Monday, 2008-09-08

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showtizzelNeed credit card numbers01:23
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greg-ga SoCal person asking for CC numbers? heh03:16
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paulproteusnathany, Your recent email about "the incorrect contact address" claism "We do provide credit cards or associated services."16:49
paulproteusNote the missing 'not'.16:49
paulproteusI'll reply all?16:49
nathanyyes, please16:49
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paulproteusnathany, D'oh, I spent about four or five hours chasing a bug that was entirely due to me mis-using the test framework.17:14
nathanythat's embarassing17:15
paulproteusThank, I appreciate your support.17:16
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nathanypaulproteus: but i'm glad we figured it out :)17:36
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* paulproteus quietly adds "tables for layout" code to the admin interface of Herder18:35
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bringatoweldoes anyone know a good "open source" or cc licensed news website?20:12
paulproteusbringatowel, Well, there's Wikinews.20:13
paulproteusWhat sort of news are you looking for?20:13
paulproteusThere are a bunch of CC-licensed newspaper websites as I recall, actually.20:13
bringatoweldo you know a good list or summary?20:13
bringatowelheadline news, politics20:14
bringatowelwikinews looks interesting, thanks20:14
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paulproteusTheir IRC channel may know more.20:14
paulproteusAs might #wikimedia.20:14
bringatowelwhose, wikinews?20:15
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bringatowelpaulproteus, can you think of any others besides wikinews?20:21
paulproteusbringatowel, If you search a web search engine for newspaper+creative+commons, you get a few hits.20:30
paulproteusBut I have no specific insight beyond Wikinews for now.20:30
bringatowelok thanks20:33
paulproteusSure thing!20:34
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mlinksvabringatowel: gatehouse (ref'd in the link paulproteus sent) is probably best known actual newspapers using cc license for original content.  IMO is more interesting than wikinews itself21:03
mlinksvaunfortunately gatehouse is using a not very interesting cc license21:04
paulproteusThis is awesome.  The functionality tests for Herder are perfect sample coding for scraping it.21:05
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bringatowelmlinksva, i will take a basic CC license over traditional copyright any day :)22:05
bringatowelgatehouse looks interesting, the best (i.e. most updated) website of theirs so far seems to be but there are not many stories from my area currently22:06
bringatowelone problem with wikipedia is that it is not supposed to contain original (primary source) research, which can be important for news reporting and journalism22:07
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mlinksvabringatowel: i'm not sure where to find a list of gatehouse publications, but they acquired my 'hometown' newspaper awhile back and put a cc by-nc-nd license on it :)22:48
nkinkadevarnishtop -i RxURL22:58
* paulproteus blinks22:58
nkinkade^^^ That's a pretty useful and interesting command.22:58
nkinkadeAnd so is varnishstat and also vanishhist22:59
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mlinksvankinkade: many of the name=... in (eg 2) have spurious &nbsp's in them that make the internal anchors not work, but are not obviously in the page's source23:40
mlinksvais this somehow related to the bug you found a workaround for?23:41
mlinksvaonly happens to some of them23:41
mlinksvaeg not #21 (me)23:41
nkinkademlinksva: Let me take a look.  The bug I and other have found occurs when a link (<a>) is the last thing on a line.23:41
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nkinkademlinksva: It does seem to be related to that bug.23:53
nkinkadeI suppose I could upgrade WP to 2.6.2 and pray that fixes it.  Or I could try to track down the bug.23:53
mlinksvawe should probabluy upgrade anyway23:54
mlinksvamaybe try that first23:54
mlinksvanot a huge rush23:54
nkinkademlinksva: In the meantime I fixed those links.23:59

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