Friday, 2006-11-17

rejon_mobileyou should ask on the cc-community list00:00
JemtOh, great. Where do I find that ?00:00
JemtThanks! :)00:01
mlinksvaJemt, you might try browsing tags at ccmixter, e.g.,
JemtOh, great. Thanks. I appriciate all suggestions :)00:04
mlinksvacourse stuff tagged with 'soundtrack' may be all over the map :)00:06
JemtChecking :-)00:06
rejon_mobilethat would be a great genre for a site/project00:07
mlinksvai have a hard time remembering what i've listened to, but "the tube" from might be good for that sort of thing00:10
mlinksvarejon_mobile, that cnn zune review is the best00:10
mlinksvawhy don't they like hire a designer?00:11
Jemtmlinksva: Seems their server is either very slow or down00:11
Jemtmlinksva: I can't access the music files00:12
mlinksvathe album is also on jamendo00:12
JemtGreat :)00:12
JemtHm, I can't find it00:14
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mlinksvabtw there's a #jamendo you might try there for more suggestions or if you have problems with their site00:16
rejon_mobilezune into it00:16
mlinksvaenuz fo siht tihs00:19
mlinksvarejon_mobile, r u going to be irl tomorrow?01:05
* paulproteus can't tell if "enuz" is supposed to mean "zune" of "enuf"01:12
mlinksvapaulproteus, both!01:13
paulproteusYeah, I was afraid you'd say that.01:13
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rahsa_aliasplz can anyone help me15:37
rahsa_aliasI have thix error in my file :   error: expected ‘;’ before ‘(’ token15:38
rahsa_aliasI'm under linux15:38
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rejonpretty big news:
rejoncc licensed the protocol17:54
bovinitythat was blogged on cc blog, um, a couple days ago17:56
mlinksvawhat the heck cc licensing a protocol means is another story18:17
rejonthat is similar lang. to what googoo said how they use cc licenses18:18
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rejonbovinity: you seen that script b4?18:52
rejonpretty cool18:52
rejonbtw, your font app/blog post is friggin cool18:52
rejonmark cuban sucks18:52
bovinityoh neat, i'll have to try that out18:53
bovinity... or just stick with vmware.18:53
tannewtmark cuban sucks?  Where'd that come from?18:53
rejontannewt: reading about his assault on gootube18:54
rejonthat guy sometimes seems pretty progressive, but then just goes on lame tangent when he's not in the club on some deal18:54
rejonbovinity: on vmware, does win32 code run pretty fast?18:55
rejonlooks like its avail. in gentoo18:55
bovinityrejon: sure, if you give it enough ram. ha18:55
tannewtrejon, right, it was kind of lame because he blogged about getting new ideas for the landmark theatres but never followed up on it18:55
rejonyeah, he is a transitionary individual, not revolutionary19:02
rejonlike the transition between baby boomer and us19:03
rejonI guess necessary19:03
rejonbut, man, still seems too propped up on star model19:03
bovinityrejon: are you coming in today>?19:06
rejoncoming in before 3 for nathan's thang19:07
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dpkpwell helloooo19:17
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rejondpkp: ok, fixing the sidebar21:06
rejonmy attn. is being diverted in 50 ways today21:06
rejonevery day21:06
bovinityToT aka project boomerang21:13
rejonI like that name btter21:15
rejonproject boomerang21:15
rejonboomerang is better name and apt21:16
rejonbovinity: can you help dana migrate project boomerang to our cclabs module please21:16
dpkpbov got my back21:17
rejonfirst you wanna kill me, now you wanna kiss me, ____21:18
rejonok, bbiab21:18
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rejonwhat would be cool is to have a big c23:09
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rejonfor copyright and have it go to cc site with copyright explanation and links to cc licensed stuff23:09
rejonwould be cool to have that work23:13
rejonwould allow for definition of copyright and direction to other content23:13
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