Thursday, 2006-08-24

mlinksvapaulproteus, just noticed a yacy update in freshmeat ... i've seen a few other distributed crawler projects over the years, but it looks like this is distributed search too ... on my pile of stuff to check out.00:24
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paulproteusrejon, How is that different from Planet?03:55
paulproteusAlso, did you hear about my "rssgrep" idea?03:55
paulproteusIt sounds like applying XPath to RSS would be the easiest way to do that, but I don't actually know XPath.03:55
rejongoogle for content04:08
paulproteusrejon, I have no idea what you mean.04:11
rejonWell, since ccHost spits out atom feeds (amongst others), we could create a good search engine that we could feed feeds to04:13
rejonI guess we wouldn't need to04:13
rejoncould just use wordpress and an agreggator plugin04:14
* paulproteus nods04:14
rejonbut then the search is shitty still04:14
paulproteusI hear FeedWordPress is a good such plugin.04:14
rejonnot granular and focused on media types, licensing, etc04:14
paulproteusRight, that's true.04:14
paulproteusThere needs to be more search that understands data, not just treats everything as plain text.04:14
paulproteusThe Google Revolution is that treating everything as plain text gets you really far really fast.04:15
rejonwell, thinking of a way to aggregate content since cc is not about aggregating content nor having a db of content04:15
paulproteusSo I've heard. (-:04:15
rejonhow to have an indy site that could be something like or something04:15
rejonwhich ppl. could feed their media feed to to find media04:16
paulproteusMaybe it would be better as a desktop app that did smart search against all known ccHost installs?04:16
rejonthere are big holes in my thought04:16
rejonhowever, trying to think of a distributed way to collect content04:17
rejonprimarily from feeds04:17
paulproteusI've been imagining a desktop application RPC system that goes across language boundaries lately.04:17
paulproteusEach program tells a central authority on the desktop "if you want (this property) of (this type of object), tell me".  (this property) is defined as the middle thing of an RDF triple, and (this type of object) is the first part of an RDF triple.04:18
paulproteusAnd the central authority caches the responses so performance isn't crazy bad.04:18
paulproteusThen you could stop writing interoperability software for everything.04:18
rejonwe should start pooling ideas for this on the cc wiki04:18
rejonmaybe some of these things exist already04:19
paulproteusRight, a good point.04:19
rejonor at least can extend04:19
rejonprobably best strategy04:19
paulproteusProbably definitely best strategy.04:19
paulproteusThat reminds me, would it be okay to support OpenID logins on the CC Wiki?04:19
paulproteusI'm soon going to play with OpenID in MediaWiki, and the (Free) world needs to start pushing OpenID hard imho.04:19
rejonwhy don't you do it first on ccHost04:20
paulproteusBecause there's already an OpenID plugin for MW. (-:04:20
rejonthat would be great04:20
rejonlets do it04:20
rejonpass it by mike, but i'm sure he's into it04:20
paulproteusmlinksva, read this in the scrollback and tell me what you think. (-:04:20
paulproteusThere was this "CC Licensing desktop search" thing I saw on the wiki.04:21
paulproteusWas that just a mockup?04:21
paulproteusIt's a good example of why a richly-semantic desktop would be great.04:22
paulproteusSo is the problem where XChat and gaim can both tell Evolution if someone is online.04:22
rejonyeah, i created04:22
rejonI find creating mockups really gets dev. interested04:23
rejonlearned this well with inkscape04:23
paulproteusJust like screenshots gets users interested.04:23
paulproteusAh, nice. (-:04:23
rejonworks really well, plus keeps myself from starting a million projects04:24
paulproteusYeah, I need your skill of creating good ideas others latch onto.04:24
paulproteusThat really rules.04:24
rejonyeah, i learned from kees and bryce (another inkscape dev)04:27
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rejonpaulproteus: who owns freeculture.org05:43
rejonpaulproteus: i have major idea and news05:43
paulproteusrejon, Uh, the domain, or the org?05:43
paulproteusrejon, #freeculture might be more appropriate?05:44
rejonthe domain05:44
paulproteusHe's skyfaller on #freeculture.05:44
paulproteusI'm the web team, though. )-;05:44
rejonok, where do you have cchost installed on there?05:44 , but it's mostly broken iirc.05:45
paulproteusSometimes I wish my todo list would fit on a page.05:45
* paulproteus is late-night hacking on a Drupal upgrade for laroia.net05:45
rejonis there a wiki on fc.o05:45
rejonok, i need to get more into fc.o05:46
rejonbasically, myself and some inkscape devs. just thought up a really great project05:46
rejonyou've seen revolution os, right?05:46
paulproteusAges ago. . . .05:46
rejonok, so bryce and i were trying to think up a way to make a new film like that, but more explain modern open source05:48
rejonmainly to get more ppl. into it05:48
rejonbut then realized we shoudl run it like an open source project05:48
rejonbut then realized05:48
rejonthat we should just use ccHost05:48
paulproteusWhoa, the upgrade didn't entirely break.05:48
paulproteusIn fact, it looks normal.05:48
rejonand during the next year at diff. events get interviews, etc, from other ppl05:48
paulproteusThat's a shock.05:48
paulproteusOh, right on.05:49
paulproteusre: ccHost05:49
paulproteusFilm clips on ccHost would be neat.05:49
WillySillyGood idea05:49
paulproteusAnd it would be a good tool for showing the editing process, too.05:49
rejonwe were initially thinking about making it about opensource, but then realized free culture is the term for the larger movment05:49
paulproteusI think getting filmers to actually produce it would be hard, though.05:50
rejonthat encompasses open content, source, free software and free content05:50
paulproteusGetting film kids excited about software freedom is tough.05:50
rejongetting to that05:50
* paulproteus awaits further instruction (-:05:50
rejonthen, there is the idea of spread.____.org05:50
WillySillyI know of one flim student who'd probably do it05:51
rejonsooo...what would you think about having spread. fc.o05:51
rejoncchost that mofo05:51
rejonand start collecting clips05:51
paulproteus(Random aside: I hate how my (A) priority tasks depend on (B) and (C) priority ones.)05:51
rejonget davis guggenheim (cc board and filmmaker behind inconvenient truth), among others into making a master powerful edit in a year05:51
paulproteusWell, if they would really do it, that would rock my socks.05:52
rejonbut, the general idea is to have this constant flow of video (and possibly other media) aroun these ideas, but mainlyl interviews and whatnot05:52
rejonby developers and others05:52
rejonaround these ideas05:52
paulproteusThat is in fact an interesting idea.05:52
paulproteusBecause the film paradigm is really powerful.05:53
paulproteusReminds me, I wonder how the "open source road trip" went.05:53
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rejoni dunno...good question05:58
paulproteus(This is why it would have been nice if the Free Culture Intern had been active with FC.o. . . .)06:08
rejonagree majorly06:09
paulproteusMargot was great, anyway, don't get me wrong.06:09
rejoni know06:09
rejoni know what you are saying06:09
rejonok, I will ramp up my participation with FC.o06:09
paulproteusWell, no matter, that's what the rest of the year is for. (-:06:09
paulproteusrejon, Awesome, thanks.06:09
paulproteusI get the feeling that your participation is a lot like magic pixie dust.06:09
rejonyeah, just so hard to stay involved in eerything06:10
rejonthx for the compliment06:10
paulproteusGot only so much pixie dust, eh?06:10
rejoni turn ppl. to faeries06:10
paulproteuslol, that's *exactly* what we need!06:10
rejonyeah, thats why the new cc shirts are going to be only in rainbow06:10
rejontrying to take a stronger presence in san francisco06:11
rejonyeah, i think my time would be better used in FC.o rather than icommons06:11
rejonbecause you guys are doing it from the bottom up06:11
paulproteusI thought iCommons was interested in doing it bottom-up, too.06:11
rejonyeah, ok, interested in both06:12
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manmadhai want to do graphics programs using "c" cc can compile the programs??11:11
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manmadhaany body there?11:33
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BjornWHi all! I had a discussion with a friend about the differences between crypto and drm, but somehow I can't really find a good argument to show the difference between the two. Anyone care to share their thoughts about this?20:17
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rolandaltonAnother question: We are working on a timestamp service for licensed works, mainly for non-U.S. creators (who cannot use the U.S. Copyright Office’s registration service). We'd like to use the validation-URL in the rdf. Is this still a valid concept? Looks to me a bit unsecure.20:33
mlinksvaBjornW, drm (typically) is a use of crypto, but the more typical use of crypto is to protect a message from third party attackers, while the typical use of drm is to "protect" the content from its user20:36
mlinksvathis comes up all the time, but i'm not finding any great references....20:37
mlinksva has a couple useful paragraphs20:37
BjornWmlinksva: yeah, I know. I spoke this guy from Philips that claimed that drm will be necessary for people so they are able to share their digital 'life' with friends and keep it protected from others. Would this by this definition still be called drm or not...20:39
mlinksvarolandalton, i'm not exactly sure what you're referring to.  do you have a url?20:39
BjornWmlinksva: thanks for the link. Checking it now20:39
BjornWrolandalton: are you working on registratedcommons ?20:40
rolandaltonyes, RegisteredCommons shall provide a timestamp for those who wish20:41
rolandaltonURL - that's exactly my problem - I've read it somewhere on the CC development pages but can't fond the exact specs anymore.20:41
rolandaltonI remember, that you can embed a URL in the rdf, pointing back to a reference page20:42
BjornWrolandalton: I tried to be at the talk from Marcus @iSummit, but somehow missed it. I hope to join you guys in Berlin during Wizard of OS20:43
rolandaltonWe had a PLONE developer sprint here in Austria with guys from Limewire last winter and we were trying to find out more about this backlink.20:43
mlinksvaBjornW, i suspect it is DRM but it depends on exactlty what is meant by "protected from others"20:44
rolandaltonWe were not convinced, that this is a secure reference concept.20:44
rolandaltonJust wanted to know, if there has been a further discussion on that issue somewhere.20:45
rolandaltonBjornW: Great to meet you in Berlin. We'll have the launch party there ;-)20:46
mlinksvarolandalton, you're probably thinking of
rolandaltonah, yes, it's dc:identifier20:49
rolandaltonwell documented (as all tech pages on CC) - just couldn't remember the keyword ...20:49
rolandaltonThe page also says: "Third parties can also build authentication services that provide additional assurance that the data is valid." That's exactly what we intend to offer.20:50
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rolandaltonWe generate a hash code around the work and store that together with the timestamp. We also need to ensure, that the dc:identifier doesn' gte altered.20:53
rolandaltonWill discuss it with the team. Thanks for the hint :-)20:53
BjornWmlinksva: 'other' would be all those not getting the rights from the content creator/owner. They would not get access or limited access.20:56
BjornWrolandalton: I haven't had the time to really go into it, but I would like to investigate the possibility to use your system in combination with Simuze ( and give people the ability to register their work. However before doing so we need to research the dutch situation a bit more thorough. Are you open for collaborations?20:58
BjornWmlinksva: I was recently asked to participate in a panel about drm somewhere in october and therefor I am researching this topic again. This time I plan to write a Dutch essay about drm as there isn't that much written about it in Dutch as far as I know. So if you have more reference material feel free to let me know ;)21:01
rolandaltonsimuze-coop: RegisteredCommons V1 will only have singular item registration by web. We don't have the resources until mid September to build APIs, which we probably would need to connect to your service and do bulk-registrations.21:03
rolandalton... but certainly this is our goals to co-operate with other content hosts.21:03
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rolandalton... so we'll talk in Berlin about it. There we'll also discuss the business model in the Friday 15th morning workshop.21:06
BjornWrolandalton: interesting...I'll probably can only be there late in the evening at the 14th, but you guys are up for the 15th?21:06
rolandaltonWe'll arrive 14th Sept afternoon and will be at WOS4 until Sunday. We'll have a little booth with the project, so it should be easy to find us.21:08
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BjornWOk. I'm already part of the mailinglist you set up so keep me updated and hopefully we'll meet in Berlin ;)21:17
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mlinksvaBjornW, i don't generally bookmark links about drm, so i don't have a list of resources offhand. from a technical advisor to CC is a great story.  it woud be great if you could throw in a bit about CC and digital righs expression contrasted with digital rights metadata.  i may have a couple slides of potential use that i could sned you.22:39
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