Monday, 2006-07-24

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Lukepaulproteus: you around?16:57
paulproteusLuke, Yup.17:09
Lukei'm writing nunit tests for my cc-sharp lib but i'm not quite sure about somethings17:16
Lukeshould I have like... test mp3 files included?17:16
paulproteusLuke, Give me a link to your source and I'll see.17:17
paulproteusTypically you just test the routines you wrote, trusting that others' code works the way it should.17:18
paulproteusLet me wait for SF not to be broken.17:19
Lukedamn sf17:19
paulproteusLuke, Just test the code you've written.17:25
Lukewhat'd you mean?17:25
Lukemike wanted "tests" =D17:25
Lukeeverything is tested and works but not in a formal way like nunit17:26
paulproteusLuke, Well, let me put it this way: Why do you think it works?17:26
paulproteusWhat exactly did you do to verify that?17:26
Lukei have main methods in my classes17:26
paulproteusLet's say I don't believe you that your XPathExpression is correct.  Can you write an Nunit test that shows that it is?17:26
Lukeuh... no you just have to use it i think17:27
Lukei mean you could?17:27
Lukeand because banshee uses it =D17:27
paulproteusLuke, Right, you write a unit test that uses it and makes assertions about the return value.17:28
paulproteusTypically you write one unit test per return possibility of each function.17:28
Lukeshould it all use the same MP3?17:28
paulproteusIf your functions aren't structured for easy unit testing, fix that. (-:17:29
paulproteusYou might be able to get away with restructuring your functions so they don't depend on MP3 input but instead so they're called on data pre-extracted from the MP3s.  Then you don't have to ship an MP3 at all.17:29
Lukewell they are... but i dont have that data to test it =D17:29
Lukeit could be anything, it just needs 3 variables17:30
Lukestring fileUri, string licenseUri, string metadataUri17:30
paulproteusI guess the easiest for you would be to bundle a few MP3s for testing.17:30
paulproteusI say "a few" because they would have to have different metadata for you to really do tests.17:30
paulproteusConveniently for you, you don't care about the contents of the MP3, so they can be 0 minute, 0 second MP3s with lots of metadata.17:31
paulproteusOr they can be 10 minutes of random noise if you'd rather.17:31
Lukethey need to be hashed17:31
Lukeso i need file data, and then i need a website17:31
paulproteusre: file data: just calculate the hashes using an external utility.  re: website: Don't you have web space somewhere?17:32
Lukeyea I do but should my test depend on my webspace?17:32
paulproteusLuke, For now, I guess it has to.17:33
LukeThere is a difference between bugtesting myself and prooving to others that i've tested it17:33
paulproteusMaybe once you have the tests written I can show you how I'd refactor them to avoid requiring the web site dependency.17:33
paulproteusLuke, This isn't about proving to others that you've tested it.17:33
paulproteusIt's about (a) when others make changes, so they can know if they broke things, and (b) when you make changes, you can automatically be notified of if you broke things.17:34
paulproteusIt's also for (c) showing people that their systems are weird when the automated tests work on your machine but not theirs.17:34
Lukeso it can depend on my personal website and mp3s and such?17:34
paulproteusIt's better if it doesn't, obviously, but it can.  The tests must run everywhere there is an Internet connection.17:35
paulproteusIt's also good for automated testing of e.g. new C# compilers or optimization settings.17:35
paulproteusIt also serves as documentation for how to use your API, since you're now guaranteed to provide examples.17:36
Lukeok thats what I thought. I can test most of my subrutines with no dependancies on my website but the final verificaion is very specific on how its supposed to work17:36
LukeI guess the actual verification class is kind of a special case17:37
paulproteusHere's what I suggest: Write all the tests you're comfortable writing.17:37
paulproteusAnd if the verification stuff can't *clearly* be shown to work just by looking at the code, then write a test for it.17:37
paulproteusIt's not so bad to have the tests depend on your website.17:38
Lukewell I could include an html file17:38
Lukebut its ok to have the tests depend on external files right?17:38
paulproteusAnd use a file:/ URI?17:38
paulproteusYeah, sure.17:39
Lukeawesome! thanks for your help17:39
Lukei'm gunna grab some lunch17:39
paulproteusSure thing.  Have fun eating.17:39
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gregdekmlinksva: ping :)19:06
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mlinksvagregdek, pong19:09
mlinksvagregdek, got your email, responding19:10
gregdekAwesome.  Real-time, heh.19:11
gregdekGot a couple of RH geeks who just joined the fray: alikins and lmacken.  The cchost stuff is great; we're digging through it right now.19:12
mlinksvaalikins, lmacken, hi and welcome.  rejon is a cchost developer who is often in this channel but not online right now.  the best place for cchost discussion is cc-devel@lists.ibiblio.org19:23
mlinksvai'm happy to attempt to answer anything though :)19:23
tannewtwhats the deal with cchost?19:23
mlinksvatannewt, what do you mean?19:23
tannewtI'm just interested in what you guys are talking about19:24
tannewtnot necessarily specifically cchost19:24
tannewtah, right19:26
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alikinsmlinkska: cool19:28
lmackenmlinksva: thanks19:40
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