Turning Communications Technologies Into Tools For Free Speech And Free Culture

Mike Linksvayer

Creative Commons

Free Culture

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Free Culture

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Free Culture

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Copyright regulates speech

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Free Culture

For in a world that threatens $150,000 for a single willful infringe- ment of a copyright, and which demands tens of thousands of dollars to even defend against a copyright infringement claim, and which would never return to the wrongfully accused defendant anything of the costs she suffered to defend her right to speak--in that world, the astonishingly broad regulations that pass under the name "copyright" silence speech and creativity. And in that world, it takes a studied blindness for people to continue to believe they live in a culture that is free. As Jed Horovitz, the businessman behind Video Pipeline, said to me [...]

Lawrence Lessig, Free Culture, page 167-168.

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Free Culture

We're losing [creative] opportunities right and left. Creative people are being forced not to express themselves. Thoughts are not being expressed. And while a lot of stuff may [still] be created, it still won't get distributed. Even if the stuff gets made . . . you're not going to get it distributed in the mainstream media unless you've got a little note from a lawyer saying, "This has been cleared." You're not even going to get it on PBS without that kind of permission. That's the point at which they control it.

Lawrence Lessig quoting Jed Horovitz, Free Culture, page 167-168.

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Closed Culture

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Closed Culture

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Creative Commons

Watch Get Creative

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Legal Tools

Licenses, composed of simple attributes:

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Legal Tools

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Technical Tools

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Get Involved and Take Advantage

License your works

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Get Involved and Take Advantage

[Re]use licensed works

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Get Invovled and Take Advantage

Learn and Educate

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Q & A

These slides are available at http://mirrors.creativecommons.org/netsquared and licensed to the public under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 license.

Free Speech! Free Culture!

CC-S5 slide design by Nathan Yergler

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