Tuesday, 2006-10-31

cchelpbotNOTICE: cron Tue Oct 31 00:04:26 UTC 2006: made new cchost snapshots : http://mirrors.creativecommons.org/cchost/packages/00:05
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cchelpbotNOTICE: cron Tue Oct 31 08:04:37 UTC 2006: made new cchost snapshots : http://mirrors.creativecommons.org/cchost/packages/08:07
tannewtrejon, how do I access POST variables from a PHP class like fourstones-import.inc08:11
tannewtthat works even if its included in another file?08:13
paulproteusSure, why not? (-:08:13
tannewtah, I see it08:13
paulproteusIt's PHP!  There's no structure.08:13
tannewtstupid me08:13
tannewttoo much java for me08:13
tannewtwhat form does $args['upload_date'] need to be in?08:28
paulproteusI don't know, but I'm going to bed now. (-:08:28
tannewtsleep well08:29
rejontannewt: right, $_POST08:30
tannewtrejon, got it08:30
rejonI usually use $_REQUEST because that is all $_GET or $_POST08:30
tannewtwhat is it that I add to see the data dump?08:30
tannewtadd to the url08:30
rejonoh, that isn't available anymoe from there08:31
rejonfrom the URL08:31
rejonremoved that option08:31
rejononly from the commandline script08:31
rejonin bin08:31
rejonits easy to use08:32
rejonphp cc-host-datadump.php --help08:32
tannewtI dont have a plain php command08:33
rejonwhat system are you using08:34
rejonyou have to have it08:34
rejondo a `where php` on the CLI08:34
rejon/usr/bin/php PATH_TO_CCHOST/bin/cc-host-datadump.php08:34
rejonshould be the same08:34
tannewtmy $PATH is botched08:35
rejonno, that is just fill-it-in08:35
rejonwhat I typed08:35
tannewtI dont have a /usr/bin/php08:36
rejonemerge php08:36
rejoni think its08:36
rejonemerge dev-php/php08:36
rejonCalculating dependencies... done!08:37
rejon[ebuild     U ] dev-lang/php-5.1.6-r6 [5.1.6-r4] USE="apache2 berkdb bzip2 cli crypt gd gdbm iconv* imap ipv6 ldap mysql ncurses nls pcre posix* readline reflection sasl session spell spl sqlite ssl truetype* unicode xml* xmlreader xmlwriter zlib -adabas -apache -bcmath -birdstep -calendar -cdb -cgi -cjk -concurrentmodphp -ctype -curl -curlwrappers -db2 -dbase -dbmaker -debug -discard-path -doc -empress -empress-bcs -esoob08:37
rejonthats what i get08:37
rejonyou  have to have the cli use flag set08:37
rejonadd to your make.conf08:37
rejonadd to your already set USE in that file08:38
tannewtah okay08:38
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tannewtrejon, are there a minimum set of tags I should set with each upload to indicate content type etc.?08:56
rejonthat is up to you08:56
rejoni would just set the minimum as video08:57
rejonfor your site08:57
rejonor rather, as the defaul feed tag08:57
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tannewtwell I'm mass importing photos right now08:57
rejoncool, is it working ok for you?09:00
rejoni think we should put all mass import scripts in bin09:00
tannewtI'm writing the script at the moment09:00
rejonif you submit as a patch to cctools, I will check it out09:01
tannewt / modifying it09:01
rejonafter that, and we accept, will give you access to svn09:01
rejonif you want09:01
tannewtbut PostProcessNewUpload is poorly documented09:01
rejonyes, this is true09:01
rejonbasically, its where all the magic is for uploads09:01
rejonplease help comment it09:02
tannewtI'd rather not because I don't like how things are run out of svn09:02
rejonthat is something that would be beneficial09:02
rejonwhat do you mean?09:02
tannewtunderstood but it'd be easier if someone who already knew would document it09:02
rejonwell, that is the point09:02
rejonif you document and send patch, then it will instigate someone to fix it up09:03
tannewthow major production sites are run off cchost pulled from svn09:03
tannewtfix the documentation up?09:03
rejonthat is how wordpress.com does it, that is how wikipedia does09:03
rejonits very common09:03
tannewtit makes me nervous09:03
rejonbut you don't have to if you don't want09:03
rejonit shouldn't09:03
rejonif we are that confident, then you should be09:03
tannewtbut I guess thats a consequence of poor webapp upgrade processes09:04
rejonbut if not, there are the packages09:04
rejonyes, cchost has the best out there by a long shot09:04
rejonsvn up09:04
rejonand in your browser09:04
rejonthats it09:04
tannewtI want to add the video but I need to figure out the annodex to cchost stuff first09:05
rejoni disagree09:05
rejonI would say get the video up first09:05
rejonand then work on the annodex support09:05
rejonstart from lowest tech to highest tech and not vice-versa09:05
rejonmy new approach09:05
tannewtbut it doesn't even allow for ogg theora support09:05
rejonyes it does09:05
rejonjust don't use getid309:06
rejonuse the pseudo-file verified09:06
rejonthat is what i set up on openfontlibrary.org for everything09:06
rejoni added all major font file types09:06
tannewtthumbnails also need to be created upon file/upload add instead of on the fly09:06
rejonfile it09:07
rejonadd to the it actually, there is one up there09:07
rejonin the request tracker09:07
tannewtI'd be willing to write it but I dont understand the big picture of cchost's code09:08
rejonits all event based09:08
rejonthus, just hook into the event for upload done, and attach that to a function or method and done09:08
rejonit will be called upon upload done09:08
rejonoh, for the pseudo verifier, looks like the magic file bytes for ogg are: OggS09:09
tannewtrejon, have you seen my install recently?09:10
tannewtooohhh, thumbnails :-)09:10
rejoncool! :009:10
rejonheya, you should make a div container with a specific height and width so the column is all in line09:11
rejoncool man09:11
rejonok, i need shower and sleep09:11
tannewtalright, sleep well09:12
rejoncool...yeah, honestly, please get in the habit of adding to feature requests and filing what you want09:13
rejoni feel like your requests are falling off the radar and it doesn' help to keep pinging me repeatedly about getting things dones09:13
rejonit just makes me not want to chat09:14
rejonand trust me, i love chatting09:14
tannewtI'll try my best09:14
rejonbut more importantly love to get work done and help plug you and others into hacking so we can all help clear code blockages09:14
rejonand other blockages09:14
rejonaka, need more fiber in diet09:14
rejonok, pce09:14
tannewtbye :-D09:14
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cchelpbotNOTICE: cron Tue Oct 31 16:03:44 UTC 2006: made new cchost snapshots : http://mirrors.creativecommons.org/cchost/packages/16:07
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tannewtrejon, data-dump isn't working for me21:02
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