Friday, 2006-03-17

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SilivrenionOk, I have a question11:49
SilivrenionI have a schematic i've made, and I was wondering if creative commons can protect physical objects, like the object my schematic makes11:50
bkhlRegularly you would use a patent for that, which CC doesn't cover.11:51
Silivrenionwhen would it be appropriate to use CC for this purpose?11:52
bkhlYou can use CC to license the schematic itself.11:52
bkhlBut for instance building the thing and selling it might not be considered publication, and thus not covered by copyright, in some jurisdictions.11:52
Silivrenionall i want is my design to be protected. I don't care if people make profit over it11:53
bkhlBasically, CC covers your publication, but not the _ideas_ in it.11:53
bkhlWell, putting the schematic under CC won't be any different from doing it with any text or image.11:54
bkhlIt's just that it might11:54
bkhla) not automatically give recipients the right to build (though mostly that's probably fair use) or sell the items11:55
bkhlb) not actually apply at all to uses involving building the gadget, since that's not governed by copyright at all11:56
bkhlYou might be better off with a license like the GPLv3 (when that's done), which will probably include a patent disclaimer of sorts.11:56
bkhlIn essence, what you probably need to do is to include in your license some sort of promise not to hit any recipients with patent lawsuits over using the content.11:57
bkhlThere's a bunch of Free Software/Open Source licenses that does that, but no more general licenses, that I have seen.11:59
bkhlIt comes down to why patents suck, in addition to why copyright sucks, I guess...12:02
Silivrenionwell people will build things if they can, theres no stopping that, but the only thing that really can be protected is the circuit design and schematic12:03
bkhlBut it's not really clear if even the circuit design is covered by copyright, or just your particular print of it.12:03
bkhlHere (Sweden) reverse engineering is explicitly legal (for a little while longer, at least...), so it is probably still pretty clear.12:04
bkhlSo if someone would take one of your devices and make their own schematic, it wouldn't have anything to do with your copyright at all, only possibly patents you might hold.12:05
Silivrenionwell reverse engineering isn't necessary if my design is public -- but people using my design give credit12:05
bkhlBut they only have to if the stuff they do using the design is to be considered derivative works.12:05
Silivrenionare these limitations you can include in a CC license?12:06
bkhlThis is about when copyright is applicable at all or not, so there's nothing you can add or remove from the CC license to change it.12:06
bkhlThe CC license gives people certain rights they would otherwise be denied due to copyright laws.12:07
bkhlBut it can't add restrictions.12:07
Silivrenionhmm, so its a matter of when the whole open source idea moves to physical objects, thats when my design will be protected?12:07
bkhlIf it did, it wouldn't be a license anymore, but a contract, and would require a mutual agreement of some sort.12:07
bkhlThat's when copyright probably doesn't apply anymore, and you would need a patent.12:08
Silivrenioni see12:08
bkhlBut a patent would add complexity back to the copyright license.12:08
bkhlA CC license doesn't really grant any rights at all, if you can hit the users with a patent suit at any time.12:08
Silivrenionyah... well thanks anyway for the information12:09
bkhlSo the copyright license would have to include some sort of promise not to use the patent against people getting the thing under the license.12:09
Silivrenion:) alright, thanks again12:10
bkhlNo problem.12:10
bkhlJust don't take anything of this as legal advice. You would probably need to talk to someone legally trained in your jurisdiction.12:10
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