Wednesday, 2006-09-13

cchelpbotNOTICE: cron Wed Sep 13 00:00:17 UTC 2006: made new cchost snapshots :
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blohello all, i am trying to get the new ccHost running for an k-12 educational bilingual education program and am having some errors, can anyone help?03:52
bloif so please email me @, all help is greatly appreciated and will make 2nd graders happy03:54
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bloare you working to develop ccHost?04:39
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ryanlerchive been helping test the openclipart cchost implementaion04:40
bloright on! i'd like to help out with that04:41
bloi'm trying to see if i can use it for a bilingual educational program here, but it seems to be only music04:41
bloi really need one that i can use for documents (aka lesson plans) any suggestions?04:42
blo(it = ccHost)04:42
ryanlerchwhat format are the docs in?04:42
blocould be whatever. check out to see the project website04:42
ryanlerchgimme a sec... ill have a squiz...04:43
blobasically what i want to do is to create a collaboratively developed cc-licensed bilingual ed. curriculum04:44
ryanlerchso people can put their documents up, and share and rate and review them...04:47
bloand modify other people's documents....AND so someone who creates a document can easily see all derivations of their document04:50
ryanlerchthe openclipart lib is now working for svg, but im not sure what other file formats are supported04:50
ryanlerchif you want to have a look04:51
bloi'm checking it out now...04:52
ryanlerchim pretty sure there is no versioning support at the moment for cchost, but there is the "remix"ing thing, which is surprisingly taking off in openclipart04:52
ryanlerchversions of different items uploaded into cchost that is04:53
ryanlerchbut it would be a useful feature for us as well...04:53
bloyeah, i think if ccHost could accept documents (particularly if it could do in-line editing!) it would be perfect for us04:56
blojoomla already has the in-line editing, if there was only some way to combine the versioning and remixing of ccHost with the joomla interface...04:57
ryanlerchyeah, im really not the best person to talk to, but if you hang in here for a bit, maybe someone with a bit more knowledge about cchost may poke thier head in the room :)05:00
blothanks for the help bro, much appreciated!05:00
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ryanlerchbro? you are not from NZ are you?05:01
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blonope, i'm from usa05:03
blosorry to say :(05:04
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blohi all, i'm wondering if anyone can field a question about ccHost for a k-12 educational nonprofit?17:31
mlinksvablo, maybe. what's your question?17:36
bloi am working with a bilingual education program called SITES (
bloand we want to create an "open source curriculum" of bilingual language-teaching materials17:37
bloi was looking at ccHost as an ideal backend but i need something for documents17:38
bloeither support for .doc files (or openoffice!) or even better, integration with the joomla CMS we already have set-up17:39
bloso teachers could edit documents in-line17:39
bloany suggestions?17:39
tannewtblo, so you want to be able to edit online? like a wiki?17:39
tannewtwhy not a wiki?17:40
blobut also so that each document was treated as an independent work, with it's own license17:40
tannewtah, hmm17:40
blothe idea is that teachers can maintain some control of their ideas/lesson plans/ etc under a cc LICENSE17:41
tannewtcan joomla edit those documents like a wiki?17:41
tannewtright, makes sense17:41
bloyeah, joomla is great17:41
tannewtso you just need the licensing bit in joomla?17:41
blosince they both use mysql is it possible to hook the two together?17:41
blobasically, but also a versioning function would be great17:41
bloso i could receive notifications when anyone makes a new version of my lesson plan17:42
blo(email notifications)17:42
tannewthmm, hooking two things together is always more difficult than it sounds17:42
bloi would certainly have no clue how to do it17:43
blobut you could also make a module for joomla, right?17:43
bloi just like the format of cchost17:43
blogreat work btw17:44
tannewtI've never worked with joomla or cchost, just drupal17:44
mlinksvablo, it is possible to make ccHost accept any file type, so .doc or OOo would be no problem17:44
blooh fantastic!17:44
mlinksvahowever, integrating cchost and joomla in one site would probably be a significant undertaking17:44
blowell i'll stick with simplicity17:45
bloi can run the content part purely on cchost and only use joomla for the news /etc17:45
mlinksvablo, i think it is an admin setting, rejon could say for sure if he wasn't away17:45
mlinksvathat split should work17:45
mlinksvayou might want to introduce yourself and post questions to the cctools-cchost list, where the main developers as well as other people using cchost for education will answer17:46
blogood idea! i just subscribed to the list yesterday, and i will post this there17:47
mlinksvagreat! :)17:47
blobut any idea how i could change that admin setting? the program is starting and it would be great to get a preliminary solution figured out asap...17:48
bloaka any hint on where to look?17:48
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mlinksvarejon, do you know?  see blo's question above18:10
blothank you all very much for the help...18:12
tannewtblo, good luck sounds like a cool project18:13
blothanks! i'd like to work with you all to apply this stuff to education18:14
bloi think the new CcHost is very very promising and hope I can use it in this project18:15
tannewtblo, I'm interested in making video and audio available for kids to use in projects etc.18:15
bloit's perfect for teaching languages, which is best taught spoken18:15
blomy objective is to wean schools off paying money for lousy textbooks for teaching languages and thus make language learning both cheaper and more interactive and thus effective18:16
tannewtblo, I agree, my German books in high school were tedious18:17
blothey're probably still teaching with the same books...18:18
tannewtI only graduated a year ago ;-)18:18
* tannewt grins18:18
* tannewt plugs, his project18:19
blowell, in that case the books have another 50 years coming...i'm checking out the plug18:19
tannewtblo, excellent18:20
blo tannewt, cool project! are you still on the road?18:22
tannewtblo, nope, it was from June 23 to July 2118:22
rejonwhat up blo18:23
blowhat up rejon18:23
bloperhaps you know the answer to the .doc question?18:23
rejonsure, i'm a cchost dev18:23
rejonlet me catch up on your posts18:24
rejonok, hi!18:27
rejonblo: all this sounds great18:27
rejonblo: we are adding a solution to cchost so you can allow any filetype blindly18:28
blowow, amazing!18:28
rejonright now we use a library called getid3 for doing this, but it doesn't support all filetypes, but allows us to embed metadata into several diff. types18:28
rejonhowever, we have recently added support for XML and SVG to cchost and getid318:28
rejonso, adding support to other doc. formats that route has been pioneered18:29
rejonI would recommend you to ask on the list and put some of the documents you would like to use online somewhere (give url) and ask if we can support18:29
rejonthere are a few other ppl. working on this teaching materials hosting project18:29
bloreally? i'd love to talk to them18:29
rejonI think you guys should a.) either coordinate b.) work together (more heads are better than one) c.) talk18:30
bloabsolutely, i had no idea anything was going on. any suggestions on how to get in contact with them?18:30
* tannewt needs to get on all CC mailing lists18:30
rejonthe most active ones are the cc-devel list18:31
tannewtI'm not saying I'll read all the emails18:31
rejonmlinksva: weren't you going to collapse the cc-metadata list to cc-devel?18:31
rejonhonestly, the cc-community one is maybe 1-2 emails every 1-2 weeks18:31
rejonI'm trying to get more ppl. onto that list18:31
tannewthmm, I'm already on -community, -devel and -education18:32
blorejon would it be possible to go beyond .doc support and actually have an in-line editor like mediawiki?18:32
mlinksvacctools-cchost is the best place to talk about cchost.  other folks working on cchost for education (teach forward) are on that list18:32
rejonblo: yes, all is possible ;) just more time18:32
rejonblo: that is another feature you should request...I've been wanting to add that as well to allow for editing of the pages inline18:33
mlinksvarejon, will probably collapse them eventually, but it isn't high priority18:33
rejonblo: also, I have been talking with joomla devs. about a cc licensing module for their thing18:33
blowow, that would be amazing...18:34
mlinksvarejon, isn't it possible right now to upload any file type by disabling getid3 via an admin or config setting?18:34
rejonthats a good question...I'm trying that right now18:34
blorejon: that is really what i need, and joomla already has the inline editing and i could have registered users18:34
rejonvictor set it up to allow one to turn it off18:34
rejonblo: the hard part about what you are doing, or rather tricky part is to make sure you use the same user/pass for both installations18:35
rejonyou don't ever want to have to dev. some synchronization code18:35
rejonbetter to just use the same db18:35
rejonso your ppl. don't have to login/logout18:35
rejonyet another feature you should pose on the list18:36
blorejon, tell me the easiest way to start from scratch for now18:36
rejonI would build your whole site in cchost18:36
rejonIf you want me to be frank, I can18:37
bloscratch joomla?18:37
rejonbut wait, I'm rejon18:37
rejonJoomla is okay for some needs, but if you want to jump on the bandwagon and have an awesome community, hook up with us :)18:37
rejonour dev. is really picking up18:38
bloabsolutely, sounds good to me!18:38
rejonvictor and I have been adding things to help customizations more18:38
blobut i need a site this week, because this program is starting...hence i made the joomla one @
rejonso you have development chops and/or no how to code?18:38
blonot so much...18:39
blojoomla is an easy backbone which is my saving grace18:39
rejondo you speak spanish?18:39
bloclaro q si18:39
bloyeah, i can help with any translations18:39
rejonI have 25% korean skills and 10% mandarin18:40
blowow, a precise learner!18:40
rejonbut I had a dream about everyone speaking spanish but me last night18:40
tannewtrejon, its because you live in California18:40
blocheck out my other project which is spanish-language-exchanges for adults18:40
rejonYes, we need a good spanish translation of cchost18:41
rejonthat is one of the big things we added in the last release is localizations upport18:41
rejonthats pretty cool18:41
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bloi actually know a drum-and-bass / techie in Santiago, Chile who would be totally into this. i am going to send him an email18:41
rejonblo: where do you live?18:41
blorejon: currently in oberlin, ohio. this summer in san francisco18:42
blorejon: born and raised in massachusetts, and i went traveling south america for a while18:42
rejonblo: too bad you didn't ping us in SF...we are in SF18:43
blowere you at linuxworld?18:44
bloi met some cc people at the booth18:44
rejonaha...ok, cool18:46
rejonCool, did you have tux tattoed on your forearm?18:46
rejonblo: I just tested cchost without getid3 and you can upload anything18:47
blorejon: no way!18:47
blohow can i take off getid3?18:47
blojust delete the folder?18:47
rejonin the "manage site" interface18:48
blook...i'm going there...18:48
rejonjust uncheck the "GetID3 File Verify Enabled" checkbox18:48
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blorejon: good work! that will definitely allow us to get started!18:52
bovinityblo: i think i remmeber meeting you at LWE18:53
blorejon: now if we could only do it all in-line within ccHost...18:53
bovinityi met a few people who were intested in cc/education related work18:53
blobovinity: i hope that's a good thing...lol18:53
blobovinity: i was the one talking about language learning18:54
bloanyone know where i could find someone who would host this site? obviously we don't have any money. If I can't find anywhere else I might put it on the public school network but it may be difficult for me to get permission to install programs /etc...18:58 might18:59
rejonhonestly, you shoule email the list and talk to ppl. doing similar efforts18:59
rejonreduce some fractions18:59
bloyeah you're absolutely right...i'll email the list today. better to mail -education or cchost-tools?19:00
mlinksvaprobably not -education, it was originally for education-related licensing discussions19:02
mlinksvathough i haven't checked it in a long time19:02
blothanks, i'll stick with the cchost list19:04
rejoncool blo19:07
blorejon thanks again for the help, i'm looking forward to helping you develop.  should i talk to the joomla people too?19:08
rejonThis is my constant recommendation: fastest line to getting your project up and running before anything else19:10
rejongetting ready to do a cchost 3.0.4 believe it or not19:16
rejonor rather 3.0.319:16
rejonjust posted up 3.0.2 and found some more bugs19:17
cchelpbotNew news from Reminder: Tonight is CC Salon, San Francisco <>19:22
blookay, thanks all, i'm off to show the new developments to the teacher i'm working with...19:33
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