
paulproteusAnd apparently it used to be graphed that way?00:22
mlinksvano, it never was graphed that way00:23
paulproteusOh, then maybe he was mistaken.00:23
mlinksvai think we've had that discussion before00:23
paulproteus"we" == you and him?00:23
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paulproteusWell, uh, maybe you should have it again or something. (-:00:24
mlinksvai guess it would be ok to switch to showing sa as a % of derivs00:24
paulproteusIt'd make the generation of the graphs much harder, I think.00:24
paulproteusSince they would no longer have the same denominator.00:24
paulproteusWait, actually, I can do that.00:24
paulproteusIt would require changing a function or two or three, but I can see how it wouldn't be totally crazy.00:24
paulproteusIt also complicates what's supposed to show up as the y axis title.00:28
mlinksvamaybe the SA bar should be in a different color or otherwise have some kind of explanation that it isn't using the same denominator00:29
paulproteusThe label could be "sa (out of non-nd)".00:29
mlinksvawell i wouldn't make it a top priority.  let's go over what's outstanding tomorrow morning00:29
mlinksvathat label makes sense00:29
mlinksvado the nc survey comments make sense to you?00:30
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paulproteusI haven't read them yet.00:30
paulproteusWhy, do they not make sense?00:30
mlinksvai've only skimmed them, they didn't obviously not make sense :)00:31
paulproteusI'm doing "heavy skimming" and it seems to make sense. (-:00:32
paulproteusGreat, it does make sense.00:33
paulproteusI'll look at that tomorrow.00:33
paulproteusThere's still more stats stuff to be done.00:33
paulproteusAlso, Larry suggested opening up e.g. SQL dumps to the public for people who want to toy with our stats data.00:34
paulproteusOh, also, when I showed him the web side of both the nc survey and the license stats, I showed it to him in a Firefox window with 58 tabs.00:36
paulproteusLinuxWorld stuff - the booth is Tuesday, Wed, Thurs?00:38
mlinksvahmm, coincindentally i have a window now with 56 tabs open.  more than that some of the tabs are inaccessable apart from tab stack manipulation00:40
mlinksvaright on lw dates00:41
mlinksvai'm glad larry suggested that!00:41
paulproteusI'm now going to walk,+Palo+Alto,+CA+94304+%4037.400869,-122.145289&saddr=559+Nathan+Abbott+Way,+Stanford,+CA+94305-8610&f=li&cid=&ie=UTF8&om=1 to get to from Stanford Law.00:43
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mlinksvasounds like a fun talk00:45
mlinksvadepending on which room it is at SAP you may have an incredible view over the bay00:46
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cchelpbotNew news from Film <>14:32
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cchelpbotNew news from Audio <> || Images <> || Audio <>16:39
rejoni like low hanging fruit16:42
cchelpbotNew news from Performance <> || Education <> || Text <> || Video <>16:51
rejon getting error16:52
paulproteusrejon, worked for me.17:06
paulproteusA momentary Zope problem, perhaps?17:06
rejoni think so17:06
rejonman, star trek is really trippy to watch17:07
rejonwatch the 1st movie17:07
rejonsooooooo loooonggg17:07
rejonthat wormhole scene takes like 30 minutes17:07
rejonfor them to hit photon torpedoooooooooooessssss17:07
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rejonmlinksva: what else should go on those pages17:14
rejoni'm just fleshing out one17:14
rejonhow much can be moved over, right?17:15
mlinksvarejon, i have no idea what should go in that article.  you got the Books link right17:15
rejonok...leaving light and loose17:15
mlinksvathat page is going to just be composed from blog posts17:16
paulproteusSo, uh, should be on the movies page?17:18
rejoni checked that out a few days ago and why i was laughing a minute ago17:18
paulproteusIt does in fact have a Wikipedia entry.17:18
rejonits actually pretty good17:18
rejonand its not the only one17:19
rejonthere is some traci lords films as well17:19
paulproteusOh, wait, Wikipedia's is about something else.17:19
paulproteusrejon, URL?17:19
rejongoogle baby17:19
paulproteusOh, sweet, CC by-sa!17:20
paulproteusThat's what I'm talking about!17:20
paulproteusOh, wait, that's just a page that describes some Traci Lords film, not the movie itself.17:20
mlinksvaevanpro, pdf added to $wgFileExtensions17:21
paulproteusI'm still having trouble finding it but I'll deal with it later.17:21
rejonthere should be a plugin for filetypes17:22
rejonand to upgrade their capabilities for upload17:22
cchelpbotNew news from User:Dbl2010 <>17:25
rejonMy name is A. Özgür Erdemli. I am bureaucrat and administrator of Turkish Wikipedia (Vikipedi) as user Dbl2010. I believe in open source, free knowledge, copyleft philosophies.17:26
mlinksvapaulproteus, what is by-sa?  iirc "lust, the good girl" or something like that is by-nc-nd.17:26
paulproteusmlinksva, I thought that the Traci Lords film rejon is talking about was by-sa, but instead I just found some web page about an arbitrary Traci Lords film where the page is by-sa, which is meaningless in this context.17:26
evanpromlinksva: great17:27
paulproteusmlinksva, refers to Laura Lynch <> but I can't seem to find her on  Do you know what's up with that?17:30
evanproUpload file17:31
evanproFrom CcWiki17:31
evanproThe upload directory (/web/wiki2/www/wiki/images) is not writable by the webserver.17:31
rejonevanpro: how man CA salons are there now?17:32
evanprorejon: 2 AFAIK17:32
paulproteusevanpro, I'll chown it right now.17:32
rejonhow did they go?17:32
evanproThe Montreal one in July was good17:32
evanproI haven't been back to Toronto17:32
rejonhow many ppl?17:32
evanproSo i can't say17:32
evanproMtl July was about 25 people17:32
evanproToronto in June was about 20 people17:32
rejonare they monthly, or every once in a while?17:33
paulproteusEr, wait, it should be writable by the server.17:33
evanproI know that Marcus is working on getting an old movie theater for regular salons17:33
paulproteusevanpro, Try again?17:33
evanpropaulproteus: same problem17:33
paulproteusmlinksva, take a look at /web/wiki2/www/wiki/image sometimes and figure out what's up then.17:34
evanproIs it possible that when mlinksva changed the MediaWIki settings...17:34
evanpro...he restarted the server as a different user (himself, maybe)?17:34
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rejonevanpro: if you all pass along announces, etc, we could promote more...or is that icommons gig?17:35
rejonit is awesome you guys are leading on ccsalons :)17:35
evanprorejon: I'll try to get the Montreal one up to date17:35
evanproAnd I'll bug Marcus17:35
rejoncool...especially if you guys have a url like
evanproWe need another one in Vancouver I think17:36
rejonand/or use the wiki17:36
rejoni love vc17:36
evanproNo, I think it's best to use the wiki17:36
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cchelpbotNew news from Image <>17:59
paulproteusmlinksva, bovinity found her for me, thanks.18:01
mlinksvaer, i missed bovinity's pointer18:01
mlinksvaevanpro, images should now be writable.  i upgraded mediawiki over the weekend and probably screwed up the permissions then18:04
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cchelpbotNew news from Samples <> || Music <>18:11
paulproteusbovinity, Can I ask you to print a .PS for me?18:12
bovinitypaulproteus: for the presentation?18:13
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rejonwhats a more general title for film and video media?18:14
rejonvideo is not film18:14
paulproteusbovinity, I just discovered that I'll have time to print it myself once I get to the office, so I'm suddenly no longer worried.18:14
rejonfilm is not video18:14
paulproteusrejon, "multimedia"18:14
rejonmultimedia though encompasses audio, video, film, etc18:14
bovinitynot multimedia18:14
rejonjust want something to encompass video and film and motion graphics, etc18:14
rejonmaybe motion18:14
* bovinity nods18:15
paulproteus"multimedia" was a joke. (-:18:15
paulproteusMotion pictures....18:15
rejonok dudes, i ported the media sections of the current site18:15
rejonmlinksva: motion?18:16
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rejonand, what should all these sections be called on the main page of the wiki18:18
rejonmlinksva: ?18:19
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mlinksvarejon, Moving Images18:26
mlinksvabut i'm not sure what the point is18:26
rejonthere is life18:26
rejonhmmm...not motion18:27
rejonseems simpler18:27
bovinityFilm is probably the most suitable18:29
rejoni think so too now...18:31
cchelpbotNew news from Motion <>18:31
rejonactually moving pictures is better18:32
rejonlooking up on wikipedia18:32
rejonok, video is best18:33
rejonreading def.18:33
rejonVideo is the technology of capturing, recording, processing, transmitting, and reconstructing moving pictures, typically using celluloid film, electronic signals, or digital media, primarily for viewing on television or computer monitors18:33
bovinityjust forward /Film /MotionGraphics to /Video18:33
bovinitythen everyone will be happy18:33
mlinksva /Film is already a list of notable films, like the books article18:35
rejonkept as video18:36
rejonadding to main page18:36
mlinksvabut i think all those articles you're adding may be premature.  if the idea is for anyone to add their crap link ... they need to be intensively farmed.18:37
rejonjust wanted to push out18:37
rejonthe larger media as generalized links to the smaller media types18:37
mlinksvathat's the rason for having rough qualification on the books and film articles.  they aren't "featured" cause that implies there's a decision to feature18:38
mlinksvanotable is more objective18:38
mlinksvahaving /Video /Text whatever is probably useful as portals to other wiki content relevant to those content types18:40
mlinksvabut i'm skeptical about them being external linkfamrs18:40
mlinksvagood idea overall though.  i'm thinking that maybe can really just be a blog cateogry and a link to, which has pointers to any relevant CC resources for video folk18:43
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mlinksvaand i'm eager to get semantic mediawiki going so content curators can just be a query result and /Video etc. can have just more limited query results18:44
mlinksvafor hosting/filtering sites18:44
mlinksvathen there's less duplicative content to farm18:45
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paulproteusmlinksva, Is it Dana Powers who made the ToT tool?19:14
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paulproteusDid he say "Emo clients"?19:28
mlinksvamust've meant email clients, but email can be emo i speculate, but i have no idea what emo is really19:32
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rejonnot hard19:38
rejonjust dictionary19:38
rejonmerge with evolution now19:39
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bovinityso chandler is basically written by interns then..19:46
rejonlike big comp sci. experiment19:47
rejoni've got a great idea! write the server in java and the app in python19:47
bovinitysounds rad19:47
bovinitybut it should never be released19:47
paulproteusI wonder how this compares to classification by a simple naive bayes setup.19:47
paulproteus73% isn't great, but I don't know how many document classes there are.19:48
rejonthats pretty good19:48
rejondude, email that guy and get that in evo quick!19:48
paulproteusDo you mean emo that guy?19:48
mlinksvabovinity, re written by ...
mlinksvai love "architecture astronauts"19:51
mlinksvathe phrase19:51
paulproteusI love architecture astronauts19:52
paulproteusthe people19:52
bovinityspace cowboys of the future.19:52
rejonthose are some big projects19:52
rejonproject #23: add mail capability to mail program19:53
paulproteusrejon, if you keep saying things that hilarious I'm going to embarrass myself19:54
rejonjust start your talk with that one19:54
rejonyour done tomorrow...go out with a bang19:54
rejonmajor just kidding19:54
rejonyeah, got 100% brazil translation for cchost19:56
paulproteusBrazil is a language?19:57
paulproteusOh, I remember, it's a distant cousin of Afrikaans.19:57
mlinksvayou're missing the .pt19:59
rejon+10 mlinksva19:59
rejonnext presentation20:00
mlinksvapractice for your next vj gig?20:01
rejonyeah, majorly...every day on 5 desktops20:02
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mlinksvamore humor while waiting for the demo
paulproteusUh-oh, I mention ORMs in my presentation.20:07
rejonweird that grayed out text20:08
abhayhaha ORM = Vietnam.. brilliance20:22
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paulproteus"Horrible Exception" at (via ).21:24
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abhaygood job stephen colbert21:34
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