Sunday, 2006-09-10

cchelpbotNOTICE: cron Sun Sep 10 00:00:10 UTC 2006: made new cchost snapshots :
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cchelpbotNOTICE: cron Sun Sep 10 03:00:13 UTC 2006: made new cchost snapshots :
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paulproteus_rejon, I got Ka-Ping Yee to give me admin access to!  Yippee!05:21
rejonvery cool05:27
paulproteus_Step 1: Convert it to svn!05:28
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CyberScript32what can CC o for protect the content ?05:30
rejonCC provides licenses for you to use05:30
rejonpaulproteus: awesome man05:30
CyberScript32if i don�t follow this licenses , for instance ?05:30
CyberScript32[rejon]: 05:30
rejonYou mean, if someone else does not?05:31
paulproteus_CyberScript32, Then you sue for copyright infringement.05:31
paulproteus_The licenses are void if you violate any of their terms, so then you can fall back on regular copyright law.05:31
CyberScript32[paulproteus_]: but the question is , how to know who was the owner of the content ?05:33
CyberScript32Both can say that was owners05:33
paulproteus_CyberScript32, "both"?05:33
paulproteus_All CC licenses require attribution.05:33
CyberScript32The owner and the thief, i mean.05:34
paulproteus_That's what copyright law is for.05:34
paulproteus_Imagine you choose to share some video under a CC non-commercial license.05:35
paulproteus_Or some photos.05:36
paulproteus_Then imagine someone tries to make money from them.05:36
CyberScript32OK, i�m reading , keep typing05:36
paulproteus_Computers can't stop copying, so CC licenses don't try to.  Instead, they make a broad range of content available for copying under some terms, so the people who want to re-use work can pick things under terms they like.05:36
paulproteus_If they ignore the terms, they're breaking the law.05:37
CyberScript32So , CC is just a WARNING , and nothing more?05:40
paulproteus_No, it's not a warning, it's an *offer*.05:40
paulproteus_Copyright law is already there if you want to restrict use.  CC licenses are there if you want to enable re-use, as I understand it.05:40
paulproteus_I can't imagine it working any other way - after all, CC licenses couldn't be any harsher than copyright law.05:41
paulproteus_But maybe you have some other ideas?05:41
CyberScript32not really. But for example. I publish my photos and you get them and publish too, violating some license from CC. Are a way they know who are the real owner of the photos ?05:43
paulproteus_CC provides a technology called "Verification links" that makes this at least slightly possible.05:45
paulproteus_ covers that a little.05:45
CyberScript32cool :)05:47
CyberScript32all is free in CC ?05:58
paulproteus_CyberScript32, What do you mean "all is free"?06:00
CyberScript32[paulproteus_]: services06:00
paulproteus_Creative Commons licenses offer the copyright holder a choice as to what freedoms he reserves and what freedoms he grants.06:00
paulproteus_The licenses don't cost money to use.06:00
paulproteus_But you can e.g. restrict commercial use of *your* work with the CC non-commercial license.06:00
paulproteus_Does that makes sense?06:01
cchelpbotNOTICE: cron Sun Sep 10 06:00:11 UTC 2006: made new cchost snapshots :
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cchelpbotNOTICE: cron Sun Sep 10 09:00:15 UTC 2006: made new cchost snapshots :
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cchelpbotNOTICE: cron Sun Sep 10 12:00:12 UTC 2006: made new cchost snapshots :
cchelpbotNOTICE: cron Sun Sep 10 15:00:13 UTC 2006: made new cchost snapshots :
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CyberScript32what for the RDF files inside the licenses of CC?15:18
CyberScript32anyone alive ?15:36
CyberScript32anyone alive ?16:31
cchelpbotNew news from Installing MozCC <>16:59
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cchelpbotNOTICE: cron Sun Sep 10 18:00:12 UTC 2006: made new cchost snapshots :
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cchelpbotNOTICE: cron Sun Sep 10 21:00:11 UTC 2006: made new cchost snapshots :
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