Monday, 2006-07-17

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RoanHi all, when working with creative commons metadata and svg files I keep seeing xml namspace uri  pointing to (i.e xmlns:cc="").  Was this the original location for Creative Commons information?03:17
LukeRoan: I think that is just where the namespace definition resides03:19
rejonHi Roan and Luke!03:21
RoanThanks, Luke.  Hi rejon.03:21
RoanI just noticed that some of the original licenses (ShareAlike etc.) info is pointed to this url space, but some newer license info is pointed to the site.  Didn't know if things were being switched to or if they both will be valid03:25
rejonyou should ask this question to the cc-metadata list03:26
rejonmlinksva can help clear this one up...03:26
rejonRoan, did you notice this in the Inkscape code?03:26
RoanThanks rejon, yeah, I found this while using some svg graphics downloaded from ocal (created in inkscape) and from test ones I created with Inkscape.03:27
RoanI did find and join the cc-metadata list last night.  I will post my question there.03:28
rejondid you look inside of inkscape's code?03:29
rejonit looks to me like the general licenses are pointed to on creativecommons.org03:31
rejonand the specific features of a license are pointed to on web.resource.org03:31
Roanyes, I first noticed it last night.  The public domain "license" was pointing to, and I thought it should be pointing to Did you get my email from yesterday? I included a patch to dialogs/rdf.cpp to change the url to the url03:31
rejony (i just haven't had a chance to reply)03:32
rejonyes, I think this is right03:32
rejonlooks like in Inkscape's code, Public Domain is the only one pointed to on web.resource.org03:33
rejonhowever, public domain is not a license fyi03:33
Roanrighto, that's why I've been using quotes around "license" when I refer to it.  I guess dedication is the more correct term03:34
rejonyeah, please ask these things on the list and just say we talked, curious about right approach03:36
rejonif we used the
rejonit should be something like:
rejongood to keep similar in usage03:37
rejonstill not sure about why use, but tha is good to ask03:37
RoanBoth and  return the same page.03:38
rejoncool...did you note my change in that URL I posted (with the dedication)03:38
Roanright, just got it--had to think about it after last comment :)03:40
RoanI see the point for keeping it semantically correct, however, if people are just taking a shot in the dark trying to find the page, they will probably try the licenses/ path since everything else (being a license) is in that path03:42
rejonstill would be good to bring up in the email03:43
rejonhow is the getid3 stuff going?03:43
rejonI got emails back from the devs.03:43
rejoni will forward to you03:43
rejongetid3 seems to have a much diff. approach to their community03:44
rejonI wish they would have cvs/svn up for the project03:44
Lukerejon: do you know how I can make a module for my code on the SF svn without checking out the whole cctools repo?03:44
rejonnathan or I will prolly have to create for you03:44
rejonyou probably don't have enough privileges03:45
rejonI put experimental stuff into the experimental module03:45
rejonI'm going to push the getid3 guys to put their code into SVN03:46
Lukenathan gave me access to the SF repo and all that and said "Just create a new top-level module and the traditional trunk/,03:46
Lukebranches/, tags/ sub-modules for your code."03:46
rejonwhat do you want in your project?03:47
rejonlike what will it consist of?03:47
Lukewhat do you mean?03:47
Lukea Banshee patch?03:48
rejonis that what you want to check in, or current banshee with your patch applied?03:48
Lukei'm not sure... i was just going to do just the patched files03:49
Lukei've got the Banshee directory tree mirrored except with only the modified files in it so you can just copy and paste it to the banshee dir and apply the patch03:50
Lukeactually no patch is needed if you copy and paste03:50
rejonbut your code will come out as applied to banshee and not through the cctools tracker, right?03:50
RoanThanks for making contact with getid3 devs.  I did a little reworking of my initial code, it is more robust in checking that a file is a well formed svg file and it will read basic svg attributes, and works in the getid3 demos. So at on level it stands were it was, however the new XPath class I'm using will make dealing with the Creative Commons rdf easier.03:52
rejonRoan: how about dealing with xml?03:52
LukeRoan: check out my ccBanshee patch. I wrote a clean XPath to parse the rdf info03:53
Lukeits in C# though03:53
Lukei dont know what language your working with but XPath is the same syntax03:53
rejonLuke: you should extract your code so that others can use it03:53
RoanI'm using a XPath php class I found03:53
rejonprobably similar approaches03:53
Lukerejon: ?03:54
RoanStarting to work on the creative commons rdf lead me to the namespace url questions.03:55
Lukeright now i'm only using the namespace for the global ns. I've been using ccmixter as my main source of test cases03:56
rejonLuke: I mean the RD parsing/editing is valuable for other people03:56
Lukerejon: i want to eventually take over CClicenselib so i dont have to rewrite his regex stuff03:56
Lukebut that will come when I finish ccBanshee03:56
Lukemy methods are well abstracted so it will be a simple cut and paste03:57
RoanLuke: for now I'm trying to stick with php code.  I'm adding code to the getID3 php code used by cchost..03:58
rejonRoan: are you absolutely sure you had to edit getid3.php ? (haven't had time to look at myself yet)03:59
LukeRoan: well what i'm saying is that the XPath is the same no matter what language you use03:59
RoanLuke, ahh right--I can use your XPath logic and apply it to php.  thanks for the heads up. that will make my life easier04:01
LukeRoan: there is a weird thing with the default namespace being "empty" so XPath could not find it04:01
RoanLuke: sorry I'm a little slow tonight--too much good food and wine at my friends house this eveing :)04:01
Lukeit took me forever to solve. In the instance, you name it something arbitrary for XPath. My example uses "r:"04:01
LukeRoan: no problem. I just wanted to let you know. I spent a week debuging something that took me a day to write because of this weird XPath quark04:02
Lukewith the namespaces04:02
Lukenamespaces.AddNamespace ("r", "");04:02
Lukeeven though the namespace is "", XPath needs to call it something so you have to arbitrarily name it04:03
Lukerejon: so did we ever resolve the svn thing?04:04
RoanI've just started with XPath and namespaces,  I was basically just going to search the svg and  rdf:RDF attributes for the url to see what it aliased04:04
rejonI think you should just put it into the experimental module since its not for public consumption04:04
rejonthen, if it becomes that way, or something, we can move over04:04
Roanrejon: yeah I'm positive I need to edit getid3.php.  Both from an email I saw from James of getID3 to Bryce and from getting the examples to work on my machine04:05
rejonI figured so04:06
rejonnot to second guess you or anything, just trying to keep the code changes down so they will accept it faster04:06
mlinksvathe correct url to use for pd is
mlinksvai'll have to read the backthread to answer more fully but won't be able to do so for a couple hours04:07
mlinksvaor maybe till tomorrow morning04:07
Lukerejon: ok thats fine. I have my own svn repo for it already. Is there any way I can keep the svn info?04:07
mlinksvai realize there is a discrepancy between the url used to describe PD unlike for the licenses.  that is going to be fixed rsn04:07
Roanrejon: no prob., the changes are minimal, and occur for every new file type they support--so I'm guessing it's not a big deal to them04:08
rejonmlinksva: wrd04:08
rejonLuke: svn export04:08
Lukerejon: then how do i commit that?04:08
Lukerejon: basically i'm affraid of screwing something up in the repo04:09
rejonwhat module are you going to import it into?04:10
Roanmlinksva: thanks for the info.  If it will be easier for you, I planned to post a message to cc-metadata with my questions about url info for the public domain license  and the xml namespace url for creative commons licenses (ie xmlns:cc="...")04:10
Lukei dont know what is appropriate for me to import into04:10
Lukerejon: ^04:10
rejonthe module called: experimental04:11
Lukeok so how do I commit my current svn repo into that module?04:12
rejonactually, I haven't imported a pre-existing repo into a current one04:13
rejondid you try svn import?04:13
Lukeyou mean export?04:13
Lukei'm trying to read more about it now04:13
Lukethe svn help files are pretty good at explaining this stuff too =)04:14
rejonsimilar principles04:14
Lukei just dont know how its going to work on the SF end with my permissions and all04:14
Lukerejon: i have a working 1.0 version of my code. Its not really experimental anymore04:16
Lukei'm just not sure how to package something like this04:16
rejonok, what I'm saying is that your code is not going to be released on this system right?04:16
LukeAaron Bockover was talking like he just wanted to patch it into Banshee HEAD right away04:16
rejonit is code that will be included in banshee04:17
rejonLuke: yes, do that04:17
Lukerejon: what system? cctools you mean?04:17
rejonthat is a better approach04:17
rejonLuke: right04:17
rejonLuke: why would you want to put that code on cctools anyway? Its for banshee, right?04:17
Lukeyea but its a CC patch for banshee04:17
Lukeand its not in HEAD yet =)04:17
Lukeaarons been away so i havent been able to talk to him more about this04:18
Lukesee my delema? I'm ready for a release but because of the nature of my code... i'm not quite sure how to go about doing this04:18
Lukei want planning on using the SF repo but nathan suggested it04:19
LukeI realize this isnt really your problem so if you'd rather i just wait, thats fine04:20
rejonI think there is no point to put in cctools repo04:21
rejonbetter to give banshee dev the patch and then keep working against that04:21
rejonyou don't want to confuse ppl. and be sorted to keep it in one place04:21
Lukeyea that sounds like a good idea04:22
Lukethanks for your guidance =)04:22
rejonI think better to do this and make your wiki page really good to try and get more ppl. helping with your code and spend more time abstracting your code and moving forward04:22
rejonif anything, I think best to put that CCLicenseLIb into cctools and you should pick that up as your own project04:22
rejoni think you've asked enough times04:22
LukeYea i'd like to do that as well04:23
rejonyeah, I think do that as well ;)04:23
Lukebut I'd like to get a clean Banshee patch working before moving to maintianing a new project04:23
rejondrink a big caffeinated beverage and rip into it!04:23
LukeI'm talking like... pick up cclicenselib in a month04:23
rejonyes, are tendency is for doing too much ;)04:24
Luke <-- this is what my plans are04:24
Lukeas you can see... just having completed my Summer of Code goals, I feel like there is still a lot more to do with banshee04:24
Lukeand then ending SoC with picking up maintainership of CCLicenceLib would be a nice clean transition04:25
Lukeso as you can see... i've pretty much agreed to everything you've told me. =D04:25
Lukei'm excited about this04:26
rejonyeah, its all about getting code out and talking about it more04:26
rejoncounter to the old models of hording it and showing less04:26
rejonok, i gotta get cracking on finishing my presentation for tomorrow04:26
Lukei've had almost no responds from the banshee devs. I think the reason being is that aaron is really the one and only dev04:26
Lukerejon: ok cool04:26
Lukethanks agian04:26
rejonLuke: yes...04:28
rejonwhich is actually quite bad for a project and is why so many projects stay away from big projects like gnome where its hard to give people access04:28
rejonfor, we have one person who helps just get people accounts...its all about getting more people keys and empower them to get their ideas in04:29
Lukei think gnome is slowly becoming more open. its getting too big for the core devs and people are realizing it.04:29
LukeAaron has been so enthusiastic about putting ccBanshee straight into HEAD but he's so busy that he doesnt have time to work with me on getting it ready. No one else in the banshee community really has any more authority than I do.04:30
rejonyeah, they should move it off to or another hosting provider so that more ppl. can help out04:31
Luketotally - but i'll let you work now =D04:31
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Lukemlinksva: the sample and sample+ licenses... why are they not listed on
mlinksvaRoan, thx, i'll respond on the list tomorrow05:09
mlinksvaLuke, /licenses/ is just informational, not intended to point to every single license05:09
Lukeoh really?05:10
Lukeis there a site that points to them all layed out in a table like that?05:10
mlinksvanot human readble, but
Lukeactually this is better than human readable for me =)05:11
Lukeoh wow I might be screwed05:12
Lukethere is no way I can deal with all those licenses in ccBanshee and keep it fast05:13
Lukeright now I have a table of all the licenses on and their matching logos05:13
mlinksvathat's probably not the right thing to do05:13
Lukedo you think ccBanshee should deal with all these licenses or is there a subset which is mainly used for music?05:14
mlinksvai have to run now but let's chat about it tomorrow.05:14
Lukewell actually going to the license site and parsing that too would cause a lot of overhead05:14
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cchelpbotNew news from CcBanshee <>06:03
paulproteusWhoa, since when do people *talk* on this channel?  /me reads scrollback06:08
Roanonly on sunday/early monday morning  :)06:09
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mlinksvajust reading back through last night's chat.  Roan, the correct url for PD is
mlinksvaluke, ideally an application like banshee doesn't know about any licenses15:58
mlinksvawhen encountering a url that claims to be a license, it looks up metadata for that url15:59
mlinksvathe looked up metadata says whether commercial use is prohibited, etc15:59
mlinksvaso what the code does need to know about are the license properties -- permissions/requirements/prohibitions16:00
mlinksvabut no actual license urls16:00
mlinksvaideally when you encounter a license url you haven't seen before you cache its metadata16:00
mlinksvaa very hacky but workable alternaitve would be to look for the path item following /licenses/ in the license url16:01
mlinksvaand your code knows that "by" means attibution, "nc" noncommercial,etc., with some special casing for publicdomain and sampling16:02
mlinksvai mean capital-L Luke16:02
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Lukemlinksva: ah i think I can implement that without too many problems - thanks18:03
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mlinksvaLuke, i'd love to code review your implementation, please send me a pointer when appropriate18:54
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