Tuesday, 2006-06-06

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cchelpbotNew news from http://creativecommons.org/weblog/rss: Remix Art in Second Life <http://creativecommons.org/weblog/entry/5925>01:22
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cchelpbotNew news from http://wiki.creativecommons.org/wiki/index.php?title=special:recentchanges&feed=rss: Salon Future Events <http://wiki.creativecommons.org/Salon_Future_Events>10:54
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paulproteusnathany, Hey now, I'm the new CC tech intern.17:15
nathanypaulproteus: hey, welcome17:16
nathanyyou going to be on the call this afternoon?17:16
paulproteusAt least, I think so. (-:17:16
nathanyok, great; ML & I usually chat on Tuesdays @ 2p PT17:17
* paulproteus checks calendar17:17
paulproteusI know about a staff call that's at 8am tomorrow morning.17:18
paulproteusHuh, that *is* early.17:18
paulproteusmlinksva hasn't mentioned your call to me, though.17:18
paulproteusApparently I'm supposed to be checking out _Second Life_ then.17:18
mlinksvai wasn't thinking that far ahead.  i guess it would be good to have a call w/nathan and you17:19
mlinksvais there another time today that works for both of you?17:20
paulproteusmlinksva, I'm transferring the paper calendar to Evolution now; I'll say something in a few minutes.17:20
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paulproteusmlinksva, The hour between the end of the KEI talk from 12-1 and the Second Life thing at 2 would be fine.17:32
mlinksvaok, let's plan on 1:30 pt17:32
nathanysounds good17:34
cchelpbotNew news from http://wiki.creativecommons.org/wiki/index.php?title=special:recentchanges&feed=rss: CcPublisher <http://wiki.creativecommons.org/CcPublisher>17:35
mlinksvabovinity and paulproteus, let's talk about the survey app just before then 1pm or shortly after17:41
paulproteusSounds good.17:42
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paulproteusnathany, mlinksva, are we interested in Debian or Ubuntu packages (official or unofficial) for cc-publisher?18:01
nathanypaulproteus: yeah, definitely... we would need to do some thinking about where things get installed, etc, but in general, absolutely18:02
paulproteusOkay, mlinksva, if you want me to look closer into that (and how this would fit with the Debian Python Policy, etc.), let me know.18:02
nathanythere's  a Debian Python Policy? :)18:04
paulproteusnathany, Dude, there's a Debian Everything Policy.18:04
paulproteusBut yes, there's also a Debian Python Policy.  For where files go, etc.18:04
nathanyah, ok18:04
paulproteushttp://www.advogato.org/person/Rippit/diary.html?start=2 - that's sad.18:05
paulproteus"I couldn't find a contact address on ccPublisher's web page so I just emailed my bug report to Lawrence Lessig."18:05
paulproteusThat's *hilarious*.18:05
nathanyhilarious, but unfortunate18:06
nathanyi've not heard anything about rendering mp3s unplayable in iTunes... QuickTime, yes, but not iTunes18:06
paulproteusiTunes uses QT for playing.18:06
paulproteusOn Macs, at least.18:06
nathanyyeah, but the issue we had with an old release only impacted QT (which I know makes aboslutely zero sense, but it was reproducible)... haven't tested with a recent version of iTunes18:08
paulproteus(Wow, that's odd.)18:08
mlinksvapaulproteus, yeah of course i'd love to have .debs for ccPublisher, preferably in main :), work with nathany on it as you appear to  be doing18:09
cchelpbotNew news from http://creativecommons.org/weblog/rss: ccPublisher: A Day for Releases <http://creativecommons.org/weblog/entry/5926>18:17
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cchelpbotNew news from http://creativecommons.org/weblog/rss: Wednesday, June 14 in San Francisco: CC Salon <http://creativecommons.org/weblog/entry/5927>21:58
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