Wednesday, 2010-01-27

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luisv <- mlinksva representing ;)18:35
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tvolre: mlinksva - so rad18:52
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greg-gparoneayea: wow.19:45
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paroneayeagreg-g: mairin duffy shares part of the blame for this:
paroneayeaalthough to be fair19:47
paroneayeait is the name that makes fun of itself19:47
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greg-gparoneayea: nice :)19:52
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paroneayeanathany: devel call today?20:58
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nathanyparoneayea, yes, 20 min21:11
greg-gjust got this when trying to link an openid with a CC wiki account:
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nathanynkinkade, see greg-g's message ^^21:31
nkinkadeYeah, I saw it.21:31
nathanyok, thanks21:31
nkinkadeI was just hoping that by not saying anything the problem would go away on it's own.21:31
nkinkadeNo, seriously.21:31
nathanynkinkade, paroneayea -- call on the conf line21:32
nathany(either of you dialed in yet? room 4?)21:32
nkinkadegreg-g: What are the details of the error .. that is what OpenID provider were you using.21:32
nathanynkinkade, paroneayea --- are you guys on the line?21:33
nkinkadenathany: What line?21:33
nathanydev call21:33
nkinkadeDidn't we do 8 last time?21:33
nathanydon't remember21:33
nathanysure, 8 is good :)21:33
nkinkadeI"m in 8.21:33
nathanyno idea who the two people in 4 are :)21:34
nathanyparoneayea, we're in room 8, sorry for the confusion21:34
JED3paroneayea: how would you spell the noise you just made?21:36
nathanyJED3, with ascii art21:36
JED3your conference room onomonopia21:36
paroneayea|o_o|    *bee-dee-be-deep*21:37
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nkinkadegreg-g: What OpenID provider were you trying to use?22:15
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greg-gnkinkade: launchpad. It went from (gobbelty gook) to (they changed how they implemented their OpenID)22:27
nkinkadegreg-g: Try it again.22:34
greg-gnkinkade: worked!22:40
greg-gnkinkade: thanks!22:40
nkinkadeCool.  I just deleted the questionable entry in the table user_openid.22:40
nkinkadeI wasn't sure what that might break, but glad it worked out. :-)22:40
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